New Combinations in Armeniaca Mill. and Cerasus Juss. (Rosaceae) Relationship Between Contents of Mineral Nutrient Elements and Peroxidase Isoenzyme in Leaf of Wild Cerasus humilis Primary Studies on Physiological Response of Two Varieties of Cerasus humilis to NaHCO3 Stress Effects of Storage Conditions and Plant Growth Substances on the Activity of Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok. Pollen Overexpression of ChPSY Gene from Cerasus humilis Improved Carotenoids Synthesis in Transgenic Tomato Overexpression of ChPSY Gene from Cerasus humilis Improved Carotenoids Synthesis in Transgenic Tomato Chemical components of flavonoids from the gum of Cerasus conradin Microbe diversity in the rhizosphere of Cerasus plants Leaf Epidermal Micro-morphology Characteristics of Wild Cerasus humilis(Bge.) Sok. of Yanshan Mountains Genetic Relationships of 39 Cerasus Cultivars by ISSR Analysis Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cerasus by SSR Markers Study on the Identification Method of a System of the Cerasus Plants Germplasm Resources Study on the Identification Method of a System of the Cerasus Plants Germplasm Resources Study on the Morphological Variations of Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens in Different Populations Effects of Electrostatic Field on Rooting and Related Physiological and Biochemical Functions of Cerasus subhirtella var.pendula Cuttings Relationship between Leaf Epidermal Micro-Morphology and Stomata Indices and Mineral Elements Content Variations in Leaves and Fruits of Cerasus humilis Effects of the Drought Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Two Cerasus humilis Provenances Effects of Phenolic Compounds on the Growth and Key Enzymes in Respiration of Cerasus sachalinensis Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Populations Genetic Structure in Wild
Chinese Cherry from Sichuan Province Using SSR Markers
Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Prunus pseudocerasus Populations from China as Revealed by SSR Markers Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Prunus pseudocerasus Populations from China as Revealed by SSR Markers A New Middle-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jing Ou 2’ A New Middle-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jing Ou 2’ A New Early-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jingou 1’ A New Early-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jingou 1’ Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Populations Genetic Structure in Wild
Chinese Cherry from Sichuan Province Using SSR Markers
A New Fresh-eating Cultivar of Chinese Dwarf Cherry(Cerasus humilis Bunge)‘Nongda 7’ Preliminary study on intraspecific hybridization of Cerasus pseudocerasus and interspecific hybridization with C. avium Effect of High Level of 6-BA on the Endogenous Hormones Level Changes in the Vitrification Seedling of Prunus cerasus Kinetic Characteristics of Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake by Cerasus cerasoides Cuttings and Seedlings Kinetic Characteristics of Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake by Cerasus cerasoides Cuttings and Seedlings A New Variety of Chinese Dwarf Cherry ( Cerasus humilis Bunge) ‘Nongda 3’ Cerasus campanulata var. wuyiensis, a New Variety of Rosaceae in Wuyi Mountain Stigma Receptivity, Stigma Morphology and Fruit Set of Yantai Sweet Cherry (Cerasus avium) Change of Mineral Nutrient Elements Content in Growing Period of Cerasushumilis Studies on Shoot-tip Culture of Prunu pseudocerasus Pollen morphology of the Maddenia clade of Prunus and its taxonomic and phylogenetic implications Effects of Adding Phenolic Compounds on Respiratary Metabolisms ofCerasus sachalinensis Kom. Seedling Fluctuations of Oxidase Activities and Carbon and Nitrogen Content during the Rooting Process of Sweet Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6’ Softwood Cuttings Vegetative Growth Traits Cluster Analysis for Wild Cerasus humilis and Relationship with Fruit Mineral Nutrient Absorption Effect of NaHCO 3 and Drought Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Cerasus humilises Change of Mineral Nutrient Elements Content in Growing Period of Cerasushumilis A New Variety of Chinese Dwarf Cherry ( Cerasus humilis Bunge) ‘Nongda 3’ Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cerasus by SSR Markers A new variety of Cerasus from Shandong, China—Cerasus serrulata var. taishanensis A new species of Cerasus (Rosaceae) from Xizang (Tibet), China Anatomical studies on the fruit development of dwarf cherry Studies on Shoot-tip Culture of Prunu pseudocerasus In vitro Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Sour Cherry Studies on Differentially Expressed Genes in Flower Bud During DormancyRelease in Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl.‘Duanbing’ Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms on Root Respiratory Metabolism and on Biomass in Seedlings of Cerasus sachalinensis Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms on Root Respiratory Metabolism and on Biomass in Seedlings of Cerasus sachalinensis Variation in Different Forms of Calcium Distribution Rate in Different Tissues and Organs of Wild Cerasus humilis During Growth Stage Cerasus humilis Secondary Xylem Vessel Elements Structure and Fruit Calcium Content Phenotypic Variation in Natural Populations of Cerasus campanulata Maxim. Taxa Nova Rosacearum Sinicarum (V) Effects of continuous drought on soil bacteria populations and community diversity in sweet cherry rhizosphere

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