A STUDY ON THE NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF WETLAND VEGETATIONS IN LULIANG PREFECTURE, SHANXI A MODEL TO SIMULATE NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF DEYEUXIA ANGUSTIFOLIAIN WETLANDS IN SANJIANG PLAIN, CHINA EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O FROM A WETLAND IN THE SANJIANG PLAIN Two new polyesters from wetland soil-derived fungus Talaromyces flavus Discussion on some basic problems in design of wetland ecosystem Nitrogen content variation in litters of Deyeuxia angustifolia and Carex lasiocarpa in Sanjing plain Nitrogen dynamics in different organs of Calamagrostis angustifolia and Carex lasiocarpa in Sanjiang plain Preliminary study on purification function of reed wetland for nutrients from land sources Flood prevention function of Panjin wetland at Liaohe delta Analysis on landscape fragment of Liaohe delta wetlands Function or paddy wetland landscape ecosystem and its benefit in hilly region of south Changjiang River: with Youxian County of Hunan Province as an example ANALYSIS ON LANDSCAPE PATTERNS OF LIAOHE DELTA WETLAND Species Diversity of Ground-Dwelling Beetles and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors in the Artificial Caragana Brushland of Fixed Sandy Lands in Ningxia A Morphological Study on the Proventriculi of Sixteen Species of Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Bred in Pinus armandi Vertical Distributin of Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Storage under Different Hydrologic Conditions in Zoigê Alpine Kobresia Meadows Wetland Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Seed Bank Under Different Vegetation Cover Types in Lakeshore Wetland, Lake Tai Comparation of Gut Cellulase Activity in Four Herbivorous Beetles Review on Olfactory Recognition and Behavioral Responses of Conifer Bark Beetles to Nonhost Volatiles Relationships between Submerged Plants Community Composition and Hydro-Environmental Factors in Xizhuojiaying Wetland, Beijing Wetland Plant Taxonomic Diversity in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Effect of Morphology and Physiology of Wetland Plants on Plateaus at Different Altitudes Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wetland Vegetations in Oxbows,Yangtze River Allelopathic Interactions between Two Wetland Species:Sagittaria trifolia and Oryza rufipogon Soil Seed Bank and Ecological Implications for the Lakeshore Marsh of Bang Lake,a Part of Poyang Lake Vegetation and Conservation Strategy of Dajiuhu Wetland Park in Shennongjia Region A preliminary research on environmental assessment indices based mainly on vegetation indicators for plateau lake wetlands Species diversity of wetland vegetation in Sanggan River watershed, Shanxi Influences of topographic features on the distribution and evolution of landscape in the coastal wetland of Yancheng Analysis of spatial congruence between ecosystem services and biodiversity in huanghuaihai region Evaluation index system of sustainable livelihoods ecotourism strategy:a case study of wangjiazhai community in baiyangdian wetland nature reserve, Hebei Study on ecological safety evaluation and warning of wetlands in Tumen River watershed based on 3S technology Quantitative analysis of driving factors for wetland degradation based on hydrology balance Estimating the soil total phosphorus content based on hyper-spectral remote sensing data in the Min River estuarine wetland Secondary succession characteristics of vegetations on reclaimed land inside Chongming wetland seawall Factors affecting the vegetation restoration after fires in cold temperate wetlands: A review. Notes on A New Species of Encyrtid Parasitized on Longicorn Beetles(Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae) Spatial gradients of wetland landscape and their influential factors in watershed The spatial-temporal distribution of Namalycastis abiuma in the Futian mangrove wetland of Shenzhen Bay as well as its relationship to climate response An evaluation index system classifying the conservation value of wetland nature reserves based on AHP Responses of Wetland Plants to Exogenous Nitrogen Inputs Quantitative Study on the Drive Factors of Wetland Change in Three Rivers‘ Source Area Study on the Wetland Changes Monitoring of Wuliangsuhai Lake Based on Average Deviation A Study on Extracting Vegetation Information from the Hyperspectral Fusion Images of CHRIS/PROBA Study on Highland Wetlands Remote Sensing Classification Based on Decision Tree Algorithm Three New Recorded Geographical Distribution Species ofWetland Plant in Anhui Province Satellite Remote Sen singMon itor ing Techn iques on Ea st DongtinghuWetland A Study on Dynam icMon itor ing ofMangroveWetlandRestora tion Using Remote Sensing Techn iques SurveyMethodolog ies and Techn iques in Wetland Na ture Reserve Advances in studies on 3-hydroxy-3-metllylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase in terpenoids biosynthesis of medicinal plants Growth Characteristics of Four Species in Surface-flow Constructed Wetlands Remote sensing estimation models of Suaeda salsa biomass in the coastal wetland Comparative studies on the farmers‘ willingness to accept eco-compensation in wetlands nature reserve The effects of changes in hydrological regimes and salinity on wetland vegetation: a review Development of Adjustable Male Sterile Plant in Chinese Flowering Cabbageby Antisense DAD1 Fragment Transformation Quantitative Analysis on Wetland Plant Communities in Huliu River Nature Reserve,Shanxi Soil Properties of Meadow Wetlands for Different Altitudes in Gahai of Gannan Ecology of plant communities in Liaohe estuary wetland tonservation area Effects of E-β-farnesene release on the spatial distribution patterns of cabbage aphids and lady beetles Vulnerability assessment on the coastal wetlands in the Yangtze Estuary under sea-level rise. Distribution of soil carbon storage in different saltmarsh plant communities in Chongming Dongtan wetland. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its environmental regulation mechanisms in a reed wetland in the Yellow River Delta of China during the growth season. Impacts of human disturbance on the species composition of higher plants in the wetlands around Dianchi Lake, Yunnan Province of Southwest China. Biomass and carbon storage of Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora in Jiuduan Shoal Wetland of Yangtze Estuary, East China. Wetland landscape pattern change based on GIS and RS: A review. Effects of exogenous iron on lead accumulation in Typha latifolia from a lead-contaminated soil. Wetlands of priority restoration in Northeast China based on spatial analysis. Degradation characteristics, patterns, and processes of lakeside wetland in Napahai of northwest Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. Characteristics of soil nematode communities in coastal wetlands with different vegetation types. Annual dynamics of cladocera community structure in Backshore Wetland of Expo Garden, Shanghai. Litter decomposition and its main affecting factors in tidal marshes of Minjiang Riverestuary, East China. Recreational attraction of urban park wetlands in Beijing. Diversity and priority conservation graded wetland vascular plants in Beijing The vertical characteristics of ecosystem of Hani’s terrace paddyfield in Yunnan, China Changes of wetland landscape pattern in the middle and lower reaches of theTarim River Effects of storage condition and duration on seed germination of six wetland perennials Management-oriented ecological water requirement for wetlands in the Yellow River Delta Phosphorus cycling in a simulated wastewater-affected mangrove(Avicennia marina) wetland system Evolution of community structure of aquatic macrophytes in East Taihu Lake and its wetlands Studies on diversity of plants and coniferous bark beetles in different plant communities in Huoditang located ecosystem station Analysis of ecological benefit of ecological restoration of aquatic-terrestrial everglade from stability of ecological system