Premature Tapetum Degeneration: a Major Cause of Abortive Pollen Development in Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterility in Rice Abscisic Acid-mediated Epigenetic Processes in Plant Development and Stress Responses Molecular and Functional Characterization of Sphingo-sine-1-Phosphate Lyase Homolog from Higher Plants Lanthanum Prevents Salt Stress-induced Programmed Cell Death in Rice Root Tip Cells by Controlling Early Induction Events Programmed Cell Death in Relation to Petal Senescence in Ornamental Plants Overexpression of the OsPDCD5 Gene Induces Programmed Cell Death in Rice Study on the Systematic Position of Tetraena Maxim Micromorphology of Leaf Epidermis of Chimonobambusa (Bambusoideae) Contribution of molecular cladistics to the taxonomy of Rutaceae in China* Morphological development of the spikelet and the floret in Dendrocalamus ronganensis (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) Phylogenetic position of the monotypic genus Metapolypo- dium Ching endemic to Asia: evidence from chloroplast DNA sequences of rbcL gene and rps4-trnS region Materials for Chinese Viscoideae On Paphiopedilum malipoense sp. nov.—An Intermediate Form Between Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium, with a Discussion on the Origin of the genus A Study on the Chinese Ormosia Jacks. (Cont.) Comprehensive efficiency analysis of forest engineering projects in coastal areas based on Super-efficiency DEA model: a case study of Yuhuan, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province The seasonal change patterns of production and mortality of fine roots in young Caragana korshinskii plantation Material flow analysis and data envelopment analysis based regional eco-efficiency analysis: case study of Jiangsu Province ULTRASTRUCTURAL OBSERVATION ON PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH OF NUCELLUS IN PENNISETUM SQUAMULATUM A NEW ORNAMENTAL BAMBOO FROM CHINA Age Structure and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Endemic Plant Camellia mairei var. lapidea Population in Guizhou Province, China A Prileminary Study on Species Classification of the Genus Phyllostachys (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) Based on Vegetative Characters in Nonsprouting State Diversity of Bamboo in Brazil Evaluation of Surface Water Quality in Forest Catchment Based on Euclidean Distance Model with Varying Weights Recent Advance in the Study of Caspase-like Proteases Involved in Plant Programmed Cell Death Discussion on the Natural Mortality and Its Mechanism of Lac Insect (Kerria lacca) Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acacia dealbata Effect of PUL Allelic Variation on Rice Cooking and Eating Quality Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Subfam. Polypodioideae (Polypodiaceae) A Preliminary Study on Phytogeography of the Tribe Thermopsideae (Papilionaceae) Pollen Morphology of Rosoideae (Rosaceae) of China A CONTRIBUTION TO THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND PHYLOGENY OF PODOPHYLLOIDEAE (BERBERIDACEAE) THE DYNAMIC VARIATION OF 20-HYDROXYECDYSONE IN CYANOTIS ARACHNOIDEA Chemical constituents in leaves of Ilex ficoidea Chemical constituents from seeds of Taxus yunnanensis Studies on chemical constituents of Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans Influence of External Conditions on the Occurrence of Sexual Stage in Cordyceps Effect of ginsenosides from Panax ginseng on pr oliferation of human osteosarcoma cell U2OS Fruit Morphological Characteristics of Three Woody Bamboos from Yunnan, China Revision on Cephalostachyum Munro (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in China Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo,a New Species of Pseudosasa of Bambusoideae from China Role of the alternative respiratory pathway in mediating the cell death induced by NaCl stress on tobacco suspension cells Effects of Competition on Growth Rate and Probability of Death of Plant Individuals: a Study Based on Nursery Experiments of Larix leptolepis Populations Construction of the urban water environmental pollution control system based on the ecological ideas of water sensitive urban design Evaluation of leisure agriculture based on DEA in Hebei Province - The case of Hebei leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration sites Determinating zinc accumulation, sub-cellular distribution and chemical forms of Thalia dealbata Fraser TWO NEW COMBINATIONS OF BAMBUSOIDEAE REVISION OF SCIENTIFIC NAME OF DOTTED BITTER BAMBOO (BAMBUSOIDEAE, ARUNDINARIA) Expression of BECTLIN Ⅰ gene in the leaf callus of Nicotiana benthamiana Structure Characteristics of Dead Tree in Dominant Species Populations in An Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Baishanzu Extracellular H2O2 and NADPH Oxidase are Involved in the Copper-Induced Cell Death Primary study on transforming Cucumis melo var.I with ACC-deaminase gene Effect of physiological and chemical changes of deastringent Huoshi by heat treatment A NEW SPECIES OF PTEROMALIDAE(HYMENOPTERA:CHALCODOIDEA)PARASITIZING MOSO-BAMBOO EURYTOMID FROM CHINA FOUR NEW SPECIES OF CAMOPHOR TREE-FEEDING PSYLLIDS FROM SOUTH CHINA(HOMOPTERA:PSYLLOIDEA) EFFECTIVE OF HOT-WATER AND HIGH TEMPERATURE TREATMENT FOR CONTROL OF THE PINE WOOD NEMATODE AND THE VECTOR OF PINE WILT DISEASE DIED WOOD TWO NEW GENERA OF BAMBUSOIDEAE FROM S. W. CHINA 2. QI0NGZHNEA HSUEH ET YI FOUR NEW SPECIES OF BAMBUSOIDEAE IN CHINA MISCELLANEOUS NOTES OF THE FLORA OF YUNNAN ROOT CULTURE AND β-ECDYSONE FORMATION OF CYANOTIS ARACHNOIDEA Advances in the Systematics and Biogeography of the Bambusoideae(Gramineae)with Remarks on Some Remaining Problems THE DETERMINATION 0F β-ECDYSONE FROM CULTIVATED CYANOTIS ARACHN0IDEA A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE CULTIVATION 0F CYANOTIS ERECHNOIDEA Pollen Morphology of Prunoideae of China(Rosaceae) Pollen Morphology of Spiraeoideae in China Research ideas on oral absorption of multi-component in Compound Danshen Preparation and their interaction Inhibition on inflammatory cytokine expressions in heart and lung from brain death rats pretreated with Buyang Huanwu Decoction Effect of Clematis Asiabell (Codonopsis clematidea) and Pilose Asiabell(Codonopsis pilosula) on SOD and MDA of Mouse Brain STUDIES ON THE PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH IN THE PROCESS OF ENDOSPERM DEGENERATIONIN IN EUCOMMIA ULMOIDES OLIV A NEW VARIETY OF ANEMONE Growth Promoting Effect of Hydrogen-oxidizing Bacteria in Soybean Rhizosphere Systematic Position of Dodartia L.Inferred from Five Gene Regions Non-apoptotic programmed cell death induced by extract of Spatholobus suberctus in human lung cancer A549 cells ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of Coptis deltoidea Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Acyl-CoA-binding Protein 2 (MdACBP2)Identified from Malus domestica Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Acyl-CoA-binding Protein 2 (MdACBP2)Identified from Malus domestica Identification of an Apple NBS-LRR1 Gene and Its Expression Analysis Differential Expression of Anti-apoptotic Genes in Extensive and Absorbing Roots of Malus hupehensis and Their Response to 2,4-D A study on the decomposition of Aneurolepidium chinense standing dead litter in Songnen grassland Gap formation features of humid evergreen broad-leaved forest in central subtropical Wawushan Mountain,Sichuan Province,China The utility of the morphological variation of pollen for resolving the evolutionary history of Billia (subfam. Hippocastanoideae, Sapindaceae)

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