GENETIC STUDY ON MALE STERILE MUTANT OF MAIZE INDUCED BY HEAVY ION IRRADIATION HEREDITY ANALYSIS OF A NATURAL MUTANT OF PAPAYA RESISTANT TO PRSV Responses and Resistance Mechanism of Pinus massoniana under the Stresses of Simulated Acid Rain and Aluminum Heredity Analysis of FruitMa ture Period in Progenies from and Intraspecificand Interspecific Hibr idiza tion of V itis am u rensis Rupr. Investigation on Quality Difference between Cordyceps of Sichuan and Those of Xizang Primary Research on Heredity Rule of Multi-leaflet Mutant in Soybean Heredity Analysis of FruitMa ture Period in Progenies from and Intraspecificand Interspecific Hibr idiza tion of V itis am u rensis Rupr. Advances in plant ecotype classification Study on Selection and Breeding for Multi function of New Variety of Populus tomentosa The resistance heredity of Vitis vinifera to Uncinula necator and Plasmopara viticola Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema grandiflora witll SmallInflorescences Hereditary stability among species of Dendrobium huoshanense by RAPD Evaluation and analysis of resistance to cucumber downy mildew under low light stress Hereditary Ana lysis of Tota l Fruit Ac id Content and Sugar Content of Progen ies ( F1 - F4 ) of V itis am u rensis Rupr. v ia Intra spec if ic or Interspec if icHybr idiza tion Diversity of Leaf Variegation in Chinese Begonias THE HEREDITARY VARIATION AND SELECTION ON SUGAR BEET CHARACTERS Genetic Effect Analysis in Wheat Anter Culture of Different Generations A STUDY ON SELECTION OF GEOGRAPHICAL PROVENANCE OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS RESISTING MATSUCOCCUS MATSUSCOCCUS MATSUMURAE KUWANA A SERIES OlF STUDIES ON ALEURITES FORDII BREEDING PROGRAMME THE ADVANCES OF PAULOWNIA STEM FORM CULTIVATION RESEARCH Studies on hereditary character of grain weight for resistant BYDV materials in winter wheat Genetic Analysis of Yield Components of Different Types of Foxtail Millet Primary Study on Armillaria Population Heredity Law Inheritance of Semi-leafless and Its Utilization in Vegetable Pea Inheritance of Semi-leafless and Its Utilization in Vegetable Pea STUDIES ON THE RICE NOVEL CYTOPLASM OF MALE STERILITY──COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON GENETICS OF STERILITY OF NOVEL RICE CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY MAXIE A WITH ZHENSHAN 97A Analysis of heterosis, combining ability and heritability of cadmium content in brown rice of tri-line indica hybrid rice Advances in barley yellow dwarf virus resistance heredity in wheat breeding Sensitivity of Phytophthora capsici to mandipropamid and its cross resistance with other fungicides STUDIES ON HEREDITY OF COLEOPTILE AND RELATIVITY BETWEEN COLEOPTILE LENGTH AND DROUGHT RESISTANCE UNDER WATER STRESS IN WHEAT Production and Identification of Interspecific Hybrids between Chinese Cabbage and Purple Cabbage Genetic study on BYDV resistance in winter wheat Isozymatic Differentiation in Local Population of Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc. A STUDY ON SYNTHETIC SELECTION FOR MULTI-SHAPE AND PROPERTIES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS Genetic analysis of Zn-efficient nutrition characteristic of rice at different Zn2+ activities Genetic Analysis of Plant Height and Leaf Number Related Main Gene and Polygene of Sorghum× Sudan Grass Study on Inheritance and Correlation of Tassel in Maize Progress of the studies on the pink bollworm,Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), resistance to Bt transgenic cotton Peristome Morphology Characteristics of 16 Species of Family Pottiaceae and their Systematic Significance THE HEREDITARY TENDENCY OF CHARACTERS IN F GENERATION OF WHEAT CROSSES WITH MUTANTS Heredity of Rice Harvest Index and Correlations between HI and Main Agronomic Characters Leaf Morphological Factors and Their Heredity in F1 of Rice Identification, Heredity and Breeding of Indica Giant Embryo Rice A study on the genetic law of seed coat characters in hull-less Cucurbita pepo Study on Heredity of Fruit Colors of Sweet Pepper Study on Heredity of Fruit Colors of Sweet Pepper Hereditary Ana lysis of Tota l Fruit Ac id Content and Sugar Content of Progen ies ( F1 - F4 ) of V itis am u rensis Rupr. v ia Intra spec if ic or Interspec if icHybr idiza tion Study on Characteristic of Glabrous Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Study on Characteristic of Glabrous Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema grandiflora witll SmallInflorescences