Landscape ecological security pattern associated with the introduction of exotic tree species Eucalyptus The Genetic Resources of Introduced Populus and the Problems Existed in China Introduction and Early Adaptability of Exotic Alders Introduction and Culture of Tomato R-144 in Ningxia Investigation on Street Landscaping Tree Delonix regia (Flame Tree) in Xiamen City Clove(Eugenia aromatca Baillon) A STUDY ON INTRODUCTION AND CULTIVATION OF Asarum IN HUBEI Introduction and acclimatization of Camellia tunghiensis a rare and endangered plant Fifty Years of Botanical Gardens in China Sex-biased dispersal in naturally re-wild Milu in the Dongting Lake Region, China Changes of Osmotic Adjustment Substances and Activities of Protective Enzymes in Sedum spurium Coccineum’ Introduced to Xigaze,Tibet Preliminary Discussion on the Destruction and Restoration of Primary Korean Pine Forest in Maoershan Experimental Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University Comparison of the Content of Major Flavonoids in the Introduced and Cultivated Radix Astragali Ecological security assessment of intro-ducing aquatic macrophytes Studies On Introduction and Cultivation of Cinnamomim cassia Presl Climatically and Ecologically Adaptive Regions for the Introduction of Alnus formosana Factors affecting the home range of reintroduced Equus przewalskii in the Mt. Kalamaili Ungulate Nature Reserve Utilization of oat (Avena sativa L.) DNA in wheat breeding for resistance to yellow rust Nutrition qualitative analysis and verification of colorful wheat variant offsprings produced by exogenous DNA introduction A Study on the Introduction and Cultivation of Swertia davidii Franch Ecological Environment and Introduction Experiments of Three Wild Tea Species from Yunnan STUDIES ON THE INTRODUCTION CULTIVATION OF GENUS PARISL. I.A PRELIMINARY REP0RT ON SEXUAL PR0PAGATI0N 0F PARIS POLYPHYLLA VAR. YUNNANENSIS Studies on cultivating technology of Trollius chinensis in Beijing plain area Study on Microclimate and Soil Characteristics for Pistacia vera Introduction in Beijing Area Comparison of Climate Similarity between Australia and China Using Numerical Classification Analysis Breeding Trial of Chamaecytisus palmensis in Gansu Province Identification of dwarf variants of wheat by RAPD method and their genetic analysis Study on introduction and breeding of improved breeds of seabuckthorn in the semiarid loess hilly region THE INTRODUCTION AND OBSERVATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SCHNABELIA INTRODUCTION AND DOMESTICATION OF IRIS Analysis on introduction and trial of mangrove Sonneratia apetala on the seashore of east Guangdong Ecological Factors Affecting Introduction of Ornamental-Palm Plants in Xiamen PRELIMINARY REPORT ON SEEDLING RAISING EXPERIMENT FOR INTRODUCING CUPRESSUS GIGANTEA IN EASTERN FUJIAN PROVINCE A Preliminary Study on Growth Regularity of Introduced Taiwania flousiana Young Seedling The Biological Characters and Experiments on Introduction andPropagation ofHydrangea strigosa Preliminary Study on Quercus virgin iana Introduction in Eastern China THE INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS OF INTRODUCTION AND EXTENSION FOR PINUS ELLIOTTII AND P. TAEDA IN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE AN INITIAL STUDY ON EFFECT OF YOUNG STANDS OF INTRODUCED SPECIES BY QUANTITATIVE COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION Preliminary Study on Introduction of Mangrove Sonneratia apetala Buch-Ham Relation Grade Analysis of Grey Theory and Comprehensive Evaluation of Introduced Alfalfa in the North of Shanxi Province Prelim inary Study on Nyssa Spec ies Introduction in Ea stern Pla in of China Cross-disciplinary studies of traditional Chinese medicinal materials Introduction of Huperzia serrata for selecting different germplasm resources and comparative analysis on differences in protein Growth Rhythm and Individual Models of Wine Bamboo Plantation, Oxytenanthera braunii THE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INTRODUCTI0N OF AMERICAN GINSENG TO YUNNAN STUDIES ON THE INTRODUCTI0N AND DOMESTICATION OF ECON0MIC PLANTS IN WET TR0PICAL REGIONS OF XISHUANGBANNA, CHINA Introduction and Cultivation of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Mark. in Beijing Safeguarding China′s Botanical HeritageFoundation item: BGCI′S Program in China——BGCI′s integrated conservation programme in China DNA Polymorphism Among Yewei B, V20B, and Oryza minuta J. S. Presl. ex C. B. Presl. Re-introduction technology and its application in the conservation of endangered orchid PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON THE GROWTH OF INTRODUCED SWEET-GLUTINOUS MAIZE IN GUA NGZHOU Studies on Introduction and Cultivation of Moringa oliferia Study on Constructing Mangrove Plantations in a large scale in Panyu, Guangdong Province Study on Selection of the Superior Clones for Tamarix Acclimation of Captive Crested Ibis before Release to the Natural Habitat Studies on Introduction and Cultivation of Kaempferia galanga L. Achievement and Experience in the Introduction of Medicinal Plants Preliminary study on introduction of three mangrove species to Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai city THE MATHEMATICAL STUDY ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENDEMIC GENERA OF THE Bambusoideae IN CHINA A Preliminary Analysis on the Suitable Climatic and Ecological Region for Introducing Japanese Sweet Persimmon Japanese Cedar (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Grown in China Preliminary Report on Introduction of Several Superior Mangroves Study on Chinese fir Introduction and Cultivation on The Grand Canal Bank, Northern Jiangsu A Review of Exotic Species of Cupressaceae Grown in China Studies on Reproductive Law and Precocity and Prolificacy of Non-astringent Persimmon Introduction and Cultivation of Pinus caribaea in China Ⅰ. Introduction and Genetic Improvement A Study On the Introduction of Rare Endangered Tree Species in Tropics and southern Subtropics Introduction of American Walnuts (Juglans L.)in China The Experiment on the Introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Secondary Saline Soil of Northwestern Irrigation Area A Study on Taiwania flousiana’s Ecoadaptation and Introduction Potentiality Study on the Collection and Introduction of Rattan Species Studies on the Wild Existence and Introduction of Ornamental Resources of Hedychium in China Studies on the Wild Existence and Introduction of Ornamental Resources of Hedychium in China Preliminary Studies on the Introduction of Leymus chinensis ‘Zhongke No.2’ in Ningxia Biodiversity of Cardiocrinum giganteum and Observation during Its Introduction

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