Progress in the study of plant reproductive phenology
An evaluation of the fisheries management strategies in Beibu Gulf: using Ecopath with Ecosim The theories and methods of lake-watershed ecosystem management (LWEM) Impact of soil fertility maintaining practice on soil microbial biomass carbon in low production agro-ecosystem in northern China Progresses of ecological risk assessment THE ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL UTILIZATION OF WHITE BIRCH(BETULA PLATYPHYLLA) RESOURCES IN CHINA EVALUATION OF THE EFFICACY OF PYRETHROIDS RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT IN COTTON BOLLWORM IN HEBEI PROVINCE The function of Bt transgenic corn in IPM system and its ecological risks Advance on the study of pest resistance to chloronicotinyl insecticides Effects of Water and Fertilizer on Physiological Characteristics of Stress Resistance of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.‘Hanyuan’ Seedling An Approach to Sustainable Management of Population Genetic Resources of Trees Ⅰ. Relevant Theoretical Analyses of the Information on Population Genetic Variation Application of Physically based Distributed Models in Forest Hydrology A Study on the Reasonable Management Timelimit of Apple wheat Intercropping System in the Limestone Hilly Regions of the Taihang Mountain Study of Long-term Site Productivity of Managed Moso Bamboo Forests in China——A Review and Perspective The Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Production of Moso Bamboo Plantations for Pulp-making Studies of Insects and Rat Feeding on the Cones and Seeds in Masson Pine Seed Orchard Research on the Tending and Improvement of Secondary Evergreen Broadleaved Forests Study on Techniques for Management of Tropical Fuelwoods Research on the Use of TM Image Instead of Aerial Photo in Forest Management Inventory Tentative study on Effects of Intermediate Cutting in Slash Pine Plantation Forestfy Expert Management Information System Response of Stem and Leaf Traits of Thermopsis lanceolata to Different Grassland Management Strategies and the Allometric Growth Effect of Different Revegetation Management Methods on the Soil and Vegetation Characteristics of Degraded Sandy Grassland Carbon and nitrogen storage in monoculture and mixed young plantation stands of Erythrophleum fordii and Pinus massoniana in subtropical China The environmental function assessment and zoning scheme in China Reseach of index system framework in marine ecology monitoring & regulation areas division based on complex ecosystem of nature-human-society Estimates of carbon emissions caused by forest fires in the temperate climate of Heilongjiang Province, China, from 1953 to 2012 Urban ecosystem complexity: an analysis based on urban municipal supervision and management information system The optimum mixture ratio of larch and birch in terms of biodiversity conservation: a case study in Aershan forest area Management transition of the ecological building in China and its demand for science and technology innovations Fairness norm and natural resources conservation: an experimental study in Wolong Nature Reserve The concept and application of carbon sequestration potentials in plantation forests Response of a soil seed bank to modes of grassland management on a desert steppe Wheat grain yield and nitrogen use characteristics under monoculture and intercropping with different nitrogen fertilization rates