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Effect of nitrate nitrogen leaching of paddy field based on swing manure application in the Yellow River irrigation district of Ningxia
Effect of irrigation method on dry mass and nitrogen and potassium utilization of maize under different water and nitrogen conditions
Effect of different irrigation and fertilization strategies on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and enzyme activity
Effects of alternate partial root-zone irrigation on physiological characteristics and water use of maize under different water and fertilizer conditions
Effects of different drip irrigation methods under plastic film on physiological characteristics and water use efficiency of protected cucumber
Simulation study on the effects of irrigation on soil salt and saline water exploration
Effect of supplemental irrigation with harvested rainwater on w atermelon (Citrullus lanatus) production in gravel-and-plastic mulched fie lds in the Loess Plateau of Northwest China
Water relation characteristics of four perennial plant species growing in the transition zone between oasis and open desert
Differences in lead (Pb),zinc (Zn),and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in plant tissues of 24 asparagus bean cultivars grown on lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mining wastewater-irrigated farmland
Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on growth and development of maize root system
Effects of Salicylic Acid on Physiological Characteristics and Yield,Quality of Broccoli under Different Lower Limits of Flood Irrigation
Controlled Water Supply of Four Species of Landscape Plants in Beijing
The effect of water management on the mechanism and rate of uptake and accumulation of cadmium by rice growing in polluted paddy soil
Effects of Different Cultivation Patterns on the Yield and Physiological Characteristics in Mid-Season
Effects of Supplemental Irrigation Based on Testing Soil Moisture on Dry Matter Accumulation and distribution and Water Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat
Effects of Partial Root Zone Irrigation on Leaf Photosynthetic Curves and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Naked Oat
Characteristics of Nutrient Uptake and Accumulation in Wheat and Rice with Continuous Cropping under Super-High-Yielding Cultivation
Characteristics of Water Use and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in Different High-yielding Wheat Cultivars under Supplemental Irrigation Based on Soil Moisture
Effects of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation during Grain Filling on the Seed-Setting Rate and Grain Weight of Two Super Rice Cultivars
Effect of different drip irrigation amounts on microclimate and yield of winter wheat
Effect of regulated deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on maize leaf protective system
Response of root morphology and biomass of
Tamarix ramosissima
seedlings to different water irrigations
High-yielding cultivation practices of winter wheat in large acreage
Effects of water deficit on cotton growth,physiology and yield
Courtyard planting, micro-irrigation technique and eco-agriculture
The eco-environment of irrigation in the Northwest and countermeasures
A preliminary study on the regulated deficit irrigation system of winter wheat
Optimum matching between soil infiltration body and crop root system under trickle irrigation
Effects of irrigation on alpine grassland Northern Tibet
Ecological risks and sustainable utilization of reclaimed water and wastewater irrigation
Profile distribution patterns of soil organic carbon and the rate of carbon sequestration in Ningxia Irrigation Zone
Quantitative study of water consumption characteristics of winter wheat under deficit irrigation
Key temperatures of corn and sunflower during cooling process in Hetao irrigation district, Inner Mongolia
Effect of irrigation during grain filling stage and applying phosphate on the photosynthetic efficiency and yield of winter wheat in the fluvo-aquic soil area
Effects of water deficit and supplemental irrigation at different growing stage on uptake and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in winter wheat
Study on the fertigation and its application
N,P,K uptake by winter wheat and maize as influence by different combinations of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer
Studies on Media Formula for Pot Azalea Subirrigated by Ebb and Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics
Effects of Different Drip-Irrigation Modes at the Seeding Stage on Yield and Water-Use Efficiency of Spring Maize in Northeast China
Effects of Drip Irrigation on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Leaves and Bracts in Cotton at Late Growth Stage
Simulation of Winter Wheat Yield in Response to Irrigation Level at Critical Growing Stages in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain
Effects of Water Management and Slow/Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers on Biomass, Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation, and Distribution in Rice
Effects of Different Drip Irrigation Systems on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Intercropping System of Cotton and Potato
Effects of Drip Irrigation Patterns on Wheat Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Heilonggang Region
Effect of Interaction between Nitrogen Rates and Irrigation Regimes on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice
The interplanting between tomato and maize of soil temperature dynamics under mulched drip irrigation
Effect of nitrate leaching of winter wheat field based on straw application in the Yellow River irrigation area of Ningxia
Effects of Partial Root-zone Alternative Irrigation on Distribution of
C-assimilate and Photosynthesis Capability of Peach Trees
Effect of Nitrogen and Irrigation on Yield, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Corn Seed Production in Hexi Area in China
Research Progress on Evapotranspiration Estimation Based on Remote Sensing and Its Application in Irrigation Water Resources
Effects of Irrigation Amount on the Growth and Physiological Indexes of Drip Irrigated Spring Wheat
Effects of Irrigation and Sulphur Application on Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat
Effect of Brackish Water Irrigation on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Protective Enzyme Activities in Melon Leaves of Various Developmental Stages
Constituents in Root Secreta of Haloxylon ammodendron (C. A. Mey. ) Bunge Seedlings at Different Ages
Influence of Water Supply on Wood Property of Populus deltoides
Effects of Container Types and Sizes on Water Consumption and Growth of Containerized
Pinus tabulaeformis
Seedlings under Sub-Irrigation
The Relation between Water Supply and Tree Growth of High-Yield Poplar Plantation in Dry Area
Effects of Partial Rootzones Irrigation on Endogenous Hormones and Growthof Apple Branches and Leaves
Grain Yieldand Water Use Characteristics of Winter Wheat under Micro-sprinkler Irrigation
Effect of phosphorus application under drip irrigation on the productivity and quality of alfalfa in Northern Xinjiang
Effects of super absorbent polymer application rate on soil nitrogen of spring-sown naked oat in two irrigation systems
Influence of different fertilizer formulations on the growth of safflower (
Carthamus tinctorius
) on secondary salinization soil in a drought irrigation area
Effects of irrigation and N supply levels on soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and
grain yield of spring wheat on no-tillage farmland with standing stubble
Research progress on application of recycled water for irrigating green plants
Influence of different soil coring methods on estimation of root distribution characteristics
Analyzing the impact of irrigation quantity on biomass and water use efficiency of main grasses in artificial grassland in Inner Mongolia
Effects of water and fertilizers on nitrate content in tomato fruits under alternate partial root-zone irrigation
Meteorological grading indexes of water-saving irrigation for cotton
Plant growth, reproduction and biomass allocation in response of clonal plant Spartina anglica to alternative irrigation of fresh and saline water
The influence of irrigation with paper mill effluent on enzyme activity in the saline-alkaline lands of Yellow River Delta
Effect of different fertilization and irrigation practices on soil ammonia volatilization of Arecanut (
Areca catechu
Effects of water and phosphorus supply on morphology and structure of special root hairs on nodal roots of wheat (
Triticum aestivum
Ammonia volatilization loss in Huang Huai winter wheat cultivation areas under irrigated and rainfed conditions
Effects of dairy effluents irrigation on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat and soil nitrate nitrogen
Effects of Half -and Whole -rhizoshpere Droughts on Osmosis - regulating Substances in In Vitro Seedlings of Gala Apple (Malus pumila Mill.)
Effects of irrigation and fertilizer application regimes on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaves and yield traits of wheat
Effects of Limited Irrigation on Some Photosynthetic Functions of Flag Leaves i n Winter Wheat
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