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chemical property
Effects of different stable organic matters on physicochemical properties of lime concretion black soil and maize yield
Dry farmland practice involving multi-conservation tillage measuresin the Loess Plateau
Effect of different rotation patterns on soil microbial population and physiochemical properties under gravel-sand mulched field conditions
Effect of biochar on physicochemical properties of red and yellow brown soils in the South China Region
Correlation analysis of soil physical and chemical properties under different planting patterns of blood orange garden in hilly areas of Chongqing City
Influence of karst mountain under-forest economy modes on soil infiltration in Southwest China
Effects of rotational tillage on soil physiochemical propertiesand spring maize yield in Weibei Highlands
Effects of biological tillage on physicochemical properties and soil enzyme activity and growth and quality of
Brassica oleracea
Effects of different saline-alkali land amendments on soil physicochemical properties and alfalfa growth and yield
Effect of Forest and Farm on Vertical Patterns of Soil Carbon,Nitrogen and Other Parameters in Northeast China
Nitric oxide(NO) is a signaling molecule of plant irritability response to environment
Influences of application of biochar and biochar-based fertilizer on brown soil physiochemical properties and peanut yields
Interactions between natural vegetation succession and waste residue in lead-zinc tailings deposited sites.
Effects of long-term fertilization on soil enzyme activities and soil physicochemical properties of facility vegetable field.
The soil properties of the subalpine timberline ecotone and adjacent vegetations in Western Sichuan
Changes in physical-chemical and microbial properties of rice straw through vermicomposting
Preliminary studies on physicochemical properties of
Angelica sinensis
polysaccharide-iron complex
Soil chemical property changes in vegetable greenhouse fields
Effects of Temperature and Treatment on Physicochemical Properties of
Phyllanthus emblica
Correlation between quality of
Alisma orientale
in Sichuan Province and rhizosphere soil physicochemical property
Extraction, composition analysis and acute toxicity test of seed oil of
Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Effect of organic fertilizer application pattern on vegetable yield, soil chemical property and micro-organism
Path analysis between dehydrogenase activity and chemical property of wasteland in Yellow River Delta
Effect of sugarcane vinasse on soil physicochemical properties and oxidoreductase enzymes
The Study of Correlation Between the Physicochemical Properties of Starch From Different Sweet Potato Varieties and the Quality of Its Starch Noodle
Effects of organic materials on forms and chemical properties of added exogenous cadmium in submerged fluvo-aquic soil
Crop yield and soil biochemical properties under different nitrogenfertilization and irrigation management schemes
Gray correlation analysis of the impact of land use type on soil physical and chemical properties in the hilly area of central Sichuan, China.
Changes of soil microbial biomass carbon and their impact factors for
Pinus tabuliformis
plantations at different development stages on the Loess Plateau, China.
Orthogonal Test of EMS Mutation and NaCl Stress and Screening of Salt-tolerant Fiber Flax Germplasm
in Vitro
Research progress on venom proteins of parasitic Hymenoptera
A study on the appropriate stocking capacity under group-household management on the Hongyuan grasslands in north-western Sichuan
Effects of invasive weeds on relative grasshopper abundance in alpine steppe in the Qilian Mountains
Effect of pure and mixed stands on soil physical and chemical properties
Effect of natural zeolite on soil nutrient bioavailability and soil chemical properties
Comparison of the Physicochemical Property of
Panax notoginseng
Saponins Original Powder and Submicron Powder
Effects of composting with earthworm on the chemical and biological properties of agricultural organic wastes: A principal component analysis.
Effects of Process Methods on Physicochemical Property and Nutrient Content of Tea Oil
Extraction and Characterization of the Flower Pigment of
Species diversity of vegetation in relation to biomass and environmental factors in the upper area of the Shule River
Comparison Analysis on the Experimental Communities During Progressive Succession on Alkaline Patches in the Songnen Plain of China
Effects of different type urban forest plantations on soil fertility.
Effects of the Ratio of Purple Sweetpotato Flour on the Properties of Sweetpotato Starch and Starch Noodle
Effects of continuous cropping of wheat and alfalfa on soil enzyme activities and nutrients.
Soil humus differentiation and correlation with other soil biochemical properties in pure forests in semiarid lowhilly area of Inner Mongolia, China.
Effects of different perlite additions on physical and chemical properties of sewage sludge compost and growth of
Tagetes patula
Effects of logging residues on surface soil biochemical properties and enzymatic activity
The antifungal activity of the bioactive compound produced by endophytic fungus ZJUF0986
Study of tillage patterns suitable for soil physicochemical properties and crop yields in wheat/maize fields
Soil fertility under different forest types in the Helan and Liupan Mountain ranges of Ningxia Province
Nutrient characteristics of mulch green manure and their influences on soil physical and chemical property in Yunnan rubber plantation
Optimum fertilization for high sugar and low-nitrate pumpkin production in the Loess Plateau
Effect of 5-year rapeseed cake fertilization and straw mulching on tea plantation soil ecosystem
Biochar research advances regarding soil improvement and crop response
Chemical properties and enzyme activities of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils under six Chinese herbal medicines on Mt. Taibai of Qinling Mountains, Northwest China.
Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Properties of Bamboo-Based Fiber Composites
Correlation analysis soil nutrition as well as yield and active compounds of
Coptis teeta
Correlation between quality of
Alisma orientale
in Sichuan Province and rhizosphere soil physicochemical property
Effects of nighttime temperature increase on physio-chemical properties, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in high-altitude region of Yunnan Province
Effects of Different Plants on Soil Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities in Zhifanggou Watershed of Loess Plateau
Reclaimed soil properties and weathered gangue change characteristics under various vegetation types on gangue pile
The Effects of Natural Grazing Intensity on Plant Community and Soil Nutrients in Alpine Meadow
Fractal feature of soil structure and reflection on soil properties in different regeneration patterns of
Casuarina equisetifolia
forest in coastal sandy soil
Effects of returning crop straw into Vertisol on the physical and chemical prope rties and availability of manganese, zinc, copper
Studies on the Characteristics of Crude Toxin Produced by
Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp.
Race 4
Studies on the Characteristics of Crude Toxin Produced by
Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp.
Race 4
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