Restoration of degraded ecosystems and development of water-harvesting ecological agriculture in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China Energy flow of agro-fruit ecosystem in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province Sustainable development of Xinjiang River watershed ecosystem in Jiangxi Province Safety status and development strategy of peanut in Hunan Province Reconstructing and upgrading of Chinese eco-agriculture oriented to circular economy A discussion on macro-environment related the obstacle to development of eco-agriculture The current status and countermeasures of ecological agriculture development in Fujian Province Productivity of crop-fruit ecological agriculture in middle-south Loess Plateau Material-flow Structure and Nitrogen-recycling Efficiency of Kangji Ecological Farm Macroscopic Features of Nitrogen Transformation and Cycling in the Agroecosystem in China and It‘s Implications to Ecological Agriculture The Allocation Structure of an Eco-agricultural Resource-saving Model A study on sustainable utilization of eco-agricultural resources in wet-land of Dongting Lake Eco-agricultural construction and comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem of Dehui County A Preliminary Report on a Complex Eco-agro-model in Low Output Peddy Field in Southern Karst Region By the Theory of Ecological Economics to Promote the Development of the Ecological Agriculture in China Comprative studies of the Ecological Agriculture Between China and the Western countries Characteristics of Ecological Agriculture Practice in Zhejiang Province Studies on the ecological forages and its utilization in ecological orchard Recent development of sustainable agriculture and its relation to Chinese ecological agriculture A new approach of ecological agriculture development The prospect of the Chinese ecological agriculture(CEA)at present stage Discussion on eco-agriculture and modern agriculture The agricultural countermeasures and development trend of eco-agriculture in China after access to WTO Index system and its weights for integrated evaluation of ecological agriculture Study on the pattern of high benefit and special ecological agriculture in Kant Area-A case study from Fengshan County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region On the design of chinese ecological agriculture model Ecological economic analysis of a rice-crab model Ways for developing the waste bricklin land at Kangji Ecological Farm and their benefits Establishment and use of information management system for ecological agricultural counties and its quality assurance Ecological agriculture in Guangxi, China:its history, effectiveness, challenges and solutions GIS analysis of structural characteristics of pollution sources in irrigable farmland in Ningxia China On the technical package for eco-agriculture Massively developing ecological agriculture to welcome the challenge after the country‘s entry to WTO Several theoretical problems in sustainable agriculture Ideas for ecological industry development in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia contiguous area—Mainly focusing on ecological agriculture Ecological agriculture: future of Good Agriculture Practice of Chinese materia medica Ecological agriculture modes design in Huayang Lakeside Zone Future orientation of ecological agriculture STUDY ON ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE PATTERNS IN HILLY RED SOIL REGION The opportunity and challenge to ecological agriculture in China Exploration on the construction model of ecological agriculture in Weibei Loess Plateau Study on the main models and their complete set of techniques for the controlled environmental ecological agriculture The current situation and development countermeasures of ecological agriculture construction in Zhejiang Province The current status and countermeasures of eco-agricultural construction in Gushi County Principles of ecosystem and sustainable agriculture Emergy analysis of economic system in ecological agricultural tourism of Gongcheng, Guangxi

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