Monitoring of soil salinization in Northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang of China in dry and wet seasons based on remote sensing. The availability of trace elements in an oasis soil under different utilization intensity in an arid area in China Responses of soil respiration to different environment factors in semi-arid and arid areas Succession of potential vegetation in arid and semi-arid area of China Artificial neural network model of spring wheat growth system in semi-arid areas and yield forecast Effects of plastic film mulch and pre-sowing soil water on growth and yield of spring wheat in semi-arid areas of Loess Plateau Assessment indexes of ecosystem health,model and application in arid area STUDIES ON THE AFFORESTATION TECHNIQUES FOR THREE OAK SPECIES INTHE SEMIARID AREAS OF WESTERN LIAONING PROVINCE Simulating and analyzing dynamic changes of potential vegetation in arid areas of Northwest China Analysis of agro-ecosystem footprint of flux in semi-arid areas Spatialization and analysis of agricultural output value in Xinjiang Soil desiccation characteristics of alfalfa grasslands and soil water restoration effects in alfalfa\|grain crop rotations on the semi\|arid areas of the Loess Plateau Relationship between Anatomical Differences and Ecological Factors of the Assimilating Shoots of Haloxylon ammodendron Estimation of evapotranspiration in maize fields with ground mulching with plastic film in semi-arid areas using revised Shuttleworth-Wallace model Research on spatio-temporal change of temperature in the Northwest Arid Area Effects of organic fertilization on soil nutrient, enzyme activity and crop productivity in semi-arid areas of southern Ningxia POPIAR INTRODUCTION AND SELECTION IN THE COLD SEMIARID AREA OF THE NORTH CHINA Tiller redundancy in winter wheat in irrigated arid areas Evaluation of agricultural ecosystem services value in Manas River Watershed of China Adaptability of APSIM Lucerne Model in Semiarid Area of Ningxia Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Alfalfa in Irrigated and Arid Area Analysis of the Relationships of Net Photosynthesis Rates among Eight Poplar Clones in Semi-arid Area, Western Part of Liaoning Province Physiological Response of Populus euphratica Seedlings to Progressive Soil Drought Under Natural Environment in an Extreme Arid Area STUDIES ON THE DENSITY AND ECONOMIC BENEFIT OF POPULUS‘ZHAOLIN 6‘ PLANTATION IN THE SEMIARID AREA OF WEST LIAONING PROVINCE Sustainable development of artificial ecosystem in arid areas and the theory of dissipative structure Research of the comprehensive technologies on transformation and utilization of saline land in arid areas The change of land use/cover and characteristics of landscape pattern in arid areas oasis: a case study of Jinghe County, Xinjiang Province Effects of land use change on landscape pattern of a typical arid watershed in the recent 50 years: a case study on Manas River Watershed in Xinjiang Growth Rhythm and Individual Models of Wine Bamboo Plantation, Oxytenanthera braunii Identification of key ecosystem for ecological restoration in semi-arid areas: a case study in Helin County, Inner Mongolia Responses of soil respiration to changes in depth of seasonal frozen soil in Ebinur Lake area, arid area of Northwest China Soil dryness characteristics of alfalfa cropland and optimal growth years of alfalfa on the Loess Plateau of central Gansu, China. Woody Landscape Plants Selection in Urban Accessory Greenlands of Branches in Semi-Arid Areas——An Example of Shendong Mining Area Soil water and nutrient characteristics of alfalfa grasslands at semi-arid and semi-arid prone to drought areas in southern Ningxia The relationship between grassland ecosystem and soil water in arid and semi-arid areas: a review Spatio-temporal change and its effects on landscape pattern of Jinta Oasis in Arid China from 1963 to 2009 Comprehensive quantitative assessment models for ecological environment in arid area A study on water restoration of dry soil layers in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau A Review on the Studies of Bryophyte Ecology in Arid and Semi-arid Areas Response of Salix psammophila seedlings to simulated precipitation change in Ordas plateau Research on N2O Emission Fluxes of 3 Cultivated Grasslands in Growing Seasons Effects of Medicago sativa on Soil Nutrients and Microbial Biomass under Different Years in the Arid Area of Northern Weihe River Basin Response of Corn to Climate Warming in Arid Areas in Northwest China The coupling law and its validation of the interaction between urbanization and eco-environment in arid area An Analysis on Genetic Variation in Growth Characters of Geographical Provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis N2O Emission Dynamics and Its Microbial Mechanism of a 3-year-old Alfalfa Grassland in the Arid Loess Plateau The spatial pattern and influence caused by water resources in arid desert oases Characteristics of low-lying wet-grassland evapotranspiration in the middle reach of the inland river basin of Northwest China Studies on the Variation Law of Stem Sap Flow of Fuji Apple in Arid Area Changes of soil organic C and total N contents as affected by desertification in Horqin Sand Land, North China Modeling soil moisture dynamics in different forest types in semiarid areas Evaluation of adaptability of conservation tillage in Loess Plateau semi-arid areas Influence of long-term aridity on morphological characteristics of legume nodules in Xinjiang Application of a greenhouse air-conditioning method to simulate take-back of rainfall in an extremely arid area Analysis of the wheat yellow dwarf epidemic and its predicting model of BP neural network in northwestern China Effeet of subsoiling on crop yield in semi-arid area of west Liaoning and its mechanism A conception of ecological land use and its function classification in arid area in Northwest China Soilwater deficit under different artificial vegetation restoration in the semi-arid hilly region of the Loess Plateau Foliage Projective Cover,Effective Tool for Describing Structure of Plant Communities Soil Water Redistribution Pattern of Caragana intermedia Hedgerow System in Semi-arid Area Leaching loss of nitrate from semiarid area agroecosystem Mechanism analysis on water cohesion in arid area of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Review on the ecological effects of N deposition in arid and semi-arid areas Response of Soil Quality to Artificial Vegetation Restoration Patterns in the Arid Area of Northern Weihe River Basin STUDIES ON REGULATING FUNCTION OF FOREST HYDROLOGY AND MICROCLIMATE IN ARID AND SEMI-ARID AREA OF WEST CHINA A Study on Cultivation Technigues for Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. in Daxing County Area,Beijing Study on the Determination of Salt-tolerance Index of Main Afforestation Tree Species and Their Ordination in Arid Areas with Secondary Salinization The Relationship between Different Amounts of Irrigation and Changes of Soil Water Content in Populus×xiaozhuanica cv.‘popularis’ Plantation in Arid Area in lnner Mongolia Response of Seedlings of Three Dominant Shrubs to Climate Warming in Ordos Plateau Markov process of vegetation cover change in arid area of Northwest China based on FVC index. Coverage extraction and up-scaling of sparse desert vegetation in arid area. Changes of China agricultural climate resources under the background of climate change. Ⅲ. Spatiotemporal change characteristics of agricultural climate resources in Northwest Arid Area. Ecological characteristics of Phragmites australis and their relationship to water-salt indicators in dry habitats of the southern marginal zones of the Tarim Basin, China Research progress on the environment impacts from underground coal mining in arid western area of China THE ECOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF SEEDS ABORTION FOR SPRING WHEAT IN SEMI-ARID AREA Analysis of Phenotypic Traits and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) in the Semi-Arid Area