ANALYSIS OF ESTERASE ISOZYME AND SSR FOR MUTAGENIC PROGENIES INDUCED BY SPACE MUTATION IN MUSTARD Studies on the Relationship between Isozymes and Heterosis in Maize Isoelectrofocusing Analysis on Peroxidase Isozymes of Male Sterile“Three Lines”of Cotton Differences on Isozyme Ioci of the Common Rice Strains from Main Rice Produced Asian Countries Variation of Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and Isozyme in Transgenic Homozygous Tetraploid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Analysis of Esterase Isozymes of Elymus dahuricus,Hordeum brevisubulatum Their Hybrid F1 and BC1 Isozyme Study on Interspecies Genetic Relationship of Zoysia Willd. Genetic specificity in Native Medicago sativa L. cv. Longdong Esterase Isozyme analyses of the Species and Their Varieties of the Genus Gossypium The Intraspecific Variation of Chromosomes and Peroxidase Isozymes in Picea meyeri Rehd Effect of magnetic field on peroxidase activation and isozyme in Leymus chinensis Soil heavy metal pollution and earthworme isozyme A STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP OF DIFFERENT SPECIES OF Glycyrrhiza Longilegumata THROUGY ESTERASE-ISOZYMES Effect of phosphoric amide herbicide APM on POD and protein compositions of Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale Comparison ofmorphological and isozymes variation on different populations in Calligonum mongolicum Studies on fertility specificity of male sterile line wheat with Aegilops bicornis cytoplasms The Relationship of Paphiopedilum Species in China by RAPD and Isozyme Effect of Heat Stress on Isoenzyme and DNA Methylation of Different Heat-sensitive Peppers Polymorphism of the soluble protein and isozyme in gray leaf spot pathogen of maize ORDINATION ANALYSES OF 19 SPECIES OF BRYOPHYTA BASED ON SOD AND EST ISOZYMES Meristem Cell Structure and Endogenous Hormones Changes during the Adventitious Root Primordia Formation of Populus euphratica Oliver Studies on Isozymes of MDH and POD of Hybrid Millet Zhang in Different Growing Stages Isozyme Patterns and RAPD Analysis of Apple Plantlets Repea tedly Subcultured in Vitro Interspecific Hybridization and Identification of Hybrid in Capsicum Isozymes of different geographic populations of Leymus chinensis Cytogeneticand isoenzymic studies on Setaria millet andS.verticillata (2X) and S.verticiformis (4X) STUDIES ON PEROXIDASE ACTIVITY AND ISOPEROXIDASE IN CUCURBITA MOSCHATA DURING ROOTING INDUCTION COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON PEROXIDASE ISOZYMES BETWEEN MALE-STERILE LINE AND MAINTAINER LINE OF RICE 低温对玉米、高粱和白菜幼苗生长的伤害与ATPase同工酶变化的关系 THE TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON SARGENTODOXACEAE PERIODICITY OF CAMBIUM ACTIVITY AND CHANGES OF PEROXIDASE ISOZYMES IN POPULUS TOMENTOSA CARR. STUDY ON ISOZYMES OF Cx-CELLULASE IN CERAMBYCIDAE LINKAGE RELATIONSHIPS OF ISOZYME GENES AND MORPHOLOGICAL MARKERS IN INTERSPECIFIC CROSSES OF CHESTNUT THE EFFECTS OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON SEEDLINGS GROWTH AND THE CHANGES OF ISOZYMES IN THREE CROPS THE CHANGE OF THE CATIONIC PEROXIDASE IN THE LEAVES AT THE FERTILE TRANSFORMATION PERIOD IN HPGMR NONGKEN 58s A STUDY ON THE PEROXIDASE ISOZYMES OF DYSOSMA FROM HUBEI PROVINCE STUDIES ON THE TAXONOMY AND EVOLUTION OF MANDARINS IN CHINA BY ISOZYMES STUDIES ON THE PEROXODASE ISOZYME OF ENDOSPERM PLANTS IN ACTONIDIA CHONENSIS EFFECTS OF DMSO ON THE INDUCTION AND THE REDIFFERENTIATION OF CALLUS FROM RICE SEEDS STUDIES ON ESTERASE AND α-AMYLASE ISOZYMES AT DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF FARGESIA DENUDAT——A MAIN EDIBLE BAMBOO FOR GIANT PANDAS IN THE NATURAL PROTECTED AREA WANGLANG, SICHUAN PROVINCE STUDIES ON ESTERASE ISOZYME OF HYBRID RICE IN DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS EFFECTS OF PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE ON THE ESTERASE, α-AMYLASE ISOZYMES IN WHEAT (TRITICUM EASTIVUM L.) A STUDY ON SPONTANEOUS MUTANT OF NUCLEO-MALE-STERILITY IN SORGHUM A STUDY ON ISOZYMES OF ESTERASE OF GENUS AMARANTHUS IN CHINA Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Salt-tolerance Callus of Flax Enzyme reaction kinetics, metabolic enzyme phenotype, and metabolites of berberine A Study on the Peroxidase Isozymes of 8 Species and 2 Varieties of Corydalis A STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AMONG MASSON PINE NATURAL POPULATIONS BY ISOZYME DISTRIBUTIONS IN DAIYUN MOUNTAIN AREA OF FUJIAN PROVINCE Genetic Analysis of Isozyme Loci in Adenophora potaninii Korsh. Host transfer of Beauveria bassiana population in pine stand ecosystem and impact of its genetic diversity on sustainable control of Masson‘s pine caterpillars Peroxidase Isozyme in Three Gastrodia elata Variants Comparative Analysis of Peroxidase Isozymes in Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line and its Maintainer of Capsicum A Preliminary Study of Genetic Polymorphisms of Haloxylon ammodendron Isozymes Analysis of POD isozyme between cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainer line of cabbage Analyses of peroxidase isozyme and protein polypeptides in female sterile Pinus tabulaeformis Study on relationship and cluster of Calligonum by isozyme electrophoresis analysis Comparative Study of Isozymes of Peroxidease and Polyphenol Oxidase in the Cultivars of Pumpkin Changes of Glutamine Synthetase and Other Ammonia-Assimilating Enzymes during the Germination of the Seed and the Development of the Cotyledon in Cushaw Effect of Light on Expression of Glutamine Synthetase Isozymes in Non-photosynthetic Tissues of Rice Plants ULTRA-THIN SLAB IEF-PAGE METHOD——A EFFECTIVE BIO-ANALYTIC METHOD FOR ISOZYME ANALYSIS INHERITANCE AND DIVERSITY OF PGI IN CHESTNUT (CASTANEA) STUDY ON RELATION BETWEEN THE ESTERASE ISOZYME ZYMOGRAM AND DISTRICT DISTRIBUTION OF CULTIVARS IN HUBEI BARLEY Creating a New Wheat Strain of Early Maturity and Another One of Good Dwarf Quality by Introducing Exogeous Maize Nuclear DNA Amylase and formate dehydrogenase isozymes in the genus Fagopyrum Peroxidase isozyme in sprouting seeds of genus Fagopyrum A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE CHINESE CHESTNUT CULTIVARS FROM LUOTIAN COUNTY, HUBEI PROVINCE INTRA AND INTERGENERIC RELATIONSHIPS OF PONCIRUS POLYANDRA:INVESTIGATION BY LEAF ISOZYMES CORRELATION OF SEX EXPRESSION AND THREE OXIDASE ISOZYME IN CUCUMBER PLANT (CUCUMIS SATIVUS L.) A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ISOZYME ANALYSIS IN ADIANTUM RENIFORME VAR. SINENSE The Analysis of Plant Isozyme of Different Alfalfa Cultivars with Different Root Regeneration Ability Analysis of Isozyme in Varieties and Cultivars of Cymbidium sinense and Cym bidium goeringii Studies on the Esterase and Protein in the Seeds of Ural Licorice (Glgcuralensis)During the Process of Primary Germination Peroxidase isozyme variations among germplasm resources ofOphiopogon japonicus in the Sichuan Basin The Relationship of Paphiopedilum Species in China by RAPD and Isozyme Specific Isozyme Marker of a Virus Resistant Barley Derived from Interspecies Cross Between Hordeum vulgare and H. bulbosum A Preliminary Study on Genetic Structure of Liaodong Oak (Quercus liaotungensis) Populations in Dry and Moist Habitats and It‘s Adaptive Implications Isozymatic Differentiation in Local Population of Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD)--A New Molecular Marker Spectrum Analysis of Esterase Isozymes of culti-species and wild Species in Arachis Analysis of the Esterase Isozymes in Three Lines and F1 in Oryza sativa and Prediction of Heterosis