Detection of the Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Cucumis Detection of the Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Cucumis Research Progress on Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Relative Genes in Cucumber Research Progress on Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Relative Genes in Cucumber The Analyses of Inheritance of Aroma Components in Progenies of Selfing and Crossing Combination of Grape Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt and Identification of an Associated AFLP Marker in Eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) Studies on Inheritance and Phenotype of the Yellow Mutant of Carrot Inheritance of Parthenocarpy in Gynoecious Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Inheritance of Aroma Components in Vitis Interspecific Crossings Inheritance of Resistance to Race 2 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveurm in Watermelon Wild Germplasm PI296341-FR(Citrullus lanatus var. citriodes) Inheritance of wheat stripe rust resistance of alien introgression CH223 from Thinopyrum intermedium and its cytological characterization Inheritance and Variation of Floral and Fruit Quantitative Traits of Liriodendron Interspecific Hybrid and Its Parent Species Study on Inheritance of Eggplant Fruit Shape Study on Inheritance of Eggplant Fruit Shape Inheritance on Fruit Color Character Between Green and Red of Tomato Study on Inheritance of Salt Tolerance in Soybean Genetic Analysis in Growth Rate Rhythm and Yield Characters of Kenaf (H.cannabinus L.) Discovery of a Cytoplasmically Inherited Virescent Mutant of Soybean Genetic Analysis on Grain Characters in Hybrid Rice Studies on the Inheritance of Several Agronomic Characters of Two Semidwarf Barley genetic Resources, Mimai 114 and Chiba Damai Simplified Triple Test Cross Analysis of Some Stem and Leaf Morphological Characters in Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Inheritance of Sensitivity to Chlorotoluron in Wheat (T.aestivum) Genetics of Resistance to Bacterial Blight(Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzae) in Rice Ⅲ.Allelism Analysis of Two Adult Plant Resistance Genes X_a-6 and X_a-3 Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Quantitative Characters in Jute(Corchorus capsularis L.) Studies on Inheritance and Correlation of Some Quality Characteristics in Winter Wheat Inheritance of Fertility Restoration Ability of Restorer Line Ninghui 3-2 in Sinica Rice A Study on cms-WA Cytoplasmic Susceptibility of Rice to Pyricularia oryzae and Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzae Studies on Disease Resistance in Rice Breeding V.Analysis of Blast-Resistant Genes of Rice Variety Zhong-Dan No.2 STUDIES ON THE INHERITANCE RESISTANCE TO XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV.ORYZAE IN RICE CULTIVARS LEI-YANG-DUO-MAO ETC. ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE GENE OF CHENGTE 232 TO RICE BLAST EVALUATION AND UTILIZATION OF THE RESISTANCE TO MDM IN MAJOR MAIZE CULTIVARS INSHANXI PROVINCE Genetic analysis on the boron nutrition efficiency of rapeseed Analysis on composition regularity of Carthami Flos-containing traditional Chinese medicines Comparative analysis on composition principles of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis Analysis on formula raw materials application of health food containing Gardeniae Fructus Analysis on prescription rules of treating senile dementia based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance auxiliary systems Analysis on medication regularity of Chinese patent medicines containing Scutellaria baicalensis Analysis on traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions treating cancer based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance assistance system and discovery of new prescriptions Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Affecting Yield and Fiber Properties in Chromosome 16 in Cotton Using Substitution Line A Cytological Study of Plastid Inheritance in Angiosperms INHERITANCE OF BLAST-RESISTANCE AND APPLICATION OF BLAST-RESISTANCE VARIETY TETEP Inheritance of High Temperature Tolerance in Eggplant (Solanum melongenaL.) Inheritance of Restoring Genes for Cytoplasmic2nucleus Male Sterility in Radish(Raphanus sativus L.) Expression and Inheritance of Snowdrop Lectin Gene (gna) in Chinese Cabbage Inheritance of High Temperature Tolerance in Eggplant (Solanum melongenaL.) Inheritance of Restoring Genes for Cytoplasmic2nucleus Male Sterility in Radish(Raphanus sativus L.) The Investigation on Utilization of Wild Medicinal Plants in Dietary Culture of Quanzhou, Southern Fujian Inheritance of Aroma in Autotetraploid and Diploid Rices Genetic Analysis on the Total Content of Glucosinolates in Seeds of Rape (Bmssica napus L.) Studies on the Inheritance of Disease Resistance of Wheat——Ⅳ.A Monosomic Analysis of the Rust Resistant Genes of Wheat Varieties L(u|¨)qiyu and Yantar Genetic Analysis of the Resistance of two Wheat Lines to Powdery Mildew A Preliminary Study on the Inheritance of the Resistance of Opaque-2 Maize to Ear Rot Caused by Fusarium moniliforme Biochemical Genetic Study.Ⅰ.Inheritance of Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅲ of Soybean SOD Zymograms Studies on the Inheritance of the Resistance of 4 Somalonal Mutant Lines of Rice to Blast Inheritance of Gel Consistency in Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genetic Analysis of Wetwood Proportion on Clone Test Stand of Populus tomentosa The Cytological Mechanism of Biparental Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pelargonium hortorum -Ultrastructural and DNA Fluorescence Studies of Male and Female Fertility, Inheritance and Amino Acid Analysis of Lysine Plus Threonine-Resistant Mutant Progenies of Maize Genetic Analysis of Leaf Lobes in Brassica rapa Using Mixed Major Gene Plus Polygene Model Genetic Identification of a New Gland Forming Gene in Upland Cotton Inheritance of Cotton Resistance to Verticillium dahliae and Strategies to D evelop Resistant or Tolerant Cultivars A Joint Analysis of Multiple Generations for QTL Models Extended to Mixed Two Major Genes Plus Polygene Studies on the Inheritance of Resistance to Cotton Worm Prodenia litura (Fabricius) Preliminary Studies on Cytoplasmic Inheritance and Variation of Azolla Paternal Inheritance of Plastid DNA in Genus Pharbitis Inheritance Trend of the Fruit Traits of ‘Huozhouheiyu’ Grape Inheritance analysis of resistance to stripe rust in seedling stage on wheat variety Longjian 9821 Analysis on composition principles of Chinese patent drugs containing Ginseng STUDY ON THE INHERITANCES AND CORRELATIONS OF WOOD QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULUSבPOPULARIS‘IMPROVED CLONES AN APPROACH TO INHERITANCE AND VARIATION OF MAIN ECONOMIC CHARACTERS AND COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION OF HALF-SIB FAMILIES OF SLASH PINE STUDY ON SEXUAL HYBRIDIZATION OF SYRINGA The genetic potentiality of plant potassium nutritionThe genetic potentiality of plant potassium nutritionThe genetic potentiality of plant potassium nutritionThe genetic potentiality of plant potassium nutrition Primary Study on HMW-GS Inheritance Affected by 1BL/1RS Translocation Segregation Analysis for Inheritance of Protein Related Traits in Soybean[Glycine max(L.) Merr.] Mapping Male Fertility Gene with SSR Markers in Parents of Cytoplasmic- Nuclear Male-Sterile Line NJCMS3A in Soybean Inheritance of Resistances to Soybean Mosaic Virus Strains SC4 and SC8 in Soybean Major Gene Plus Polygene Inheritance Analysis of Vitamin C Content in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Cytological Mechanism of Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pinus tabulaeformis: II. Transmission of Male and Female Organelles During Fertilization and Proembryo Development The Development of Male Gametophyte in Polygonatum simizui-With Emphasis on the Distribution and Change of Plastids in Generative and Vegetative Cells Cytological Basis of Plastid Inheritance in Phaseolus vulgaris-Investigations of Plastids, Mitochondria and Their DNA Nucleoids During Pollen Development

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