STUDIES ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLINGSHAN MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅸ.THE INFLUENCE OF SCALE ON α DIVERSITY An elementary study on the distributional rule of canopy gaps of Larix gmelinii forests using wavelet analysis STUDIES ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅷ VARIATION OF COMPOSITION ALONG ELEVATIONAL GRADIENT Belowground biomass in Tibetan grasslands and its environmental control factors Beta diversity of forest community on Dinghushan The relationship between vegetation characteristics and hydro-thermic factors along the Ulanbattar-Xilinhot Grassland Transect of the Mongolian Plateau Assessment of monitoring methods for population abundance of Amur tiger in Northeast China Relationships between chemical compositions of Quercus species seeds and climatic factors in temperate zone of NSTEC Monitoring the Ecological Transect in East Asia Monsoon Region by Meteorological Satellite Remote Sensing Study on the relationship between α diversity of plant community and environment on Dinghushan SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ALONG NORTHEAST CHINA TRANSECT (NECT) FROM 1982 TO 1999 Phenological change of main vegetation types along a North-South Transect of Eastern China Response of normalized difference vegetation index in main vegetation types to climate change and their variations in different time scales along a North-South Transect of Eastern China Characteristics of soil organic carbon at 38°N ecological transect of Hebei Province Characteristic Change of Several Forest Landscapes Between 1896 and 1986 in Heilongjiang Province The Complexity and Diversity of Typical Plant Communities Along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) Effects of Road on Spatial Distribution Patterns of Stand and Biomass of Pine and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in Dinghushan Nature Reserve GRASSLAND BIOMASS OF COMMUNITIES ALONG GRADIENTS OF THE INNER MONGOLIA GRASSLAND TRANSECT The changes of water-use efficiency and stoma density of Leymus chinensis along Northeast China Transect Response patterns of foliar δ13C and δ15N to environmental factors for the dominant plants in Inner Mongolia steppe, China Regional differences in plant diversity in the southern Gurbantonggut desert Lab. of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology; Institute of Botany; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing; China The scientific significance of the north east China transect (NECT) to global change study by its ecogeographical characteristics STUDY ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DON LINGSHAN MOUNTAIN,BEIJING CHINA Ⅹ β DIVERSITY AND FRACTAL ANALYSIS ON TRANSECT ON DIFFERENT SCALES A Comparative Study on Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency Between Clonal and Non-clonal Plant Species Along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) Spatial Characteristics and Change for Tree Species (Genera) Along Northeast China Transect (NECT) Winter carrying capacity and the optimum population density of wild boar in fenghuang Mountains National Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ON THE STIPES AND RHIZOMES OF THE FERN GENUS LEPISORUS Spatial pattern of Nitraria Tangutorum shrub islands based on transect Distribution pattern of saplings under forest in Jinyun Mountain of Sichuan province Study on Regional Land Cover Patterns Derived From Multi-Scale Remotely Sensed Data Distribution of Soil Labile Carbon Along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) and Its Response to Climatic Change Distribution of Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Along Northeast China Transect (NECT) and Their Relationships with Climatic Factors Distribution Patterns of Aboveground Biomass in Tibetan Alpine Vegetation Transects(in English) Gradient distribution of soil nitrogen and its response to climate change along the Northeast China Transect The water conservation study of typical forest ecosystems in the forest transect of eastern China Plant Diversity Change in Grassland Communities Along a Grazing Disturbance Gradient in the Northeast China Transect EFFECTS OF URBANIZATION ON THE CONCENTRATIONS OF HEAVY METALS IN DECIDUOUS FOREST FLOOR IN STUDY CASE OF NEW YORK CITY SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR TREE SPECIES AT NECT—GEOSTATISTICS AND FRACTAL METHODS Analysis of relationship among three Sapindaceae fruit trees based on leaf anatomical characteristics Response of leaf morphometric traits of Quercus species to climate in the temperate zone of the North-South Transect of Eastern China Impact of land use on the emission fluxes of greenhouse gas in North-South Transection of Eastern China Spatial variability of soil nutrients and salinity in coastal saline-alkali land based on belt transect method. Evaluation of Tree Health in Songshan Park, Macao Application of Discriminant Analysis in Distinguishing Plant Photosynthetic Types-A Case Study in Northeast China Transect (NECT) Area Comparisons of Stem Anatomical Structures among Litchi, Longan and Longli Near surface CO2 concentration and its quantitative relationship with character of underlying surface in Shanghai City, China. Variation of soil respiration and its underlying mechanism in grasslands of northern China. Spatial pattern gradient analysis of a transect in a hilly urban area in China from the perspective of transportation corridor sprawl ESTIMATION OF POPULATION SIZE OF ARGALI SHEEP IN TIBET BY LINE TRANSECT SAMPLING A Preliminary Study on the Biome Classification and the Response of Biomes to Global Change Along Northeast China Transect(NECT) Monitoring Inter-annual Variation of Evapotranspiration with Meteorological Satellite Remote Sensing Method in China Monsoon Transect A Gradient Analysis and Prediction on the Northeast China Transect (NECT) for Global Change Study Dynamic Modelling of Northeast China Transect Responses to Global Change-A Regional Vegetation Model Driven by Remote Sensing Information Stoichiometric characteristics of leaf carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus of 102 dominant species in forest ecosystems along the North-South Transect of East China. Forest soil organic matter δ13C along a |altitudinal transect on northern slope of Changbai Mountains under effects of simulated warming. The spatial-temporal distribution of leaf area index in China: a comparison between ecosystem modeling and remote sensing reversion Species diversity distribution pattern of alpine grasslands communities along a
precipitation gradient across Northern Tibetan Plateau

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