Effects of Irrigation Amount on the Growth and Physiological Indexes of Drip Irrigated Spring Wheat Influences of Drought Stress on the Physical Characteristics of Sedums Species Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and energy dissipation of Sarcandra glabra under drought stress Restoration dynamics after waterlogging of Carex thunbergii on leaf physiological indexes and above-ground nutritions Screening Indexes for Drought Resistance of Seven Winter Wheat Cultivars at the Grain-filling Stage Evaluation of drought resistance and analysis of physiological index variation for different Chinese Iris populations The Influence of Low Tempera ture Stress on the Cold-resistancePhysiolog ica l Indexes of Guadua am plexfolia Influence of Overexpression of 2-alkenal Reductase Gene on Drought Resistance in Tobacco Effects of light intensity on biological characteristics, physiological indexes and flavone content of Kalimeris indica EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ON CHILLING RESISTANCE OF RADISHSEEDINGS AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEXES Salt Tolerance Comparison of Two Typical Plants in Desert Riparian Forest Osmoticregulation in Two Limonium Mill. Callus under NaCl Stress Growth and Physiological Indexes of Cucumber Seedlings with Na2CO3 Stress EFFECTS OF LaCl_3 TREATMENT ON WHEAT SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING GROWTH UNDER SIMULATED ACID RAIN CONDITION Study on Cold-resistance and Its Mechanism of Different Cultivars of Zoysia japonica Steud. PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES AND TOLERANCE EVALUATION OF PUMPKIN TO Na_2CO_3 STRESS DURING SEED GERMINATION Variation of Physiological Indexes of the Populus euphraticn’ Leaves under Different Groundwater Depth The Physiological Response of Anatomical Structures and Physiological Indexes of Two Potentilla Species to Drought Stress Effect of Selfing on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics and Cold Resistance of Winter Turnip Rape (Brassica campestris L.) Physiological indexes of six plant species from the tibetan plateau under drought stress Changes of Cold Hardiness Indexes of Korla Fragrant Pears Different Organs with Air Temperature during Over wintering Period Effects of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and energy dissipation of Sarcandra glabra under drought stress Effects of Seed Pelleting on Seed Germination and Physiological Indexes of Forages The relationship between physiological indexes of apple cultivars and resistance to Eriosoma lanigerum in summer Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Growth and Physiological Indexes of Pepper Seedlings Under High Temperature Stress Cold Resistance and Related Physiological Indexes Identification of Bupleurum Seedlings during Wintering Stage Effect of Exogenous GSH on Tomato Seedlings Growth and Physiological Indexes of Resistance Stress under Salt Stress Preliminary study on the growth and adaptation of Pinus densiflora var.zhangwuensis Comparative study on drought-resistance indexes of two desert plants Effects of planting density and nitrogen fertilization on population physiological indexes of summer maize(Zea mays L.) in Guanzhong irrigated zone Effect of flooding on some physiological indexes of Panicum repens Effect of soil drought stress on growth and some physiological properties of Abrus mollis seedlings Comparative study of physiological indexes of Lilium formolongi under different photoperiod conditions Growth and physiological responses of Leucobryum juniperoideum to different nitrogen stresses EFFECT OF SPACE FLIGHT ON PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEXES AND ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES OF Acer mono The Influence of Draught Stress on the Physiological Indexes of Seedlings of Four Tree Species in Maowusu Effects of Drought Stress on Lespedeza formosa Plants Expressing SacB Gene & BADH Gene Evaluation for Salt Tolerance of Marigold Cultivars Effect of oil wastewater on some eco-physiological indexes of Kandelia candel seedlings Carbon Metabolism Characteristics of a Xanthan Rice Mutant‘Huangyu B’ The Growth and Physiological Indexes of ‘‘‘‘Jinguang‘‘‘‘ Plum Seedling under NaCl Stress Physiological Responses to NaCl Treatment in Seedlings of Two Limonium Species Water Physiological Characteristics of Nostoc flagelliforme Delaying Leaf Senescence by Regulating Cytokinin Biosynthesis in Brassica napus Comparative Analyses of Some Physiological Characters of Watermelon Seedlings under 10℃ and 15℃ Low Temperature Treatments Effects of different storage methods on germination and physiological indexes of seed-stem of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan Submergence tolerance of ‘LD-1‘ stock-grafted Actinidia deliciosa Miliang 1 Study on the Drought-resistance of Three Seedlings of Acacia