Triterpenoid constituents in fruits of Psidum guajava Study on the Chemical Constituent of Eclipta alba (L.) Hasak Studies on Chemical Constituents in the Stem and Leaf of Isodon oresbius Active components in six kinds of ground bamboo leaves and their anti-oxidant activities Chemical constituents in two species of Indigofera Linn Terpenoids and Phenols from Taiwania flousiana Triterpenoids from leaves of Ilex cornuta Terpenoid compounds isolated from Ligularia sagitt Chemical constitutents of Bauhinia aurea Study on chemical constituents from ethyl acetate extract of Myricaria bracteata Advances of chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Schefflera genus Studies on Triterpenoid Constituents Isolated from the Roots of Sabia schumanniana Polyphenols and Triterpenoids in Rubus aleaefolius Poir.Leaves Chemical Constituents of the Branches and Leaves of Azadirachta indica Cultivated in Yuanmou County The Chemical Constituents of Myripnois dioica Bunge Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Studies on chemical constituents in radicular part of Rubus swinhoei Studies on the Triterpenoids Constituents of Indochina Actinidia Root Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata and their pharmacological effects Chemical constituents in Akebiae Fructus based on UFLC-Q-TOF/MS Triterpenoids from Stauntonia obovatifoliola Hayata subsp. intermedia stems Active components in six kinds of ground bamboo leaves and their anti-oxidant activities Advances in studies on Glycyrrhiza glabra Advances in studies on chemical constituents in plants of Gardenia Ellis Isolation and identification of triterpenoids from root of Achyranthes bidentata in Henan Accumulation of Triterpenoids in Betula platyphylla Suspension Culture Induced by a Fungal Elicitor Triterpenoids and triterpenoid saponins of Viscum liquidambaricolum Chemical constituents of Excoecaria acerifclia Serratene triterpenoids in Lycopodium japonicum from Hubei province Chemical constituents of Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum Cloning, prokaryotic expression, and functional identification of β-amyrin synthase cDNA of Psammosilene tunicoides One new triterpenoid from fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum Research progress on chemical constituents in plants of Melilotus Linn. and their pharmacological activities Reseach progress on lanostane-type triterpenoids in plants of Schisandraceae and their pharmacological activities Analysis on chemical constituents from Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma by HPLC-Q-TOF-MS A new nortriterpenoid from Sambucus williamsii Research progress in chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plants in Pithecellobium Mart. Reseach progress on nortriterpenoids in plants of Schisandraceae and their pharmacological activities Chemical constituents of triterpenoids from Prunella vulgaris and their antitumor activities Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Lycopodii Herba and their pharmacological activities Simultaneous determination of 11 triterpenoids in Alismatis Rhizoma by RP-HPLC-DAD