Application of rural household survey to returned cropland to forest or grassland project—A case study of Huangfuchuan Watershed CURRENT SITUATION AND EXPLOITATION COUNTERMEASURE OF THE GERMPLASM OF CHINA NATIVE CASTANEA SPECIES IN SOUTHWEST CHINA The Flora of Siahrude Rudbar Protected Area, Northern Iran Disease survey and pathogen identification on Notopterygium incisum in Gansu province A survey on the incidental catches of small cetaceans in coastal waters of China Autumn habitat selection of eurasian badgers (Meles meles amurensis) a case of Fangzheng Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, China Result and analysis of guidelines to diagnosis and treatment for distending pain in breasts during menstruation in traditional Chinese medicine Comparative analysis of Stowaway-like miniature inverted repeat transposable elements in wheat group 7 chromosomes: Abundance, composition, and evolution Determination and calculation of evapotranspiration of broad-leaved Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountain Resources investigation and ecological study on ectomycorrhizal fungi in Daqingshan Mountains, Inner Mongolia A Survey of Forest Land Property Right System in Pingjiang County,Hunan Province Survey scheme of the main Chinese medicines resources Survey on the Resources and Taxonomic Significance of Desmos (Desmos Lour.) in China The Flora of Siahrude Rudbar Protected Area, Northern Iran Occurrence of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Gansu Province Winter Bird Survey in Youxi County of Fujian Province Method on Determ in ingM in imum Survey Area of Forest Commun ities Field Survey and Conservation of Wild Rice Resources in Hainan Application of 3S technology in resources survey of medicinal plants Study and Survey of the Microclimate of Alpine Meadows Recreational attraction of urban park wetlands in Beijing. Stream habitat assessment of Dong River, China, using River Habitat Survey method Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Roadside Slope Vegetation in Sichuan Basin Community Structure and Species Diversity in Wulian Mountain of Shandong Heterogeneity and Error Estimation of Grassland Biomass Based on Cyclic Sampling Approach Preliminary Investigation of Extrafloral Nectaried Plants the Tropical Rainforests in Xishuangbanna, China
Resource situation investigation about Rheum tanguticum and its sustainable utilization analysis in main production area of China Survey and analysis of circulation and cultivation of medicinal plants in Tangchang county Resources Survey of Medicinal Species from Genus Aralia Resources survey of Glycyrrhiza uralensis based on remote sensing technique A Worldwide Survey of Cultivated Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu and Cheng(Taxodiaceae) from 1947 to 2007 Relationship between intensive utilization and environmental pressure of cultivatedland: a case study on 780 cropland parcels in Tarim River Basin Resource surveys and suitability of origin for genuine medicinal materials,  Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus in Inner Mongolia, China. Survey and evaluation on plant species of green land in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City SMALL-SCALE Co SOURCE SHEILDING EXPANDING AND ITS ENVIORNMENTAL ASSESSMENT THE APPLICATION OF SPOT DATA IN RESEARCH OF FOREST FIRE BEHAVIOR AND ESTIMATION OF FOREST STOCK DAMAGE IN AMUER FOREST BUREAU INVESTIGATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF CODLING MOTH IN SHANDONG,LIAONING AND HEBEI INVESTIGATION REVEALS NO DISTRIBUTION OF CODLING MOTH IN THE EAST OF CHINA Studies on Chinese Medicinal Herbs:Shanziwan (Radix et Rhizoma Ligualariae) I .Survey on Resources and Identification of Original Plants THE REVIEW AND PROSPECT ON OUR NATIONAL FORESTRY INVENTORY AND PLANNING Herbological study on Lygodii Herba Guidelines and evaluation indicators of urban ecological landscape construction Research and implementation of mobile data collection system for field survey of ecological environment Commercial Identification and Resources Survey on Chinese Durg Radix Ranunculi Ternati Regulation of Several Plant Growth Substances on Pine Shoot Growth and Their Effects on Shoot Pests Controlling The Comparison of Three Methods of Monitoring Endogenous Gene Modification Survey and pathogen identification of rhubarb diseases in Gansu province Landscape classification in a small area for soil series survey and mapping: a case study in the Ningzhen hills, China Seasonal dynamics of airborne pollen in Beijing Urban Area Survey on Xiaoke pill treating diabetes mellitus in small cities‘ Chinese medicine hospital for post-marketing surveillance Data validation methods and discussion on Chinese materia medica resource survey Study on spatial pattern of village-level agricultural activity based on household survey in Wugou Village, Henan Province Analysis and outlook on teaching status of Molecular Pharmacognosy Urban habitants’ attitudes toward nature-approximating landscape architecture: Taking Hongshan District of Wuhan City, China as a case. Simulation of above ground biomass in Larix olgensis plantation. Methods of Grazing Grassland Vegatation Survey Perilla resources of China and essential oil chemotypes of Perilla leaves Research on application status of Chinese herbal decoction pieces based on clinical survey Studies on the Botanical Survey and Quality Evaluation of Chinese Drug Shiwei (Folium Pyrrosiae) A Survey of Commertial Chinese Crude DrugShaskeng (Radix Adenophorae aud GI ehnise ) Research survey of good agriculture practice of Flos Lonicerae Preliminary Survey on the Traditional Chinese Drug Shell of Abalone or Sea-ear Investigation on the Confusable Species of Traditional Chinese Drugs in Gansu Province and Studies on Their Quality(Ⅰ)——A Survey of Drugs Customarily Used in Gansu Province Survey of Botanical Origin of Tongcao(Medulla Tetrapanacis) and Identification of Its Commercial Products Vegetation Investigation of Grassland Polluted by the Waste Water of Paper Mill in East Ujimqin Banner Survey of wild germplasm of Zanthoxylum nitidum in Guangxi Research on early warning methods of essential Chinese medicine supply based on Chinese materia medica resource survey Winter carrying capacity and the optimum population density of wild boar in fenghuang Mountains National Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants at Periodic Markets of Autonomous County of Gongcheng Yao in Guangxi Information Collection System for Forestry Resources Based On Embedded GIS A Study of Area Survey Precision Based on Xingyuantong Handhold Forest Inventory Instrument Structure Features and Management Countermeasure of Urban Forest in Nanjing,China SURVEY METHODSON AQUATIC MACROPHYTE VEGETATION IN LAKESIN THE MIDDLE AND LOWER REACHES OF CHANGJIANG RIVER Eecond result and analysis of guidelines to diagnosis and treatment for distending pain in breasts during menstruation in traditional Chinese medicine Resources of survey in rare and endangered medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum emodi Study on Mass Survey and Value Evaluation of Land-vegetation‘s Primary Productivity in Qinba Mountains in Shaanxi Province The Survey on Hydrophily Biology of Salina Wetland in Erdos A Study on Forest Resource Remote Sensing Surveying Method Based on GIS Identification and Bioinformatics Prediction of Putative microRNAs in Prunus Genus Project design and implementation of the fourth national survey Chinese matiera medica resources

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