Correlation analysis between induction of maize parthenogenesis haploid in vivo and intersperm nucleus distances in pollen tubes germinating in vitro of male parent A COMPARASION BETWEEN TUNG TREE’S AND BELGAUM WALNUT’S LEAF PROTEIN AND NUCLEIC ACID CONTENTS A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CHLOROPLAST NUCLEIC ACID, PROTEIN AND ULTRASTRUCTURE OF VERNICIA LOUR. AND ALEURITES J. R. ET FORST CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS PHYTOHORMONE AND RNA IN PAULOWNIA FORTUNEI (SEEM.) HEMSL. DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVENTITIOUS ROOT Micronuclei and abnormal division of Allium sativum breeded in polluted water Studies on the Anti-lipid Peroxidation of DNA from Carp Spermary Scavenging Action of DNA from Carp Spermary on Free Radicals The Arabidopsis CROWDED NUCLEI genes regulate seed germination by modulating degradation of ABI5 protein F-actin is a Nuclear and Chromosomal Component of the Meristematic Cells of Allium sativum AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRAL CELLS IN RICE EMBRYO SAC Relationship of the Brassinolide Promoted Epicotyl Elongation to Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Mung Bean Cuttings Aleading and Couragious Scientific Inference- Improvement of the Cell Nuclei Suspensions for Flow Cytometry and Comparison on the Cell Division Activity of Litchi Fruitlet and Pericarp Which Having Different Final Fruit Size Effects of Carp Spermary DNA on Some Oxidoreductase Activities in Naturally Senile Mice Genetic Transformation of Soybeans by Soaking Its Seeds with the Total DNA of America Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) Ⅰ. Analysis on the Variation of Soybean Morphologic Characters Induced by Foreign DNA Uptake Research Progress of Cell-SELEX Effects of Brassinolide on Contents of Nucleic Acid and Endogenous Hormones in Stem Apex of Broccoli Development of cDNA Dimeric Probes and Its Application in Diagnosis ofPotato spindle tuber viroid Morphology and Changes of Several Metabolites Content During Flower Bud Differentiation in Phalaenopsis The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Effects of Water Stress on Nucleic Acid Metabolisms and Changes of Free Radicals in Malus EFFECTS OF UV-B RADIATION ON PROTEIN AND NUCLEIC ACID SYNTHESIS IN THREE SPECIES OF MARINE RED-TIDE MICROALGAE Effect of Sodium Bisulphite on Growth and Cell Division in Hordeum vulgare Seedlings Biological effect of agricultural application of rare earth elements on nucleic acid Comparison of Four Methods for Measuring the Biomass of the Cellulase Production Process STUDIES ON MICRONUCLEI AND ABNORMOL DIVISION OF HORDEUM VULGARE BREEDED IN NACL SOLUTION 1,4—二取代酰氨基硫脲类化合物(DATCDs)的植物生理效应与应用研究——Ⅴ.DATCD-A对离体黄瓜子叶扩张及核酸 Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Grain Nucleic Acid Metabolism and Quality in Strong Gluten Wheat Variety‘Zhengmai 9023’ Molecular Detection and Identification of Pathogenic Agrobacterium spp. Isolates Associated with Woody Plant Crown Gall Diseases in China Physiological Effect of Nitrate or Ammonia Top-dressing on Hybrid and Conventional Rice Varieties at the Late Growth Stage Protective effect of gypenosides on expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and nucleic acid in hippocampus of vascular dementia rat Effect of nitrogen nutrition on protein and nucleic acid metabolism during senescence of flag leaf The Relationship between Flower Bud Differentiation of Torreya grandis and Nucleic Acid Preliminary study on Effect of INA Bacteria ot Kill Larva of Anoplophora glabripennis through Freezing-induction Breeding of the Restorer Line SWR78 with Wide Compatibility and Wide Restoring Ability Studies of hemocytes DNA damage by two pesticides acetamiprid and chlorpyrifos in predaceous spiders of Pardosa astrigera Koch CHROMOSOME ABERRATION IN ROOT TIP CELLS OF BROAD BEAN AND BARLEY INDUCED BY ELECTRON STREAM THE CYTOLOGICAL EFFECT OF EMS ON SPIKES AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ANTHER CULTURE OF WHEAT IN VITRO TREATMENTS The Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition on Nucleic Acid and Calmodulin during the Growth and Development of Curd in Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch) Analysis of Characteristics and Heterosis ofThree-Line Parents in Hybrid Japonica Rice Cytological Studies on the Mechanism of the Abortion of Microsporogenesis in Nucleic Male Sterile(NMS)Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.) Ultrastructural Study of Mesophyll Cells During Their Dediff erentiation in Stevia rebaudiana EFFECTS OF ABSCISIC ACID AND INHIBITORS ON ENDOPEPTIDASE AND ARACHIN DEGRADATION DURING PEANUT (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) SEED GERMINATION Application of metagenomic technique in the exploring of uncultured environmental microbial gene resource EFFECT OF IRRADIATION WITH 14MeV FAST NEUTRON ON CONTENTS OF NUCLEIC ACIDS AND SOLUBLE PROTEIN IN WHEAT SEEDLING Comparison of different size of probes,labels and detection substrates for diagnosis of Potato spindle tuber viroid by nucleic acid spot hybridization Establishment of nucleic acid sequence based amplification system for detection of Cucumber mosaic virus Cytological Observation of Partial Sterility of Nucleic Male Sterile Line ms86-1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Recent Progress in DNA Molecular Markers and Gene Functions of Rehmannia glutinosa Studies on the Micronuclei Induced by Irradiation in Vicia faba The effect of parathion on the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid in Phaeodactylum tricornutum Effects of Water Stress on Nucleic Acid Metabolisms and Changes of Free Radicals in Malus Effects of Brassinolide on Contents of Nucleic Acid and Endogenous Hormones in Stem Apex of Broccoli The Effects of Cr6+‘s Pollution on the Ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia and Cell Membrane of H.verticillata,Brasenia schreberi,Trapa bispinosa THE AFFECTION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT ON THE NUCLEAR STRUCTURE OF TIP CELLS IN ALLIUM CEPA Methods for studying soil microbial diversity Molecular identification of Araceae-infecting viruses and their ecology Observation Process of Free Nuclei Division and Cellularization in Ginkgo biloba L. Endosperm Study on Biological Ice Nucleation and Its Applications ——Situation and Prospect ON RELATIONSHIP OF SODIUM CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION TO CELL DIVISION, GENETIC DAMAGE AND GROWTH OF HORDEUM VULGARE SEEDLINGS A Study on the Crossability of Species between Group A and B in the Section Batatas of Genus Iponoea Metabolism of nucleic acid and changes of cell ultrastructure in stem apex of tea seedling induced by Cd2+ CYTOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SPACE FLIGHT ON ROOT-TIP CELLS IN RAPESEED (Brassica napus L.) Research Progress on Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Studies on Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis and D evelopment of Male Gametnphyte of Clivia nobilis Cultured in Vitro Cytogenetic Damage of A. sativum Root Cells Induced by Sulfur Dioxide Improvement of the Cell Nuclei Suspensions for Flow Cytometry and Comparison on the Cell Division Activity of Litchi Fruitlet and Pericarp Which Having Different Final Fruit Size Morphology and Changes of Several Metabolites Content During Flower Bud Differentiation in Phalaenopsis Applications of Flow Cytometry in Higher Plant Research