Extraction of triterpenoids from fruits of Ganoderma lucidumby supercritical fluid extraction Physiological Reactions of Tomato after Late Blight Inoculation A Method of Quickly Extracting Total RNA from Wheat Leaves Research Advances about Anti-microbial Peptides of Plant Origins Effect of Different Extraction Conditions on Rutin Hydrolysis of Fagopyrum tataricum Seeds Comparison on extraction methods of Ziziphus jujuba and Ziziphus acidojujuba DNA for RAPD analysis A survey of study of chemical components of medicinal plants of Gentianaceae Animproved SDS-PAGE to separateHMW-GS of wheat storage protein Determination of 20(R)-25-OH-PPT in different parts of species in Panax Linn. by HPLC-ELSD methods The Keratin-Like Intermediate Filament Network Exists in the Chlamydomonas sp.Pyrenoid Construction of Plant Expression Vectors and Identification of Transgenic Potato Plants Cloning of Tomato Polygalacturonase cDNA and Transforming Plants with Antisense RNA Light-Induced Damage of Histidine Residues in Photosystem II Reaction Center D1/D2/cyt b559 Complex The cDNA Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene Encoding Nonstrucure Protein of Rice Dwarf Virus Genome Segment 10 Cloning and Sequencing of the Gene Encoding 10 kD Zein of Maize Effects of Crosslinking Agent-DFDNB on Energy-transducing Reactions of Chloroplast Thylakoid Membrane Proteins Isolation and Characterization of Photosystem Ⅱ Reaction Center D1-D2-Cytochrome b-559 Complex from the Chloroplasts of Spinach Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of Wheat High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Gene Fragment Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Genetic Analysis of Fraction I Protein and Isozymes from Hybrid Between Barley and Wheat Dynamic Change of Amyloplast DNA in Developing Cotyledon Ceils of Lotus Immunochemical Identification of Myosin and Actin in Onion (Allium cepa) Bulb Ultrastructural Studies on the Pollen-stigma Interaction of Intersectional Hybridization in Populus Relationship between fractional vegetation cover and humidity index after returning farmland to forest in Shaanxi Province Impacts of land-based human activities on coastal and offshore marine ecosystems Review of research on coastline changes Dynamic monitoring of fractional vegetation cover along Minjiang River from Wenchuan County to Dujiangyan City using multi-temporal landsat 5 and 8 images Effects of climate, forest type and light availability on litter decomposition rate in forests of Northeast China Geographic pattern of asymmetric specialization in plant-pollinator interaction network The possible mechanisms underlying improvement of soil auxin content by bacterial-feeding nematodes in a gnotobiotic microcosm experiment The relationship between grassland ecosystem and soil water in arid and semi-arid areas: a review An analysis of the spatio-temporal variation in fractional vegetation cover and its relationship with non-climate factors in Nanchang City, China Organic carbon storage properties in Stipa breviflora desert steppe vegetation soil systems under different grazing intensities Characteristics of typical paddy soil organic carbon fractions and their main control factors in the Yangtze River Delta Genome Assembly Based on Chromatin Interaction Efficient Expression and Biological Activity Detection of Fusion Protein of Onconase with Human Serum Albumin in Pichia pastoris Research Progress of Agricultural Crop Active Component Extraction Optimization of Refluxing Extraction Technology of Anthocyanins from Purple Sweet Potato by Response Surface Method Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System of Anise(Illicium verum Hook. f.)Based on Orthogonal Design Tag Selection of Tandem Affinity Purification and Its Application in Plant Protein-Protein Interactions Physiological Reactions of Potamogeton malaianus to Different N and P Concentrations in the Growth Medium Research progress on PGPR/AMF interactions Chromosome changes after polyploidization in Triticeae Effects of intensive and extensive management on soil active organic carbon in bamboo forests of China Diurnal variations of soil evaporation δ18O and factors affecting it in cropland in North China Comparison of soil labile organic carbon in Chinese fir plantations and natural secondary forests in north subtropical areas of China A review of adaptive evolution of defense strategies in an invasive plant species, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) Assessment of ecological restoration function of the Coriaria nepalensis-Erianthus rufipilus community in the phosphorus-enriched degraded mountain area in the Lake Dianchi Watershed, Southwestern China How a winter wildfire affect plant community in subalpine grassland of western Sichuan, China? Effects of typical plant on soil microbial communities in an Inner Mongolia grassland Interactive effects of phenolic acid and nitrogen on morphological traits of poplar (Populus × euramericana ‘Neva’) fine roots Microclimate of forests across East Asia biomes: 1. Radiation and energy balance Effects of earthworm activity on phosphorus fraction and available phosphorus content in red soil Fine-root character and its action mechanism of forest at its initial reestablished stage on degraded red soil Extraction of active substance from Chlorella vulgaris cells and its physiological effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Effects of bacteria-feeding nematode at its different density on bacterial number,bacterial activity and soil nitrogen mineralization Dynamics of fluvo-aquic soil organic matter fractions under long-term fertilization Extraction method of soil microbial DNA for molecular ecology study Analysis and identification of Liriomyza sativae-attractants from cowpea and kidney bean volatiles Responses of soybean to O3,CO 2 and their combination. Interactions between fungal-feeding nematodes and fungi and their effects on soil nitrogen mineralization Effect of acid rain on mercury leaching from forest yellow soil in Jinyun Mountain Interspecific interaction between Moina mongolica and Brachionus plicatilis Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fertility of calcareous soil Ⅱ.Inorganic and organic phosphorus. Selectivity and influence of parasite plants on their hosts. Production and properties of chitinase from Beauveria bassiana Bb174 in solid state fermentation Effect of soil tillage on phosphorus loss from slope land:An experimental study Soil particle size fractionation with centrifugation method Bioactivity of volatile oils from Myoporum bontioides on Plutella xylostella Effect of doubled CO2 and O3 concentration and their interactions on ultrastructure of soybean chloroplast Influence of cultivation on organic carbon in three typical soils of China Loess Plateau and Canada Prairies A protein extraction method suitable for two_dimensional electrophoresis analysis of halophytes Exploration of ecological pitfalls embeded in the human-land interaction Structure regulation on land uses and landscape pattern changes based on matter element analysis in small watershed Studies on the interactions between phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in rock phosphate solubilization Woody Plants Respond to Interactions Between Elevated CO2 and Increased Temperature Effects of endophyte and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of Leymus chinensis Study on Interactions Among Allelochemicals of Ageratum conyzoides Effects of fractionated nitrogen application on leaf senescence and 15 N-urea uptake and utilization of apple rootstock―Malus hupenhensis Use of genotype-environment interactions to elucidate the pattern of maize root plasticity to nitrogen deficiency Evolution and protein interactions of AP2 proteins in Brassicaceae: Evidence linking development and environmental responses

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