SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THREE LARCH (LARIX) SPECIES IN NORTHEASTERN CHINA QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE VULNERABILITY OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS OF CHINA TO CLIMATE CHANGE BASED ON POTENTIAL VEGETATION A REVIEW OF RESPONSES OF LITTER DECOMPOSITION IN TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS TO GLOBAL WARMING REVIEW OF ADVANCES IN DENDROPYROCHRONOLOGY MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF FIVE CARAGANA SPECIES IN TEMPERATE NORTHERN CHINA Relationship between woody plants phenology and climate factors in Xi’an, China Comparative evaluation of multiple models of the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of Pinus massoniana Effects of climate change on potato growth in semi-arid region of Loess Plateau, China Soil microbial biomass in Larix gmelinii forests along a latitudinal gradient during spring soil thawing. Relationships of wetland landscape fragmentation with climate change in middle reaches of Heihe River, China. Relationship between tree-ring chronology of Larix olgensis in Changbai Mountains and the climae change Responses of radial growth in Larix principis-rupprechtii to climate change along an elevation gradient on the southern slope of Luya Mountain Analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of drought in the North China plain based on standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index Increasing trend of green water coefficient in the middle Yellow River basin and the eco-environmental implications Wind speed changes and its influencing factors in Southwestern China Variation of drought and regional response to climate change in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain State-of-the-art review of the impact of climatic change on bioavailability of mineral elements in crops Response of vegetation coverage to climate change in Mongolian Plateau during recent 10 years Climate response of tree growth along an altitudinal gradient in the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China Appling SWAT model to explore the impact of changes in land use and climate on the streamflow in a Watershed of Northern China Temporospatial variations in net ecosystem productivity in Northeast China since 1961 The 5000-year climate change of northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and historical ecology of Zoige wetlands Phenological variation of alpine grasses (Gramineae) in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China during the last 20 years Forest microclimate change along with the succession and response to climate change in south subtropical region Research into vulnerability assessment for coastal zones in the context of climate change Advances in impacts of climate change on infectious diseases outbreak Progresses in dendrochronology of shrubs Characteristics of tree-ring chronology of Pinus koraiensis and its relationship with climate factors on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain Relationship between net primary productivity of tree layer in Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus armandi forests and climatic factors at Huoditang forest region in the Qinling Mountains THE PROBLEM OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE FORESTS IN CHINA Spatiotemporal Changes of Vegetation Coverage in Xilin Gol Grassland and Its Responses to Climate Change during 2000-2010 Response of Rice Production Based on Self-Adaption to Climate Change in Fujian Province Distribution Characteristics of Winter Wheat Yield and Its Influenced Factors in North China Downscaling GCM output to simulate potential change of soil water balance on loess tableland The potential effects of climate change on the distributions of 7 plants in China Spatiotemporal changes in vegetation coverage in China during 1982-2012 Impact of climate change on bioclimatic types in a mountain area-a case from Sichuan Province, China Potential Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of Six Desert Plants in China Effect of climate change on cotton growth period and yield in Kashgar City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Influence of climate change on potential productivity of naked barley in the Tibetan Plateau in the past 50 years Empirical analysis of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in southern rice areas of China— Based on household survey data in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces Sensitivity of response of winter wheat to climate change in the North China Plain in the last three decades Impact of climate change on the division of jujube planting zones in Xinjiang Analysis and assessment of heat resource for winter wheat northward moving during 1961-2001 in Shaanxi Province Impact of future climate change on climatic resources and potential productivity of maize in Sichuan Basin Analysis of climate resource changes during maize growth period inNingxia under SRES A1B scenario Impact of climate change in 1981-2009 on winter wheatphenology in the North China Plain Response and adaptation to climate change of agriculture and environment in Northeast China Grain increase in Northeast China under climatic change Climate change induced potential range shift of the crested ibis based on ensemble models Variation of vegetation NDVI and its response to climate change in Zhejiang Province Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration: uncertainties of global warming positive or negative feedback Impacts of climate change on growth and yield of winter wheat in the semi-humid region of the Loess Plateau Tree-ring-based reconstruction of the temperature variations in February and March since 1890 AD in southern Jiangxi Province, China Temporal-spatial variations of net ecosystem productivity in alpine area of southwestern China Effects of powdery mildew infection on zucchini growth under elevated CO2 and temperature EFFECTS OF AIR CO2 ENRICHMENT ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF MUNG BEAN EFFECTS OF AIR CO2 ENRICHMENT ON GROWTH AND
Climate Change and Forest Ecosystem: Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Potential Impacts of Climate Warming on Distribution of Euptelea pleiospermum along Altitude:An Experimental Simulation Prospect to the Impacts of Climate Change on Winter Wheat Production in China Application of the Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt) to Simulation and Forecast of Large Scale Outbreaks of Dendrolimus tabulaeformis (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) Plant diversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in alpine meadows in the Three River Headwater Region, China Stability of Relationship between Climate and Picea crassifolia Radial Growth in Different Elevations A Review on the Effects of Climate Change on Plant Sexual Reproduction Airborne pollen assemblages and their relationships with climate factors in the central Shaanxi Province of the Loess Plateau:a case in Xiaheimugou, Luochuan County Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition on leaf nutrient quality of Fargesia rufa Yi Response of seed germination and seedling growth of Pinus koraiensis and Quercus mongolica to comprehensive action of warming and precipitation Partitioning and mapping the sources of variations in the ensemble forecasting of species distribution under climate change: a case study of Pinus tabulaeformis Effect of Climate Change and Grazing on Populations of Cleistogenes squarrosa in Inner Mongolia Steppe A Modeling Study on Responses of Alkaline Grassland Ecosystems to Climate Change in Light of Diversity and Spatial Patterns Estimating the Net Primary Productivity in China Using Meteorological Satellite Data Calculation of carbon storage and sequestration in the urban trees of Beijing Regional simulation of wheat yield in China under the climatic change conditions Response of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity to Climate Change in the Qilian Mountains since Recent 51 Years The Impacts of Climate Changes on Rice Production in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Variations of winter wheat growth stages under climate changes in northern China Changes of main phenophases of natural calendar and phenological seasons in Beijing for the last 30 years Evaluating the impact of soil factors on the potential distribution of Phyllostachys edulis (bamboo) in China based on the species distribution model Gender-specific characteristics of tree-ring growth and differential responses to climate change in the dioecious tree Populus cathayana in Xiaowutai Mountains, China