Identification method with significant specificity of volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin Effect of NaCl stress on growth and antioxidant systems of Pogostemon cablin Histological study of initiation and development in adventitious roots in cuttings of Pogostemon cablin Analysis of volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin Studies on mature structures and distribution of active constituent of Pogostemon cablin Study on in vitro selection of Pogostemon cablin resistant to bacterial wilt Anti-complementary constituents of Pogostemon cablin Studics on Chcmical Constltuents of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco)Benth Effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and quality of Pogostemon cablin Clone and Expression Analysis of Geraniol Synthase Gene in Pogostemon cablin Textual research on history of introdution and herbal medicine of Pogostemon cablin Chemical constituents from involatile moiety of Pogostemon cablin A new cochlioquinone from endophytic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana derived from Pogostemon cablin and its bioactivity In vitro culture of different explants from Pogostemon cablin Effects of exogenous salicylic acid on seed germination and seedling growth of Pogostemon cablin under salt stress A Newly Recorded Species of Pogostemon Desf. (Lamiaceae) from China Strong Polarity Components of Pogostemon cablin (Blance) Benth. Nonvolatile chemical constituents from Pogostemon cablin Main influential factors for efficient plant regeneration system established from leaf-disc of Pogostemon cablin Cloning and sequential analysis of phytoene synthase (PcPSY1)gene in Pogostmen cablin Study on intraspecific genetic diversity in different plantpopulations of Pogostemon cabli Morphological Characters and the Composition of Essential Oil from Regeneration Plant of Pogostemon cablin Synthesizing site and storing position of essential oil in Pogostemon cablin THE EFFECT OF ~(60)COγ IRRADIATION ON CULTURE IN VITRO OF Pogostemon cablin(BLANCO) BENTH Current progresses in pharmacognosy, chemistry, and pharmacology of Pogostemon cablin Stem development and essential oil distribution in different development stages of Pogostemon cablin Induction and Identification of Homologous Octoploid in Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. Purification of patchouli alcohol in volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin by molecular distillation Chemical constituents and theirantifungal and antibacterial activities of exxentialoil of Pogoste moncablin Ⅱ Studies on residuals of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in soil of planting base and Pogostemon cablin Analysis on defense-related enzyme isozymes in Pogostemon cablin induced by Ralstonia solanacearum Isolation of pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum from Pogostemon cablin and determination of its pathogenicity Investigation on the Influential Factors of the Volatile Oil and Main Constituent Content in Pogostemon cablin Analysis on defense-related enzyme isozymes in Pogostemon cablin induced by Ralstonia solanacearum Cloning and sequence analysis of phytoene desaturase gene in Pogostmen cablin Study on cytotoxic secondary metabolites of endophytic fungus Diaporthe longicolla A616 from Pogostemon cablin

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