Effects of parasitism on biological invasion in intraguild predation Intraguild predation among predatory insects Hippodamia variegata, Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysopa pallens at different stages Effect of plant extracts and some biorational insecticides on egg hatch, survival and predation rates of Menochilus sexmaculata (Fabrieius) and Coccinella trasversalis Fabricius:the key natural enemies of cruciferous vegetable aphids in south Chin Effects of Sublethal Doses of Insecticides on Predation of Multicolored Asian Ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Cole- optera: Coccinelliodae) Two-sex life table and predation of Chrysopa pallens (Rambur) feeding on Megoura japonica (Matsumura) STUDY OF DISTANCE-DEPENDENCE ON CASTANOPSIS CHINENSISSEED IN CONIFEROUS AND BROAD-LEAVED MIXED FOREST OF DINGHUSHAN, CHINA A STUDY ON PREDATION OF Coccinella septempunctata ON DIFFERENT RANGES OF STARVATION Nest predation of Great Tit inside nest boxes Predation of Serangium japonicum on Bemisia tabaci Effect of Acorn Burying Depth on Germination, Seedling Emergence and Development of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Seed Dispersal, Seed Predation, and Seedling Spatial Pattern of Garcinia cowa (Guttiferae) STUDIES ON PREDATION AND SIMULATION MODEL OF SEVEN SPOT LADYBIRD, COCCINELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA L. TO WHEAT APHID,MACROSIHUM AVENAE F. Predation of Wood Pecker on some Pests in Poplar Plantation A SEROLOGICAL APPRAISAL ON THE PREDATORY FUNCTION OF NATURAL ENEMIES TO PADDY STEM BORER Spatial chaos of metapopulation incurred by Allee effect,overcrowding effect and predation effect Dynamical system model with predation risk in patchy habitats and its numerical simulation research Selective predation of Delphastus catalinae (Horn) on Bemisia tabaci (Gennad-(ius)) and Tetranychus nr. Fijiensis Predation of Propylaea japonica on Aphis medicaginis Application of latent root regression method in analysis of predation of predatory natural enemy in paddy field Effect of mutual interference and spatial heterogeneity on predation of adult Chrysopa septempunctata Species preference and spatiotemporal patterns of predation by rodents Development of a monoclonal antibody to Collembola and its application on
predation evaluation
Bt cotton impacts on the growth and predation behavior of spiders Studies on Predation of Thanasimus dubius(Col.: Cleridae) on Tomicus piniperda(Col.: Scolytidae) Influence of Risk Sound Signal on Behavior Pattern of Pika Predation of Orius sauteri nymphs on Frankliniella occidentalis nymphs The predatory function of Pirata subparaticus(Boes.et Str.) on three important rice insect pests in a multispecies coexistent system Predation and Dispersal of Quercus liaotungensis Acorns by Chinese Rock Squirrel and Eurasian Jay The prey preference of Orius sauteri on western flower thrips and two-spotted spider mite Effects of consumer diversity on food web structure and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and perspectives Cotyledon loss and its effects on survival and growth of Quercus wutaishanica seedlings under different densities STUDIES ON THE DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON, NESTLING FOOD COMPOSITION AND PREDATION IN NESTLING PERIODS OF GREAT TIT PARUS MAJOR ON LARVAE OF DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS AT LONGSHAN FOREST FARM, ANJI COUNTY, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Functional response and searching rate of giant Asian mantis Hierodula patellifera (Serville) nymphs to litchi stink bug Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury) nymphs Progresses on the researches of interacting metapopulations Seed and seedling ecology of the endangered Phoebe bournei (Lauraceae) Effect of burial and environmental factors on seedling recruitment of Quercus liaotungensis Koidz Seedling regeneration of Quercus liaotungensis in Liupan Mountains, China Impact of starvation on predation by male adult Chrysopa septempunctata Predation of Harmonia axyridis nymph on Schizaphis graminum Grey system analysis on dominant natural enemies influencing Aphis gosspyii population Diet composition of Difflugia tuberspinifera (testate amoeba) based on a clone library technique The effect of low-dose of pesticide on predation of spider and its preliminary mechanisms Bat Components in the Food of Wintering Long-eared Owls in Beijing Feeding and parasitic functional responses of the parasitoid Aphelinus asychis Walker to green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Effects of temperature on predation of the thrips Echinothrips americanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by the predatory bug Orius sauteri (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) Prey Responses of Propylaea japonica in Different Instars to Acyrthosiphon pisum under Growth Chamber Condition Potential nest predators of Syrmaticus reevesii based on camera traps and artificial nests. The effects of two insecticides on predation function of predatory natural enemies Effect of interference factors on predations of Oxyopes sertatus (L.) Koch (Araneae:Oxyopidae) and Harpactor fuscipes (F.) (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) on Spodoptera litura (F.) Predation of Agelena difficilis