Study on Consecutive 8 year Effect of Fertilizer to Juvenile Masson Pine Plantation Genetic Analysis and Breeding Value Predication of Seedling Seed Orchard of Masson Pine Genetic Variation of Cone Production in Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine Evaluation on Productivity of Plus-tree Open-pollinated Families from Natural Stands of Masson Pine Study on Mediums for Seedlings in Pot of Masson Pine and Chinese Fir The Accumulation and Change Trend of Storage Substance of the Masson Pine′s Seed Kernels in It′s Developing Procedure Studies on Resistance of Pine Species and Masson Pine Provenances to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and the Epidemic Law of the Nematode in Nanjing Growth and Nutrition Developmemt of Seed and Cone of Masson Pine Geographic Pattern of Chemical Components in Wood and Pulp/Paper-making Properties in Natura1 Stands of Masson Pine Variation,Genetics and Strategy on Selection Breeding of Pulp Wood of Masson Pine A Preliminary Study on the Flowering and Fruitfulness in Pinus massoniana A Study on Petrova cristata in Masson Pine Seed Orchard OBSERVATION ON EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT OF MASSON PINE A STUDY ON MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MALE/FEMALE FLOWERS OF MASSON PINE STUDY ON THE GRAFTING TECHNIQUE OF INDUCING ROOT FROM SCION IN MASSON PINE STUDIES ON THE DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON, NESTLING FOOD COMPOSITION AND PREDATION IN NESTLING PERIODS OF GREAT TIT PARUS MAJOR ON LARVAE OF DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS AT LONGSHAN FOREST FARM, ANJI COUNTY, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Provenance Selection for Pulpwood of Masson’s Pine Studies on Prediction Methods of Seed Crop for Masson Pine(Pinus massoniana) A Study on Cold Tolerance of Various Seed Sources of Masson Pine Effect of Close-to-Nature management on the natural regeneration and species diversity in a masson pine plantation Effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi (tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch)on the biomass of masson pine (Pinus massoniana) seedlings under simulated acid rain GROWTH AND YIELD MODEL SYSTEM FOR MASSON PINE PLANTATION STUDIES ON THE DYNAMIC CHANGE OF THE COMMERCIAL BIOMASS OF MASSON PINE PULPWOOD STANDS AND ITS MODELING Relationship between Growth Traits and Growth Stress of Masson Pine Provenance Variation in Growth, Stem-Form and Wood Density of Masson Pine at 24-Year-Old and the Provenance Division Effects of Planting Density on Growth and Economic Benefit of Masson Pine Plantation Comparison of Nonlinear Regression Equation with Intercept and Segmented Modeling Approach for Estimation of Single-Tree Biomass Using Measurement Error Modeling Method to Establish Compatible Single-Tree Biomass Equations System Distribution pattern of nutrient elements in masson pine plantation of Anhui province Biological Characteristics of Storage Pest Plodia interpunctella of Masson Pine Pollen Research of methane metabolic microbial community in soils of slash pine plantation and Masson pine plantation Colorimetric Assay to Determine In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Against Clinical Isolates: Enhanced Activity in Damaged Chinese Masson Pine Needles THE DISCOVERY AND PRELIMINARY STUDY ON NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA FROM THE ROOTS OF MASSON PINE SAPLINGS STUDY ON THE ENDOGENOUS INHIBITORS IN MASSON PINE(PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB.) CUTTINGS MANAGERIAL REGULATION AND SIMULATION OF THE LOROPET ALUM CHlNESE-PlNUS MASSONlANA FOREST FOR WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION GENETIC CONTROL OF WOOD CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS AND ITS IMPLICATION FOR WOOD BREEDING OF MASSON PINE MORPHOLOGY OF WOOD FRACTURE OF CHINESE FIR AND MASSON PINE STUDY ON PLANTING DENSITY AFFECTING OF THE WOOD PROPERTIES OF MASSON PINE

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