BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS INDUCED BY THE INNER-TARGET REACTION OF ACCELERATED~7LI~(+3) IONS WITH WHEAT EMBRYO STUDY ON THE RADIATION STERILE MECHANISM OF CHINA MULBERRY WILD SILKWORM CYTOGENETIC STUDY ON THE IRRADIATION-INDUCED LOW SEEDINESS OF Citrus tangerina Hort. Cytological observation and analysis of isoenzyme patterns in three types of hairy roots transfromed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4 Karyotypical studies of 6 species of Androsace(Primulaceae)in China with reference to their systematic significance Cytological study of backcross plants Chinese Spring ph1b mutant with different Aegilops by common wheat Studies on karyotypes of four species of Cymbidium in China Karyotype analysis of Sphallerocarpus gracilis and Trifolium pratense from China Studies on differentiationpotential and chromosome stability of embryogenic callus in subcultures of Picea Wils. Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Studies on Interspecific Cross Compatipility between Ogura Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and B. oleracea var. acephala Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum Studies on Interspecific Cross Compatipility between Ogura Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and B. oleracea var. acephala Karyotypes of Different Strains in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Zanhuang Dazao’ The Effect of Triazine Herbicide Atrazine on the Chromosome Structure, Protein Content and Compositions in Oryza sativa L. Response of 1 000-grain Weight to FACE in CSSL Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Development of Primers Specific for LMW-GS Genes at Glu-D3 and Glu-B3 Loci and PCR Amplification Cytological Study on Bidens bipinnata L. Cytological Study on Eclipta prostrata L. A Study on Chromosomes of Semen Trigonellae(Trigonella foenumgraecum L.) and Semen Vaccariae [VaCCaria segetalis(Neck.)Garcke] Microdissection and PCR Amplification of Single Cunninghamia lanceolata Chromosome Applications of Flow Cytometry in Higher Plant Research Chromosome Numbers and Karyotypes of Colutea delavayi (Leguminosae) Endemic to China and Two Adjacent Species New Chromosome Counts and Their Taxonomic Implications in Primulina sensu lato (Gesneriaceae) Cytology of Thirteen Taxa in the Genus Isodon (Lamiaceae: Nepetoideae) from China THE DEVELOPMENT AND IDENTIFICATION OF MONOSOMIC SERIES OF A SPRING WHEAT“ZHONG 7902” The Development of a Blue Marked Nucleus Male Sterile Line and Its Maintainer in Bread Wheat Cytogenetic Studies on Barley Plants Regenerated from Immature Embryo Culture and Their Progenies Identification and related gene locating of tolerance to low phosphorus stress in wheat-relatives Identification of Wheat Chromosomes Sorted by Flow Cytometry Response of Plant Height to Free Air CO2 Enrichment in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Chromosome Location and Linkage Analysis of a Few Agronomical Important Traits in Foxtail Millet High Molecular Weight DNA Preparation from Nuclei or Chromosomes of Root Meristem of Wheat Chromosome counts in the Genus Calamagrostis s1l ( Poaceae) from Southwestern China* Cytology of Dicranostigma and Glaucium (Papaveraceae) from China Genome Size Estimation of Viburnum (Adoxaceae) Species by Using Flow Cytometry* Karyotype Analysis of Five Species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) in China Karyotypes and Chromosome Numbers of Eight Species from the Family Asteraceae in the Hengduan Mountains and the Adjacent Regions Chromosome Atlas of Eight Asteraceae Species from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Karyotypes of Five Leontopodium Species from the Southeastern QinghaiTibet Plateau, Southwest China Karyotype Analysis of an Endemic Species Chromosome Numbers and Karyotypes of Six Oxytropis Species (Fabaceae) from the QinghaiTibetan Plateau, China Karyotypes of Four Genera in Liliaceae ( s . str .) from Hengduan Mountains of Southwestern China Karyomorphology of the Three Species of Saussurea (Asteraceae) from Hengduan Mountians and the Adjacent Areas Chromosome numbers of ten Zingiberaceae species Microdissection, in Situ Analysis and Microcloning of Poplar Chromosome 1 Chromosome Analysis of Hybrid Cymbidium Studies of Karyotype in Carica papaya Karyomorphology of Fourteen Cultivars in Cut Chrysanthemum Karyomorphological Studies on Five Species ofPrimula Analysis on Chromosome Number and Morphology of Varieties in Phalaenopsis Radish Chromosome-specific ( dp ) RAPD Markers Screened from Raperadish Addition Lines Analysis on Karyotye of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L. Radish Chromosome-specific ( dp ) RAPD Markers Screened from Raperadish Addition Lines Chromosome Observations of Some Medical Plants in Xinjiang Karyotype analysis and polyploidy in Palaua and a comparison with its sister group Fuertesimalva (Malvaceae) Analysis of karyotype diversity of 40 Chinese chrysanthemum cultivars Genome constitution of Elymus tangutorum (Poaceae: Triticeae) inferred from meiotic pairing behavior and genomic in situ hybridization Phylogenetic and cytogenetic studies reveal hybrid speciation in Saxifraga subsect. Triplinervium (Saxifragaceae) Research Advances of Chromosome Microdissection and Microcloning Technology and Its Utilizations in Plant Development, identification and utilization of introgression lines using Chinese endemic and synthetic wheat as donors Studies on Polymorphisms of G-banded Karyotypes in Oryza rufipogon A BAC Library Constructed to the Rice Cultivar Cloning of the Telomere Associated Sequences of Rye B-chromosomes Microdissection of Haynaldia villosa Telosome 6VS and Cloning of Species-specific DNA Sequences XCAP-C-like Protein Existing in Nuclei and Chromosomes of Allium sativa Studies on Chromosome Doubling of Triticum durum-Haynaldia villosa Intergeneric Hybrid Calli Induced Chromosome Aberrations of Wheat by Gametocidal Chromosome and Cytogenetic Study of Their Offsprings Analysis of Karyotype and Evolution Trend in Seven Species of Lac Insects in Genus Kerria Genetic Analysis of Synchronized Chromosome Separation in Wheat Meiosis Cyto-genetic Study of F1, F2 and F3 in Crossing Powdery Mildew-resistant Wheat-Elytrigia intermedium Disomic Alien Addition Lines with Gametocidal Chromosome 3C (of Ae.triuncialis) Addition Lines Agronomic Traits and Cytological Analysis of F1 of the Male Sterile Sorghum Lines 314A and 13A,and Sudan Grass A Preliminary Study of B-chromosome and Physiological Resistance Characteristics of Allium mairei A karyotype study of six Astragalus species from China Distribution of 1RS in wheat cultivars and novel powdery mildew resistance source:Lankao 90(6) lines Molecular cytogenetic study on the alien substitution lines of Triticum-Psathyrostachys Study on Chromosome Character of Sonchus arvensis L. Fertility Spontaneously Restoring of Inflorescence and Chromosome Doubling by C hemical Treatment in Maize Haploid Chromosome Localization of Multi-noded and Dwarf Genes in Barley The Possibility of Ph Genes Existing Spontaneously in Common Wheat