Characterization of soil organic carbon fractions at Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh in North Jiangsu Carbon,water and heat fluxes of a reed (Phragmites australis) wetland in the Yellow River Delta, China Research on data characteristics during non-growing season of desert-wetland ecosystem in Ebinur Lake Attraction effect of different host-plant to Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Cutting effects on growth and wastewater purification of Cyperus alternifolius in constructed wetland Ecosystem services valuation of the Haihe River basin wetlands Abundance and biodiversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in littoral wetland of Baiyangdian Lake, North China The effect of spatial scales on wetland functions evaluation: a case study for coastal wetlands in Yancheng, Jiangshu Province A prospect for study on isolated wetland Research on ecological barrier to Chang-Zhu-Tan metropolitan area Study on ecological water demand based on assessment of ecosystem disturbance degree in the Baiyangdian Wetland Assessment of ecological functions for coastal wetlands based on hydrogeomorphic units: a case study on coastal wetland of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, China Impacts of landscape heterogeneity on water quality of urban wetlands at sub-watershed scale: a case study on the eastern suburb of Nanjing Effect of different vegetation types on agricultural non-point nitrogen pollution in riparian wetlands Carbon sequestration and its potential by wetland ecosystems in China CO2 flux in alpine wetland ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Study on background effects of urban wetland dynamics Study on nitrification and impact factors in Pearl River estuarine wetlands Study on rhizosphere microbial community diversity of different plants grownin the constructed wetland Comparison on purification effects of Sonneratia apetala and Phragmites communis wetland systems on nitrogen and phosphorus Study on vegetation community classification and succession of sand-mining wetland in Yanqing County,Beijing A comparison of pollutant purification effectiveness of different wetland plants and their combinations Seasonal change in bacterial community from cypress-woods soil of Dalianhu Lake Analysis of spatial point pattern of Tamarix chinensis in different habitats A primary study on plant community of Wangqingsha semi-constructed wetland in Nansha District of Guangzhou City Analyses of the influence of wetland on local meteorological environment around Jiaozhou Bay of Qingdao Analysis of plant and soil ash content and influencing factors in Wetland of Min River Estuary Dynamic processes of two-way succession of natural and man-made wetlands in Sanjiang Plain Progress of Researches on Wetland Ecosystems Vegetation community of the wetland in Bayinbu Lake swan conservation of Xinjiang Investigation and analysis of wetland vascular plants in Guangzhou area Study on coastal wetlands use and its ecological protection of Jiangsu Province The biodiversity of wetland and its prevention measures in Min River Estuary. Eco-ethics and Wetland Conservation Biodiversity of Wetlad Plants in South China Sea Study on removal rate of pollutants and plant growth in subsurface and surface flow constructed wetlands Study on function and conservation of wetlands ecosystem in Sanjiangyuan region Study on the change of landscape pattern of coastal wetland in Xiamen City Effects of land cover change on soil organic carbon and light fraction organic carbon at river banks of Fuzhou urban area. Construction of degradation diagnosis system for the ecosystems in Dongtan coastal zone of Chongming, Shanghai. Relationships of wetland landscape fragmentation with climate change in middle reaches of Heihe River, China. Periodic characteristics of soil CO2 flux in mangrove wetland of Quanzhou Bay, China. Effect of air temperature and rainfall on wetland ecosystem CO2 exchange in China. Research progresses on  methanogenesis pathway  and methanogens in coastal wetlands. Application of small remote sensing satellite constellations for environmental hazards in wetland landscape mapping: Taking Liaohe Delta, Liaoning Province of Northeast China as a case. Temporal and spatial variation of the distributive patterns and driving force analysis in the Yangtze River and Yellow River source regions wetland SCP (systematic conservation planning) optimization for a wetland conservation network system on Sanjiang Plain, China Research advancements on the radial oxygen loss in wetland plants and its diffusion effect in natural sediments Compositions and contents of active organic carbon in different wetland soils in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China Effection of tidal creek system on the expansion of the invasive Spartina in the coastal wetland of Yancheng The adaptability and decontamination effect of four kinds of woody plants in constructed wetland environment A multi-dimensional approach for wetland ecosystem service valuation Relationships between environmental variables and seasonal succession inphytoplankton functional groups in the Hulan River Wetland Assessment of the habitat suitability for waterfowls in the Panjin, Liaoning with GIS and remote sensing The 5000-year climate change of northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and historical ecology of Zoige wetlands The bacterial community changes after papermaking wastewater treatment with constructed wetlands The ecological restoration effort of degraded estuarine wetland in Northwest Yunnan Plateau, China Progress in research of iron plaque on root surface of wetland plants Multivariate analysis of the relations between phytoplankton assemblages and environmental factors in Chagan Lake Wetland Characteristics of soil phosphorus fractions in wetlands with various restoration age in caizi lake, Anhui Province Effects of substrates and plants on purification efficiency of constructed wetland Changes in landscape pattern of alpine wetlands on the Zoige Plateau in the past four decades Influences of climate change to ecological and environmental evolvement in the Hulun Lake wetland and its surrounding areas Analysis of plant effect and rhizosphere enzyme activity in a constructed vertical\|flow wetland established for sewage treatment Coupling relationship between the average coverage of wetland plant communities and soil salinity in Dunhuang Xihu Wetland of Gansu Province Comparative studies on the soil enzymic activities of two plant communities in Dafeng ecological engineering wetland of Northern Jiangsu Ecosystem respiration and its controlling factors in the riparian wetland of Yangtze River Landscape assessment on wetland degradation during thirty years in Jiansanjiang region of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China Responses of Carex lasiocarpa clonal reproduction to water regimes at different growth stages Emergy analysis of ecological economic system of Xixi National Wetland Park Farmers,response to policy of wetland protection and restoration in Sanjiang Reserve The colonizing mechanism of Chrysomelidae Application of Dimilin to Control Poplar Longhorn Beetles and Other Insects Analysis of AHP strategic decision for grazing management system and ecological restoration in the alpine wetland at Gannan in Gansu CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY IN WETLANDS OF MACAO Transformation of vegetation structure in China’s Liaohe Delta during 1988–2006 Seasonal variations of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three herbaceous species in Hangzhou Bay coastal wetlands, China Disturbance assessment of urban wetland ecosystem services: A case study in Pingshan watershed of Shenzhen City. Dynamic changes of landscape pattern and eco-disturbance degree in Shuangtai estuary wetland of Liaoning Province, China. Health assessment of Qi’ao Island mangrove wetland ecosystem in Pearl River Estuary.