Multiple Shoots Induction and Rapid Propagation of Nitraria sibirica In Vitro Propagation of Prunus mume Cultivar ‘Tiegu Hong’ Effects of Media and IBA Concentrations on Rooting of Rhododendron fortunei for Cutting Propagation RAPID MICR0-PR0PAGATI0N 0F EXPLANTS FR0M ADULT SEEDLING APPLE TREES IN VITR0 RAPID PR0PAGATI0N OF LILIUM L0NGIFLORUM THUNB. BY USING THE lN VITR0 CULTURE 0F STEM SEGMENTS Establishment of plantlet regeneration system of Rubus idaeus STUDY ON SAND CULTURE OF SINGLE-SCALE PROPAGATION OF FRITILLARIA HUPEHENSIS Observations on the Spore Germination and Prothallium Development of Ferns Evaluation of Five Ornamental Grasses from Pennisetum Rich. Grown in Beijing Callus Induction and Rapid Propagation Systems from a Tibetan Medicine Plant,Veronica ciliate Fisch. Recent Developments in the Study of Rapid Propagation of Dendrobium catenatum Lindl.with a Discussion on its Scientific and Chinese Names Fragment Propagation and Colonization Ability Enhanced and Varied at Node Level after Escaping from Apical Dominance in Submerged Macrophytes On the Rapid Propagation Technique of Stem Segments of Dendrobium officinale The Structure and Antifungal Functions of Vegetative Propagation Corm of Gastrodia elata Effects of water levels on the growth and reproductive characteristics of Carex brevicuspis growing on sites with different elevations The Establishment of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System of Ligustrum lucidum ‘Yi Feng‘ COMPARISON OF AGE STRUCTURES OF THE TILLERS IN THE Leymus chinensis POPULATION,A CLONAL GRASS SPECIES UNDER DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Invasion Characteristics and Invasion Risk Assessment of Mirabilis jalapa Micropropagation of Canadensis Redbud in vitro Effects of Tangential Angles on Stress Wave Propagation Velocities in Log‘s Cross Sections The TR Crack Propagation System of Picea jezoensis var. microsperma Analysed and Damage Mode Monitored Different Propagation Velocity of Stress Wave in Poplar and Larch Logs Highly Efficient regeneration System for Multiple Shoots in Perennial Ryegrass Studies on Tip Meristem Culture Rapid Propagation and Induction of in VitroStolon of Manyflower Betony ( Stachys floridana Schuttl . ex Benth. ) Studies on Spore Propagation of Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’ Effects of 6-BA Application on Promotion of offset formation in Iris germanica Effects of 6-BA Application on Promotion of offset formation in Iris germanica A Highly Efficient in Vitro Regeneration Protocol for Crassula clavata as Novel Tube-flower Rapid propagation technique system of Dendrobium officinale Rapid propagation system for tissue culture of Asparagus cochinchinensis Progress on Research of Tissue Culture of Rehmannia glutinosa Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration from embryo of Saussurea involucrate Effects of hormone types and concentrations on cutting propagation of Rhododendron latoucheae and its evaluation Study on in vitro propagation and tube plant vitrification of Dianthus chinensis Current researches and prospects of seedling propagation and cultivation modes of Jinxianlian RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF RATTAN IN CHINA Regeneration mode of Xanthoceras sorbifolia population and its contribution to population regeneration.  Study on ecology in cultivation of Pinellia ternata Studies on the cutting propagation of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.Ⅳ.Effects of rooting powder on the rooting of the cutting Studies on the cutting propagation of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.Ⅲ.Effects of foliage fertilizer and transparency on growth of the cut seedlings Quality Assessment of the Chinese Traditional Drug Weilingxian by Artificial Neural Network Research on the Propagaton of Trillium tsehonoskii Vitro Reproduction Diversity of Enteromorpha prolifera Assessment of Genetic Stability Among In Vitro Plants of Arachis retusa Using RAPD and AFLP Markers for Germplasm Preservation A Novel Method Based on Etiolation for Increasing Efficiency of In Vitro Propagation of Populus tomentosa A Study on the Rooting Method of Test-tube Plantlet by Air-culture and Its Application to Industrialized Micropropagation The Application of the Artificial Neural Network to Forecasting the Epidemic Trend of the Cotton Boll Rot A Studies on the Technology of Propagation of the Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus of the Poplar Looper,Apocheima cineraius Trial on Reproduction of Phyllanthus emblica Studies on the Tissue Cultue of Pinus taeda, P.elliottii and P.serotina Cutting Propagation of Some Tropical Species of Acacia An Experiment on the Propagation Technique of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Study on Young Branch Propagation of Casuarina Preliminary Study on Hybrid Tulip Tree Cutting Rooting Rates Effects of Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulphate on the Propagation in Vitro of Chinese Fir Hybridization and in Vitro Seed Germination of Cymbidium kanran Hybridization and in Vitro Seed Germination of Cymbidium kanran Spore Propagation and Rejuvenation of Sphaeropteris lepifera Advances in the Biotechnology of Dendrobium Orchid Primary Study on in Vitro Culture and Micropropagation of Sweet Osmanthus Study on Tissue Culture in Vitro of Pear Dwarf ing Interstocks S2 , S5 andPDR54 Study on Tissue Culture in Vitro of Pear Dwarf ing Interstocks S2 , S5 andPDR54 Review of Research on the Plant Tissue Culture of Phalaenopsis hybrid Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Aleuritopte risargentea Spore Propagation and Rejuvenation of Sphaeropteris lepifera Effects of Moisture Content and Temperature on Propagation Velocity of Stress Waves in Korean Pine Wood Influencing factors of efficient and rapid propagation in vitro of Bromeliads Preliminary study on mating system of Villosiclava virens Meristematic Nodule: a Valuable Developmental Pathway for Plant Regeneration Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Jacaranda mimosifolia A Study on the Techniques for in Vitro Propagation of Jojoba (Simondsia chinensis) EFFECTS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM ON THE PROPAGATION IN VITRO OF SEVERAL WOODY PLANTS PROPAGATION OF NINE SPECIES OF PLANTS IN VITRO A New Method of Micro-grafting on Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Study on Culture in vitro of Bamboo Dynamics of Growth and Development of Sprout,Effect of Fertilization and Management on the Vegetative Propagation Nursery for Chinese Fir Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Nephrolepis auriculta and N. falcata Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Nephrolepis auriculta and N. falcata Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Aleuritopte risargentea CLONAL SELECTION IN COMBINATION WITH TIMBER PRODUCTION OF CHINESE FIR (CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA)