Optimization of percolation extraction for Shenqi Xiaoyan Granule by centralcomposite design-response surface method Therapeutic material basis and action mechanism of Chinese materia medica based on metabonomic technology Establishment of fingerprint of active fraction from dried body of Catharsius molossus by capillary electrophoresis and analysis by its total quantum statistical moment Effect of Elaeagnus pungens leaves on contraction of isolated guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle Interaction of carbohydrate derivatives and sodium-glucose cotransporters 2 by molecular dynamic simulation Research progress in extraction and isolation of plant polyphenols Isolation of two benzopyran isoflavones from fruits of Cudrania cochinchinensis and their antitumor activities Absorption of multi-components from Coptidis Rhizoma in Caco-2 monolayer model and their interactions Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction mode between tanshinone IIA and cholesteryl ester transfer protein Preliminary study on serum pharmacochemistry of petroleum ether fraction in ethanol extract from Xiaoyao Powder based on UPLC-PDA Antitumor effect of iridoid ester fraction from Patriniae Radix and its mechanism Inhibition of astragaloside IV against isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy in neonatal rats and its mechanism Progress in fingerprint technology on Chinese materia medica and prospect of its future development THE SYNERGISM IN THE MIXTURES OF DIFFERENT FUNGICIDES WITH CYMOXANIL ON TWO KINDS OF DOWNY MILDEW EFFECTS OF SEED COATING TREATMENTS WITH TRIADIMENOL AND TEBUCONAZOLE ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF WHEAT SEEDLING STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF NEAR-ISOGENIC RICE LINES IN INTERACTION WITH XANTHOMANAS ORYZAE PV.ORYZAE THE MODE OF ACTION OF AGRICULTURAL ANTIBIOTIC 120 ON FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F.SP.NIVEUM ON THE DAMAGE AND ACTION THRESHOLD OF RAPE APHIDS TO VERNAL RAPE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PYRICULARIA ISOLATES FROM RICE AND NON-RICE HOSTS ON RICE SEEDLINGS STUDY ON THE DAMAGE AND ACTION THRESHOLD OF WHITE-BACKED PLANTHOPPER TO RATOONING RICE Study on the Regional Test of Excellent Family of Chinese Fir The Photoperiodic Reaction(PhPR) of the Pine Caterpillar IV. Studies on the Mechanism of the Second Generation Differentiation PROVENANCE SELECTION OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA (LAMB.)HOOK FOR PLANTING AREA IN CHINA PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF POPLAR DISEASES Study on the Genotypic Stability in Loblolly Pine Optimization for Extraction and Determination of Resveratrol in Grapes by HPLC Solid Phase Microextraction- GC-MS Analysis of Fruit Aroma Components of Peach Cultivars The Content and Fractiona tion of Copper in Apple Orchard So ils Determination of Interactions Between the Two Determinant Transcription Factors of Flowering Signal Integrators in Vitro in Brassica juncea Coss. (Mustard) In Vitro Expression of Two Truncated Form of SRK and Analysis on Its Interaction with THL1 Cloning and Expression Analysis on AP1 Homologous Gene from Cymbidium ensifolium and Interaction Analysis Between AP1 and MADS-box Transcription Factors Research Progress on Citrus Huanglongbing Disease SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
Supplements Under Lead Stress
Differential Proteomic Analysis of Brassica oleracea Stigma and Pollen Proteins During the Early Stage of Compatible Pollination Multi-Source Data for Forest Land Type Precise Classification Studies on Dual Mycorrhizas of Eucalyptus globulus and E.urophylla Ⅱ.Inoculant Efficacy on the Growth A study on the variations of pivotal photosynthetic active radiation parameters of a Leymus chinensis meadow-steppe in Hulunber The mutual allelopathic effect between invasive plant Flaveria bidentis and four forgage species A review of belowground interspecific interactions and allelopathy in silvopasture systems Genomic DNA extraction and RAPD experiment conditions of Tamarix hispida