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Chemical constituents from seeds of
Ferula sinkiangensis
Simultaneous determination on absolute bioavailability of preparation of
Chuanxiong Radix
components in rats by method of AUAWC and HPLC
Dynamic Changes of Ferulic Acid and Coniferyl Ferulate in Chuanxiong Rhizoma during the Sun-drying Process
Chemical constituets of Sparganium stoloniferum
Effect of sodium ferulate and total glucosides in paeony on tumor growth and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in H_(22) mice
An observation on pollinating insects and their flower-visiting behavior on Ferula sinkiangensis (Umbelliferae)
Rule of breaking Ferula fukanensis seed dormancy under low-temperature and content changes of endogenous hormone
Chemical constituents from roots of
Ferula sinkiangensis
Clinical study on sodium ferulate for intracerebral hemorrhage in early stage
Morphological and anatomical characteristics of the fruit of Chinese
and related taxa in Apiaceae
Comparison Study on Soil Nutrient and Photosynthetic Characteristics of
Ferula ferulaeoides
at Different Growth Periods
Developmental and anatomical studies on the floral nectaries in
Ferula sinkiangensts
Ecological distribution and diversity of medical Ferula species produced in Xinjiang
Differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neurons induced by sodium ferulate
Minor Phenolic Constituents of Chinaberry-tree (Melia azedarach)
Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Anemone altaica Fisch. Ex C. A. Mey.
Studies on pharmacokinetics of ferulaic acid, Rhizoma Chuanxiongand Naodesheng capsule in rat
Protective Effects of Sodium Ferulate and Ethanol Sediments from Danggui (Angelica sinensis) on Immunological Liver Injury
GC-MS fingerprint of
in vitro
anti-gastric cancer active parts from roots of Uygur medicine
Ferula ferulaeoides
Antidepression constituents from
Angelica Sinensis Radix
in Xiaoyao Powder
New Taxa of the Chinese Umbelliferae (2)
On the physical chemical and soil microbial properties of soils in the habitat of wild Ferula in Xinjiang
Karyotypes analysis of Ferula fukanensis
Effects of borneol on distribution of sodium ferulate in plasma and in brain regions of mice
Cytotaxonomy of Ferula L. in China
Observation of synergistic anti-inflammatory effect of combination of sodium ferulate and oxymatrine
Studies on the Mechanism of Inhibitory Action of Sodium Ferulateon Liver Lipid Peroxidation in Mice
Effect of Sodium Ferulate on Proliferation of Rabbit Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Oxidized LDL
Resistance physiology of ephemeral plant Ferula ferulaeoides irradiated by low-energy ion beam
Chemotaxonomic Studies in Ferula of China on the Basis of Flavonoids
Simultaneous determination of four components in Hedyotis diffusa
oral solution by reversed-phase HPLC
Studies on chemical constituents in herb of
Centella asiatica
Chemical constituets of
Sparganium stoloniferum
Observation of synergistic anti-inflammatory effect of combination of sodium ferulate and oxymatrine
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