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Decomposition Characteristics and Interaction of Mixed Leaf Litter Mixtures of
Pinus koraiensis
Quercus mongolica
in Original Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest.
Identification of Protein Interactions between Flowering Repressors BpFLC and BpSVP from
Betula platyphylla
Toxicity and modes of action of fluazinam and other fungicides against wheat
Fusarium graminearum
at different life stages
Epidemic processes and yield losses of early leaf spot and web blotch of peanut occurring together in the field
Molecular Detection and Identification of Pathogenic
spp. Isolates Associated with Woody Plant Crown Gall Diseases in China
Information Extraction of Sandy Land
The ESCA Study on the Reaction of Benzyl Isocyanate and Cellulose with Different Moisture Contents
The FTIR Study on the Reaction of Benzyl Isocyanate and Cellulose with Different Moisture Content
Optimization of the RAPD Reaction System of
Litchi chinensis
Sonn. by Orthogonal Design
A Method of Total RNA Isolation in Lotus Tissues
Construction of a Plant Transgenic Expression Vector of Peanut
Genetic Analysis of Root Characters in Recombination Inbred Lines(RIL) of Peanut(
Arachis hypogaea
Guanidine Thiocyanate Method of Total RNA Isolation in
Platanus aceriflia
Optimization of Experiment Conditions and Primer Screening with ISSR Markers for
Chimonanthus grammatus
Study on the Characteristics of Water Absorbance, Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis and Extraction Technology of Mucilage from
Salvia przewalskii
Study on Chemical Modification and Antioxidant Activity of
Angelica sinensis
Polysaccharide with Ultrasonic Extraction
Effect of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Ethanol Extract of
Aegiceras corniculatum
Leaves on Antioxidant and Anti-senescence Ability in Rat Skin
Hyperspectral Technique: An Opportunity in Ecology
Optimization of Alfalfa Genomic DNA Extraction And RAPD Conditions
Dynamics of Grazing Ecosystem between Plant output and Animal Production
Effect of Expansion and Contraction of Grassland Soil in Northeastern China
Quantitative Trait Loci for Rice Heading Time in Koshihikari
Identification of Photothermal Responses in Soybean by Integrating Photoperiod Treatments with Planting-Date Experiments
Optimal Use of Biplots in Analysis of Multi-Location Variety Test Data
Ca2+-homeostasis Differs Between Plant Species with Different Cold-tolerance at 4℃ Chilling
Optimization on homogenate extraction technology of naphthoquinones from
Arnebia euchroma
by response surface methodology
Exploration on extraction process of Compound Baihuang Xiere Zhili Tablets based on orthogonal design and multi-index weight analysis
Research progress on bergamot essential oil and its related product development
Screening of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effective fractions from
Cayratia japonica
Preparation of molecular imprinted polymers for solid-phase extraction of
Molecular dynamic simulation on membrane permeability of flavonoid aglycones substituted with different hydroxyl positions on B ring
Genetic Effects of Growth Traits for the Third Generation
Pinus massoniana
Germplasm and the Interaction with Environment
DNA Extraction Method of Walnut Cotyledon Suitable for MSAP Analysis
AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Cultivars in
Eustoma grandiflorum
(Raf.) Shinn.
Research on RNA extraction and detection based on MNP-RT-qPCR assay of
Hop latent viroid
Purification and properties of β-glucosidase from antifungal
Analysis on pathogenic interaction between isolates of
Rhizoctonia solani
and rice varieties
Plant aquaporins: structure meets function as associating with sensing of
Xanthomonas oryzae
Hpa1 and subsequent signal transduction
Expression of special genes resistant to powdery mildew (
Blumeria graminis
f. sp.
) in wheat germplasm N9820 WU Jin-Hua
, MA Zhi-ying
, Zhang Xi-ping
, JI Wan-quan
College of Agronomy, Agricultural University of , Baoding 071001,China;
Institute of Urban and Rural Construction, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001, China;
The Potential Minimum Phosphorus Fertilizing for
Eucalyptuss camaldulensis,E. grandis
E. tereticornis
Study on Additives of VBL,Chlorbenzuron,Trichlorphon on\n
Parocneria orienta
Extracting Farmland Shelterbelt Automatically Based on ZY-3 Remote Sensing Images
Mapping of
Carya cathayensis
Spatial Distribution with Linear Spectral Mixture Model
Spatial and Temporal Change of Vegetation Cover in Xinjiang Based on FVC
Multi-Scale Comparisons of Particulate Matter and Its Size Fractions Deposited on Leaf Surfaces of Major Greening Tree Species
1-Deoxynojirimycin Extraction from Ramulus Mori and Relationship Analysis between Its Content in Extracts and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity
Multilayer Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Satisfaction with Forestry’ Specialized Cooperative Organization
Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed betweenAborted and Normal Development Embryo in Litchi
Advances in Research on Chemical Components in Garlic(
Amum sativum
)and Mechanism of Their Inhibitory Reaction with Pathogens in Plants
Application of Plant Growth Regulator on Ornamental Plant
Screening of AhCaM-Interactive Proteins in Peanuts Using Yeast Two Hybrid System
Epistatic and QTL × Environment Interaction Effects of QTLs for Leaf Traits and Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Soybean
Characterization and Functional Analysis of a Small GTP-binding Protein AtRAB Interacting with H
-Pyrophosphatase AVP1 in
Arabidopsis thaliana
Epistatic Effects and QTL×Environment Interaction Effects of QTLs for Yield and Agronomic Traits in Soybean
Characteristic and Function Analysis of a Copper Ion Binding Protein, AtBCB Interacting with G Protein α Subunit GPA1 in
Arabidopsis thaliana
Resistance Spectrum Difference between Two Broad-spectrum Blast Resistance Genes,
, and Their Interaction Effect on
Genetic Basics of Seed Traits in Soybean with Bayes Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model Method
Comparison of Methods of Genomic DNA Extraction from Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe
Effects of N
Ion Implantation into Pollen of Upland Cotton (
Gossypium hirsutum
L.) on the Expression of Ovule DNA and the cDNA Fragments of M1 Progeny
Extraction of Functional Ingredients in Agricultural Product by Ultra High Pressure
Study on supercritical CO
extraction of Xiaoyaosan and its GC-MS fingerprint
Clinical study on treatment of carotid atherosclerosis with extraction of Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma et Radix and Crataegi Fructus:a randomized controlled trial
Differential gene expression during early stage of incompatible interaction between soybean and
Phytophthora sojae
Effects of saponins from
Schima superba
on cell morphology, physiological and biochemical indices of
Magnaporthe oryzae
Histology and ultrastructure of maize lines infected by
Puccinia polysora
Characterization and mode of action of novel compound HNPC-A8008 against the lepidopterous insects
Characterization of the active substances of
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Feasibility of mitigating the secondary salinization in greenhouse soil by carbon regulator
Combined application of chemical and organic fertilizers long-term increase physical proteetion of organic nitrogen in yellow paddy soil
Phosphorus aborption of crops affected by root interaction in maize and soybean intercropping system
Effects of Zn sources and application methods on the contents of various Zn fractions and Zn fertilizer utilization efficiency
Advances in the study of the relationship between plant rhizodeposition and soil microorganism
The Physiolog ica lMetabolism Reaction of H a loxylonPara tized by C istanche dese rticola
Effect of exogenous iron on photosynthesis, quality, and
accumulation of cadmium in different varieties of tomato
Geographic Genetic Variation and Preliminary Selection of Superior Provinance in Schima superba
Transformation of external chemical nitrogen in soil organic nitrogen fractions and their relationship
Phosphorus contents in the rhizosphere and bulk soil under
Amorpha fruticosa
established in different years
A study on snow fraction mapping based on hierarchical dynamic endmember spectral mixture analysis (DESMA) over Northern Xinjiang
Correlation study of soil compaction by mowing machine and alfalfa yield
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