Effects of applying controlled release fertilizers on N2O emission from a lateritic red soil. Effects of winter cover crop on methane and nitrous oxide emission from paddy field. Emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O from broad-leaned forested swamp soils in Xiaoxingan Mountains Short-term Effects of Earthworm and Evodia lepta on Soil N2O and CH4 Fluxes in a Subtropical Plantation A Study on the Effect of Agroforestry on Environmental Quality Effects of Straw Recycling of Winter Covering Crop on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Paddy Field Vertical distribution characteristics of N2O emission in tea garden and its adjacent woodland. The controlling factors and coupling of soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in a temperate needle-broadleaved mixed forest In-situ measurement of N2O concentration from profile of loess soil The effect of temperature and moisture on N2O flux kinetics from loessial soil Effects of combined application of manure and chemical fertilizer on the nitrification in acid vegetable soil Modeling impacts of alternative farming management practices on carbon sequestration and mitigating N2O emissions from spring maize fields NH3 and N2O emission and nitrogen loss rate from biogas liquid produced by pig slurry after topdressing on vegetable fields Characteristics of denitrification in different soil layers in a greenhouse vegetable cropping system The N2O concentration and the relationships with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and denitrifiers abundance in root zone and row of summer maize Studies on the fluxes of nitrous oxide from greenhouse vegetable soil Effect of optimized nitrogen application on N2O emission from paddy field under wheat-rice rotation system A preliminary study of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from the Gahai wetland A preliminary research on the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on N2O emission by crops Soil N2O and CH4 fluxes in broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains Effects of illumination,carbon source and reducing power on N2O emission from maize and soybean seedlings Effects of no-tillage and fertilization on paddy soil CH4 and N2O emissions and their greenhouse effect in Central China. Effects of N application and maize growth on N2O emission from soil Impacts of enhanced UV-B radiation on N2O emissions from soil-soybean systems Effect of different application time of DCD on methane and nitrous oxide emissions during rice growth period Investigation of N2O and CH4 Emissions from Plants Effect of lignin on N,P transformation in soil and corn yield N2O emission by plants and influence of fertilization Effect of maize plant on N2O emission from field Effects of controlled release fertilizers on N2O emission from paddy field Soil N2O emission in contour hedgerow/crop intercropping system in subtropical China Effects of exogenous nitrogen on N2O production processes in wetland soils of different restoration phases in the Yellow River estuary. Effects of intercropping on soil CO2 and N2O emissions from upland: A review. EMISSION FLUX OF NITROUS OXIDE FROM FOREST SOILS IN BEIJING Greenhuse gases and their ecological effects Dynamic of denitrification rate and N2O flux in maize field Research advances in control of N2O emission from municipal solid waste landfill sites. Effects of elevated ultraviolet-B radiation on the chemical composition of wheat straw and the N2O emission from soil amended with the straw. Contribution of fungi to soil nitrous oxide emission and their research methods: A review. Research of N2O flux from greenhouse and nitrifier and denitrifier numbers NITROGEN LOSS FROM ABOVE-GROUND PLANTSBY VOLATILIZATION Research on Key Greenhouse Gas Fluxes across Alpine Steppe, Alpine Meadow and Swamp Meadow in Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau Continuous-automatic method for measuring N2O emission from agricultural soil Effect of irrigation and rainfall on the N2O losses in dryland Effects of bamboo leaves and their biochar additions on soil N2O flux in a Chinese chestnut forest Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on N2O emissions in a highly acid tea orchard soils Use of silicone tubes as a simple method to measure in situ soil gas N2O concentrations and fluxes Re-estimation of direct nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils of China via revised IPCC2006 guideline method The effects of crop on N2O emission from loess soil: roots and N2O emission from soil Effects of long-term fertilization on N distribution and N2O emission in fluvo-aquci soil in North China Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizerson N2O emission from greenhouse vegetable soil Effects of different fertilizer and irrigation levels on N2O emission from greenhouse vegetable lands Effects of nitrapyrin-nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates on N utilization and N2O emission in summer maize field. The processes of N2O production in temperate meadow grassland soils Effect of stubble incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on denitrification and nitrous oxide emission in an irrigated maize soil Effect of nitrification inhibitor and aeration regulation on soil N2O emission Characteristics of N2O and CH4 Fluxes and Their Seasonal Variations From Inner Mongolia Grassland Impact of fertilization method on soil nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilization during summer maize growth period SOIL N2O EMISSION AND ITS RESPONSE TO SIMULATED N DEPOSITION IN THE MAIN FORESTS OF DINGHUSHAN IN SUBTROPICAL CHINA Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in Methane and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Meadow Steppe of Inner Mongolia N2O Emission Rate from Trees N2O flux from the mire in Ruoergai Plateau Multivariate regression analysis of greenhouse gas emissions associated with activities and populations of soil microbes in a double-rice paddy soil Impacts of drying-wetting cycles on CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in different ecosystems Production and reduction of nitrous oxide in agricultural and forest soils Effect of modified ammonium bicarbonate on nitrification-denitrification process and NO and N2O emission Relationship between soil denitrifying enzyme activities and N2O emission Effect of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide on N2O and CH4 emissions from lowland rice soil Dynamics of denitrification potential in a Danish forest soil Effect of different nitrogen fertilizers on N2O emission from soil N2O emission from rice wheat ecosystem in Southeast China CH4 and N2O fluxes from late-rice fields in Guangzhou region and their affecting factors Relationship bwtween CH4 and N2O emissions from rice field and its microbiological mechanism and impacting factors Effect of nutritional condition on N2O emission by crop seedlings——a sand liguid cross culture study Field measurement of N2O flux from soybean plant and effect of light on it N2O emission from grassland soils and the teedback effect or nutrient changes resulting from global warming N2O emission from woody plants and its relation to their physiological activities N2O Exchange Within a Soil and Atmosphere Profile in Alpine Grasslands on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Effects of adding DCD on N2O emissions in soil cracking The synergetic and competitive mechanism andthe dominant factors of dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes: a review