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Screening of High-yield Glucose Tolerance Factor Yeast and Study on Pilot Plant Scale Test
Screening of Interacting Proteins of the Calcineurin B-like Protein GmCBL1 in Soybean
Functional Study of a DREB homologous gene SsDREB from Suaeda salsa L.
Expression pattern and protein interaction analysis of a wheat ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme TaE2
Use W303-1A/hER-ERE-Lac Z to determine estrogenic compounds in traditional Chinese materia medica
Nitrogenion implantation mediated
genomic DNA transformation into yeasts
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Chilling-induced Chalcone Synthase Gene from
Jatropha curcas
Interacting Proteins of
Tamarix hispida
Translation Initiation Factor 1A and Their Expression Pattern Analysis
The Effect of Yeast Selenium Supplementation in Diet of Pregnant Does on Expression of GPxs in Testes of Offsprings
Screening of Proteins Interacting with Histone Deacetylase HDA705 in Rice (
Oryza sativa
) by Yeast Two Hybrid System
Screening host factors that interact with
Potato virus Y
necrosis strain polypeptide CKVNP using yeast two-hybrid system
Transformation of Glycyrrhiza uralensis genomic DNA into yeast mediated by ion implantation
Cloning and Functiona l Analysis of the Genes Involved in Signal Transduction in Tomato
Screening host factors that interact with
Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus
MP using yeast two-hybrid system
Functional Identification of Plant Stress-resistant Protein(LEA3) and Its 22-mer Motifs in Yeast
Plant and Yeast NHX Antiporters: Roles in Membrane Trafficking
Character and Application of Killer Yeast
Application of Pichia pastoris Original Constitutive Strong Promoter GCW14 in Candidn antarctic Lipase B Yeast Surface Display
Effects of Yeast Saccharide Treatment on Chilling Resistance and Physiological Quality of Cherry Tomatoes
Effects of Yeast Saccharide Treatment on Chilling Resistance and Physiological Quality of Cherry Tomatoes
Molecular Cloning of BoSU03 and Analysis of the Interaction Between#br# SRK and BoSU03 in Brasscia oleracea
Studies of an AP2/ERF Transcriptional Factor Regulating Bi Gene of Cucumis sativus
Studies of an AP2/ERF Transcriptional Factor Regulating Bi Gene of Cucumis sativus
Construction of Yeast Two-hybrid cDNA Expression Library of
Stellaria apetala
Ucria and Acquirement of Interaction Partner of PG, a Virulence Factor From
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Analysis of Volatiles from Irradiated Yeast Extract
Construction of Stress Induced Full Length cDNA Library of
Sedum alfredii
and Isolation of Genes Related to Cd-tolerance
Cloning of a
gene and analysis of its function in stress tolerance in
Puccinellia tenuiflora
Effect of Matrix Attachment Regions on Resveratrol Production in Tobacco with Transgene of Stilbene Synthase from
Parthenocissus henryana
Wheat RAN1 Affects Microtubules Integrity and Nucleocytoplasmic Transport in Fission Yeast System
Application of Antagonistic Yeasts Under Field Conditions and Their Biocontrol Ability Against Postharvest Diseases of Sweet Cherry
Research progress of microbial agents in ecological engineering
regulates its target genes
binding to a novel
-acting element in response to salt stress
Construction of
Soybean mosaic virus
-induced soybean cDNA library for membrane-based yeast two-hybrid system
Interaction between Two Self-incompatible Signal Elements, EXO70A1 and ARC1
Screening and Identification of Proteins Interacting with ERF Transcription Factor W17 in Wheat
Effect of traditional Chinese medicines with different properties on thermoregulation and temperature-sensitive transient receptor potentialion channel protein of rats with yeast-induced fever
Antioxidative Activities of Transgenic Yeast with Ferritin Gene from Wheat
Detection of Interactions between SCR and SRK in
Brassica oleracea
L. by Yeast Two-Hybrid System
Interaction between Wheat Resistance-related Kinase TiDPK1 and BYDV Coat Protein
Cloning and Characterization of
Brassica juncea
Zinc Finger Protein Transcription Factor Gene
Screening of Promoter-Binding Factors of Tobacco
Gene Using a Modified Yeast Surface Display System
Screening Interaction Proteins of Rubber Elongation Factor (
) by Yeast Two-hybrid System
Novel Natural Allelic Variations at the
Loci in Wheat
Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration in Rice
Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea