三峡库区消涨带特有濒危植物丰都车前Plantago fengdouensis的迁地保护 紫花地丁组培快繁技术研究 花楸树——城市绿化的新贵 渭北旱原楸树生长情况调查与栽植技术研究 Ethnobotanical Study on Some Plants in Village Tigdari,District Swat,Pakistan How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations?  History and conservation of wild and cultivated plant diversity in Uganda: forest species and Aromatic, Medicinal Plants and Vulnerability of Traditional Herbal Knowledge in a Berber Community o Floristics of Higher Plants in China——Report from Catalogue of Life: Higher Plants in Ch Framework for Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants in China Genomics Grand for Diversified Plant Secondary Metabolites Saving Our Planet′s Flora, the Contribution of the French National Natural History Museum to t Field Research and Cultivation of Truffles in New Zealand: an Update The Truffle and Its Cultivation in France RP-HPLC同时测定民族药红药中苯乙醇苷类 化合物plantainoside D和毛蕊花糖苷 Insitu Protection Management and Conservation Study of Some Medicinal Plants  Plant diversity in a changing world: status, trends, and conservation needs 我国苦茶资源主要生化成分的鉴定评价(英文) 福建红树植物卤蕨的记述 大丽花矮化突变体的RAPD分析(英文) 真伪头顶一颗珠的性状区别 干扰对植物群落物种组成及多样性的影响 千烟洲人工林水汽通量特征及其与环境因子的关系 濒危植物秦岭冷杉生殖生态学特征 涡度相关法研究土壤水分状况对沙地杨树人工林生态系统能量分配和蒸散日变化的影响 野生黄背草人工繁殖及开发利用试验研究 A Review of Leafy Spurge, Euphorbia esula (Euphorbiaceae), the Most Aggressive Invasive Alien in Nor The Invasive Plants of North America—A Primary Analysis 大花蕙兰抗病转基因体系及相关技术研究 试议新型高蛋白植物杂交酸模的开发利用 Metapopulation approach for landscape level management of western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesp 野沙梨属 Gynocardia R.Br. 川西草地高亚麻酸植物播娘蒿的初步研究 岳阳市壳斗科植物资源的发掘和利用 车前草种子的保肝作用 车前草的生药学研究 山桂花属 Bennettiodendron Merr Ethnopharmacological Survey of Plants Used for the Treatment of Stomach, Diabetes, and Ophthalmic Di Sustainable Utilization and Economic Development of Some Plant Resources in Northern Pakistan 三色堇花瓣总RNA3种提取方法的比较 甘肃省中药南沙参资源调查 温室茄子茎直径微变化与作物水分状况的关系 铝胁迫对喀西茄和车前生理生态特征的影响 美女樱切花保鲜的研究 车前草的不同提取物抗菌活性比较研究 羊肚菌等四种野生食用菌无机元素的分析 Prospects for Chinese Botanical GardensFoundation items: Supported by Chinese Biodiversity Conservat Plant Conservation in the Future: New Challenges, New Opportunities 新疆20种药用植物的染色体观察 中国东北草原植物中的C3和C4光合作用途径 长白松人工林群落特点及其经营管理技术 How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations?  History and conservation of wild and cultivated plant diversity in Uganda: forest species and  Plant diversity in a changing world: status, trends, and conservation needs 大车前(Plantago major L. "Giant Turkish.")体外优化再生体系的建立及Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因SeNHX1和TtNHX1的功能鉴定 大车前(Plantago major L.)胚乳发育的超微结构研究 大风子属 Hydnocarpus GaertnOrgan-单位: 西南林学院学报 大风子族 Pangieae ClosOrgan-单位: 西南林学院学报 用in planta方法转化甘蓝型油菜 贵州药用植物资源的调查和开发利用研究(续完) 天料木属 Homalium Jacq 天料木族 Homalieae Bentham 山拐枣属 Poliothyrsis Oliv 山拐枣族 Poliothyrsieae G.S.Fan 牧场毒草——醉马草的初步研究 山羊角树属 Carrierea Franch 刺篱木属 Flacourtia Comm. ex L’Heriter 刺篱木族 Flacourtieae DC