Callus Induction and Inhibition Effect of Citric Acid on Browning of Kentucky Bluegrass Callus Nutrient Release Characteristics of Four Slow and Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer in Different Environmental Conditions Influences of ABA,Sucrose and Silicon on Enhancing Shade Tolerance of Two Lawn Grasses Effects of Mixed Application of Both Fast-release Fertilizer and Slow-release Fertilizer on Kentucky Bluegrass in Summer Effects of Drought Stress and Rewatering on Physiological Characteristics of Three Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Optimization of the Accelerated Ageing Condition for Kentucky Bluegrass Seeds Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass Effect of Low Temperature Stress on Physiological Process of Kentucky Bluegrass Heat Stress Effects on Osmotic Potential , Membrane Fatty Acid Composition and Lipid Peroxidation Content of Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Differing in Drought Tolerance A Study on the Technique of Plant Regeneration from Mature Seed Embryo of Kentucky bluegrass in vitro Physiological Response and Performance Evaluation of 18 Kentucky Bluegrass Turfgrasses under Drought and Heat Stress Effect of Plastic Film Mulching on Prolonging Turf Green Period in Winter Changes of Growth Characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass under Water-nitrogen Interaction Hormone Regulation and Tillering Ability of Different Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties Effects of High Temperature Stress on the Activities and Isozymes of Antioxidant Enzymes in Kentucky Bluegrass The Influence of Soil Water Condition on the Evapotranspiration and Clipping Yields of Three Cool-Season Turfgrasses Effects of Fertilizing Amount and Mowing Height on the Brown Patch of Kentucky Bluegrass Soil moisture dynamic and root growth of Kentucky bluegrass turf Salt Tolerance Analysis of Transgenic Kentucky Bluegrass with CMO-BADH Double Gene and CMO Gene Genetic Diversity in Kentucky Bluegrass Based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) Analysis Effects of Fertilization on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass Affects of Mowing Frequency and Stubble Height on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass/Tall Fescue Nutrition effects on growth and endogenous hormones in kentucky bluegrass Heat Stress Effects on Osmotic Potential , Membrane Fatty Acid Composition and Lipid Peroxidation Content of Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Differing in Drought Tolerance EMBRYOLOGY STUDY ON KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Ⅲ.MULTIPLE EMBRYO SACS AND POLYEMBRYONY RESEARCH ON APOMIXIS IN KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Study on the Evapotranspiration and Water Saving Ability of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Physiological response to drought stresses and drought resistances evaluation of different Kentucky bluegrass varieties Effects of drought preconditioning on physiological responses to heat stress in two Kentucky bluegrasses Study on Culture Condition of Bacillus mucilaginosus Isolated from Rhizosphere of Kentucky Bluegrass Physiologic Responses of Kentucky Bluegrass Seedling to Mine Recycled Water Stress Alleviation Effect of ABA on the Wild Kentucky Bluegrasses under Heat Stress Preliminary Study on Allelopathic Potential of Viola yedoensis On Turfgrass

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