Effects of different disturbance ways on the diversity of pine forest invaded by pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) Predicting the Impact of Climate Warming on Growth of Masson Pine Using Provenance Regional Trials Effect of Silvicultural Techniques on Growth of Young Masson Pine Plantation Studies on the Relationship of Amino Acid Content of Different Masson Pine Provenances and Their Resistance to Pine Wood Nematode (PWN) Study on Masson Pine′s Seedling Cultivation Using Root-unfolding-container and Half-light-medium Studies of Insects and Rat Feeding on the Cones and Seeds in Masson Pine Seed Orchard Achievements, Problems and Its Countermeasures of Genetic Improvement of Masson Pine Growth Response of Masson Pine Plantation to Fertilization:Two Years Results Determination of Optimum Seed Sources for Paper-pulp Wood of Masson Pine Study on the Change of Needle Nutrient Element of Masson Pine under atmospheric Pollution Studies on the Seasonal Susceptibility of Masson Pine Caterpillar to Insecticides and Its Application Effect of Long-term Storage on Seed Quality of Masson Pine Genetic Analysis and Combined Selection for Growth and Wood Quality of Open-pollinated Families of Masson Pine Selection of Fine Provenance of Masson Pine for Afforestation Regions A Primary Research on High-Yield Provenances of Masson Pine Pollen Selection of Mycorrhiza Fungi with Masson Pine and Their Inoculation-Effects in the Nursery Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Evaluation of Good Families in Pinus massoniana The Cultural Conditions for the Proliferation of a Symbiotic Fungus (P.t) with Masson Pine Effect of Fertilization on the Survival Kate of Pine Afforestation Geographical Variation of Resin Components between Masson Pine Provenances Tracheid Length Variations within and among Trees in Plantation of Masson Pine Studies on X-ray Contrast Method for Testing Germinability of Masson Pine Seeds Relationship between Graft Effect and Morphology, Structure, Nutrient Composition of Scion at Different Developmental Phase in Pinus massoniana The Differences of Infection by Japanese Pine Bast Scale between Thin- and Thick-Bark Masson Pine GROWTH AND FEEDING AMOUNTS IN THE NESTLING PERIOD, FUNCTIONAL AND NUMERICAL RESPONSE OF GREAT TIT TO CHANGES IN MASSON PINE MOTH DENSITIES THE MEASURE FOR MAINTAINING MOISTURE AND TECHNIQUE FOR PRUNING TO GRAFT TREE OF MASSON PINE INHERITANCE AND VARIATION OF JUVENILE GROWTH TRAITS IN OPEN POLLINATED FAMILIES OF MASSON PINE‘S NATURAL STANDS STAGE REPORT ON PROVENANCE TESTS OF MASSON PINE IN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi(Pisolithus tinctorius) of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana)on Soil Microbial Metabolic Function under Simulated Acid Rain Effect of limestone and magnesite applications on masson pine(Pinus massoniana) forest growing on acidified soil Studies on the structure and improving techniques of the masson pine community in Longdong River Valley Observation on the Mature Period of Masson Pine Male Cones and Its Climatic Impact STUDY ON THE SAPTIAL DISTRIBUTION PATTERN AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE OF MIXED POPULATION OF MASSON PINE‘S CONE BORERS GENETIC ANALYSIS OF SEEDLING GROWTH TRAITS ON MASSON PINE STUDIES ON NUTRIENT ELEMENTS CYCLING AND DENSITY EFFECT OF POLE STAGE OF PINUS MASSONIANA STAND THE SEASONAL CHANGES OF BIRD COMMUNITY AND BIRD SPECIES DIVERSITY IN MASSON PINE(PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB.) PLANTATION IN NORTHERN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE WINTER AND SUMMER BIRD COMMUNITIES AND BIRD SPECIES DIVERSITIES IN MIDDLE AGE AND YOUNG MASSON PINE PLANTATIONS IN NORTHERN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON WAYS TO PREDICT SEED YIELD OF MASSON PINE EFFECTS OF PLANTING DENSITY ON GROWTH, PAPERMAKING CHARACTERISTICS OF WOOD AND ECONOMIC BENEFIT OF MASSON PINE STANDS Soil Active Carbon Pool under Different Types of Vegetation PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CLASSIFICATION ABOUT DAMAGE DEGREE OF HEMIBERLESIA PITYSOPHILA TO MASSON PINE FORESTS A STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AMONG MASSON PINE NATURAL POPULATIONS BY ISOZYME DISTRIBUTIONS IN DAIYUN MOUNTAIN AREA OF FUJIAN PROVINCE STUDY ON BIOLOGICAL CYCLING OF MICROELEMENTS IN PINUS MASSONIANA PLANTATIONS Effect of Acidity and Aluminium on the Growth of Pinus massoniana Seedlings The Probability Distribution and Sampling Simulation of the Tracheid Length in Masson Pine A Study of Growth Development of Male Strobilusand Pollen Collection of Masson Pine A Fast-Growing Elite Variety of Masson Pine ‘The Seeds from Primary Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine in Guangxi Tengxian Damangjie’ Effect of La(NO3)3 on Root Growth and IAA Content of Masson Pine Seedlings Construction of Molecular Linkage Map in Masson Pine Using RAPD Markers and Megaga metophytes from a Single Tree Seasonal responses of soil respiration to simulated nitrogen deposition in a citrus plantation and masson pine forest in Mt. Jinyun, Chongqing, China ATMOSPHERIC SO2 POLLUTION AND DECLINE OF MASSON PINE(PINUS MSSONIANA)FOREST IN NANSHAN, CHONGQING Study on Change Laws of Biomass and Productivity of Masson Pine Forest Plantation Ⅱ.Biomass and Productivity of Stand at Different Ages Variations in Wood Properties of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana L.) Plantation Shoot Growth Behavior of Superior Masson Pine Provenances under Different Phosphorus Environment Breeding Objectives for Reducing Pulp Production Costs of Masson Pine under Different Management Models Remote Sensing Monitoring of Dynamic Changes of Leaf Area Index in Masson Pine Stands Preliminary Study on the Climatic Productive Potential of Masson Pine Stands in Anhui Preliminary Discussion on Biomass Timber Differentiation and Density Effect of Masson‘s Pine Pole Stands A Preliminary Demographic Study of Pinus massoniana at Jinyun Mountain, Sichuan Province Dynamics of nutrients in an age sequence of Pinus massoniana plantation. Development of IRAP Markers Based on Genomic LTR Retrotransposon Sequences in Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) Influence of fire on a Pinus massoniana soil in a karst mountain area at the center of Guizhou Province, China Analysis the effect of region impacting on the biomass of domestic Masson pine using mixed model A STUDY ON OPTIMUM CULTIVATION PATTERNS OF BUILDING TIMBER PLANTATION FOR MASSON PINE IN GUIZHOU THE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON OPTIMUM CUTTING AGE OF PULPWOOD STAND FOR MASSON PINE PLANTATION A STUDY ON SOIL EROSION IN MASSON PINE YOUNG STAND A STUDY ON APPLICATION EFFECT OF FERTILIZER IN MASSON PINE YOUNG STAND EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT SILVICULTURAL TECHNIQUES ON GROWTH OF YOUNG MASSON PINE PLANTATIONS STUDY ON RATIONAL CUTTING AGE OF BUILDING TIMBER OF MASSON PINE PLANTATION IN GUIZHOU PROVINCE Response of net productivity of masson pine plantation to climate change in North Subtropical Region Relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and NDVI in North Subtropical Region Microwave Deresination of Masson Pine: Model Formulation and Solution Resistance Analysis of Pinus massoniana Provenances to Maturation Feedings by the Adult of Monochamus alternatus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus The litter-fall characteristics and their response to drought stress in the Masson pins forests damaged by acid rain at Chongqing, China Development of compatible biomass models for trees from different stand origin Changes in Amount, Nutrient Contents and Turnover Time of Forest Litter after Interplanting Hardwood Species Under Masson Pine Stand Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Changes of Chinese Fir and Masson Pine Seeds during Storage Effect of Flow Rate and Pressure Difference on Determination of Air Permeability of Masson Pine Response of masson pine seedling to chronic harm of SO2 Comparison and Analysis of Using Goal Programming and Rotation Cutting Formulas to Determine Forest Harvest

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