Research Advances on Plant Science in China in 2013 Research Advances on Plant Science in China in 2014 Impact of Plant Introduction or Domestication on the Recent 500 Years of Civilization and Scientific Research Value of Plant Living Collections Using 3D-SIM Structure Illumination Microscope to Localize Proteins in Plant Subcellular Compartments Spatial patterns of plant species diversity in a degraded successional series of fragmented Leymus chinensis meadow in
 Songnen Plain of Northeast China.
A new spatial-dispersal model on wind-borne herbaceous plant seeds Plant species diversity in relation to island size ABSORPTIONOF 125 I AND 3HINAQUATICPLANTS STUDY ON TRANSFER OF CADMIUM IN SOIL-PLANT SYSTEMS WITH THE ISOTOPIC DILUTION METHOD Review of Studies on Plant Shade-Tolerance A Study on Frost Injury and Restoration on Pueraria wallichii A Survey of Communities and Habitats of An Invasive Plant Species Eupatorium catarium in the Tropical Regions of Hainan and Western Guangdong Provinces Screening and identification of a nitrogen fixing bacteria with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity Interspecific Differences and Correlation among Leaf Structural Traits of Three Plant Seedlings of Lauraceae in the Mid-Subtropical Zone of China THE RELATIONSHIP OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY TO ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION IN RELATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION IN SEMI_HUMID EVERGREEN FORESTS, YUNNAN PROVINCE,CHINA EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON PLANT SECONDARY METABOLISM Advances in study on resveratrol Spatial Pattern and Relation With the Topographical Factors of the Rare Pare Species at Dalaoling in the Three Gorges Region Effect of power plant smoke on soil and crop Effect of different measures on the overground yield and fluorine content of plant in soil-plant system The dynamic response of plant root respiration to increasing temperature and global warming Nitrogen and phosphorus removal and N2O emission from domestic sewage in floating-bed plant systems Investigation and analysis of landscape green plant species along Harbin-Acheng Highway in Heilongjiang Province Effects of Culture Broth from Fusarium mairei on Defense Response and Taxol Accumulation in Suspension Cultures of Taxus cuspidata A Review on the Effects of Climate Change on Plant Sexual Reproduction Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number in Polygonum hydropiper(Polygonaceae) Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Metabolic Engineering of Tropane Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Plants The resistance threshold and interactions of several plantsecondary metabolites to wheat aphids Studies on the Characteristic of Element Contents in the Dominant Plant Species of the Threegorges Region in China Relation of Wind-induced Sand Displacement to Plant Biomass and Plant Sand-binding Capacity Research advances in the effects of host plant volatiles on Cydia pomonella behaviors and the application of the volatiles in pest control. Altitudinal pattern of plant species diversity in the Wulu Mountain Nature Reserve,Shanxi, China SPACE RADIATION MEASUREMENT OF PLANT SEEDS BOARDING ON THE SHIJIAN-8 SATELLITE EffectsoffencingonvegetationcommunitycharacteristicsandsoilpropertiesofatypicalsteppeinInnerMongolia A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BREEDING OF NEW CHINESE LOTUS CULTIVARS OF HIGH YIELD AND FINE QUALITY Embracing the pteridophyte classification of Ren-Chang Ching using a generic phylogeny of Chinese ferns and lycophytes Textual studies of TCM Gaoben (Ligusticum L.) habitually prescribing in Yunnan Province PPF1 May Suppress Plant Senescence via Activating TFL1 in Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants Caloric Value and Nutrient Characteristics of Dominant Plant Species of Six Typical Vegetation Communities in Ziwuling Forest Area of the Loess Plateau Effect of human activities on soil environment and plant species diversity of elm sparse woods Structure, Delimitation, Nomenclature and Classification of Stomata Behavioral responses of Chrysopa septempunctata to synomones of tea plants and sex pheromones of aphids: Effectiveness on tea aphid control Photo-ecological characteristics of the dominant plant species in the secondary forest surrounding Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, China Effects of pioneer plants richness on community characteristics of vegetation and their soil and water conservation benefit for highway side slope A study on the species diversity and succession situation of natural forest communities in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City On the General Characteristics of Plant Diversity of Gurbantunggut Sandy Desert THE HABITAT AND ANALYSIS ON THE EXTERNAL ENDANGERED FACTORS OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE), AN ENDANGERED SPECIES INTEGRATED CHARACTERISTICS OF WOODEN PLANT SEEDS AND THE RELATIVITY OF ADVANCED GERMINATION METHODS Study on Community Quantity Character in Alpine Mixed-sown Grassland under Different Grazing Intensities The Pollen Morphology of Mine Rare & Endangered Plant Species Grown in West Inner Mongolian Desert Areas Variations of Leymus chinesis community, functional groups, plant species and their relationships with climate factors STUDIES IN GETTING HYBRIDS PLANTS OF INTERSPECIFIC\=HYBRIDIZATION THROUGH OVULE CULTURE IN VITRO Degradation of Phenolic Allelochemicals in Bamboo Soil by Fenton’s Reagent REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES COMMUNITY STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ENDANGERED PLANT, BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, USING INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS EFFECTS OF COMPLEMENTARITY ON DIVERSITY-PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP PERSPECTIVES ON SMALL_SCALE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF PLANT SPECIES IN PLANT COMMUNITIES The Organic Carbon Distribution and Flow in Wetland Soil-plant System in Ruoergai Plateau Clonal Plants Along the Sandy Hill-Slope in Ordos Plateau and Relation of Their Importance to Plant Species Diversity Study on nitrogen and phosphorus content in the leaves of dominant plant species in sandy hills along Poyang Lake Survey and evaluation on plant species of green land in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City Reproductive characteristics of Tithonia diversifolia and its geographical spread in Yunnan Province of South-West China Effects of six plant secondary metabolites on activities of detoxification enzymes in Spodoptera litura Molecular basis and regulation of plant senescence STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL ENZYMIC ACTIVITIES AND PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY IN FOREST ECOSYSTEM OF MT.JINYUN ELECTROPHORETIC DATA AND STUDIES OF PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION Allozymic Genetic Diversity in Eurycorymbus caraleriei (Levl.) Hand.-Mazz., an Endemic and Dioecious Tree in China The alien plant species in Guangzhou, China On plant stem cells and animal stem cells Behavioural Responses of Dendrolimus superans to Dahurin Larch and Its Nine Volatiles Effect of various modifiers on migration and accumulation of heavy metals RECENT SPACE BOTANY RESEARCH IN RUSSIAN Effect of plant and light on CH4 exchange in the soil-plant system of wheat fields The Role of Cytokinins in Retarding of Senescence in Plants Transcription Factors Involved in Plant Secondary Metabolismand Its Application in Plant Secondary Metabolic Engineering Application of Improved Contingency Table Method in Wheat Breeding Ⅰ.Discussion the Theory of Single plant Selection Approach Composition of plant species and their distribution patterns in Beijing urban ecosystem Characteristics of leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in relation to plant size of Machilus pauhoi. Advances in studies on spatial-specific distributions of secondary metabolites and related enzymes in plants