Combined effects of copper and simulated acid rain on copper accumulation, growth, and antioxidant enzyme activities of Rumex acetosa. Estimation of optimum normalized difference spectral index for nitrogen accumulation in wheat leaf based on reduced precise sampling method. Action mechanisms of microorganisms on arsenic and the feasibility of utilizing fungi in remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil. Dynamics of biomass- and nutrient accumulation in a Chinese-fir plantation. Effects of uniconazole dry seed dressing on nitrogen accumulation and translocation and kernel protein quality in wheat Analysis of dry matter accumulation and translocation for winter wheat cultivars with different yields on dryland A model to predict dry matter accumulation dynamics in wheat based on the normalized method Carbon storage capacity of a Betula alnoides stand and a mixed Betula alnoides × Castanopsis hystrix stand in Southern Subtropical China: a comparison study Osmotic and ionic stress effects of high NaCl concentration on seedlings of four wheat (Tritium aestivum L.) genotypes Effects of supplemental irrigation based on measured soil moisture on nitrogen accumulation, distribution and grain yield in winter wheat ACCUMULATION, DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF LOW LEVEL OF ~(65)Zn AND ~(134)Cs IN SOME MARINE MOLLUSC Effect of Phosphorus Application Rate on Dry Matter Accumulation and Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency in Oil Flax Soil fertility quality evolution after land use change from rice-wheat rotation to plastic film covered vegetable Study on macronutrient absorption of soilless medium cultivated muskmelon Genotypic differences and physiological characteristics of calcium uptake and accumulation of pepper(Capsicum frutescens) Accumulation of available sulfur in soil profile and affecting factors in a long-term fertilizer experiment of dry land farming Circulation, accumulation and distribution of potassium in flue-cured tobacco with different potassium levels DYNAMIC AND BALANCE OF SOIL NUTRIENTS UNDER LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION CONDITIONS I . Effects of fertilization on accumulation of soil humus and its qualities Dynamics of nutrient accumulation in maize plants under different water and nitrogen supply conditions Roles of Sucrose-metabolizing Enzymes in Sugar Accumulation in Leaves and Carpopodiums of Ziziphus jujuba Effect of osmotic stress on K content of flue-cured tobacco Analysis on the factor influencing secondary metabolite accumulation in plants Comparative Study on the Accumulation of Storage Protein in the Soybean Seeds with High and Low Protein Contents Accumulation of Phosphorus and Mineralizational Significance of Algal Cells Studies on the Characteristics of K, Na Content in Aneurolepidium chinense Grassland of Northeast China Formation of Protein Bodies in Cotyledons of Peanut Seed Patterns of the Transition of Vacuoles into Protein Bodies in Developing Cotyledon Cells of Soybean The Characteristics of Accumulation of Sulphur from the Air by the Main Plants and Soils in Beijing and Their Indicative and Purgative Abilities The Chemical Elements of Planted Forest of Pinus tabnlaeformis Physiological response of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. to cadimium Nicotine accumulation and distribution in tobacco under continuous cropping Soil nitrate leaching and control methods in the piedmont of North China Plain Effect of nitrogen application strategy in the first cropping rice on dry matter accumulation, grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of the first cropping rice and its ratoon rice crop Effect of N supply and wheat/faba bean intercropping on N uptake and accumulation of wheat Response of super hybrid rice “Y Liangyou No. 1” to N-fertilizer dose and its N use efficiency Effect of fertilization mode on growth and nutrition accumulation in vegetables, and loss of nitrogen and phosphorus in vegetable fields Phosphorus accumulation characteristics and loss risk in vegetable garden soils of Shanxi Province Correlations Between Sucrose Accumulation and Activities of SPS, SS at Processing Maturing Stage of Sugarcane An Investigation of Cellular Autophagy and Oil Accumulation in the Lipomyces starkeyi The Research Progress of EPSP Synthase Accumulation of silicon in different genotypes of oat grains and its relationship with other eight elements Seedling growth and salt tolerance of tree species under NaCl stress Effects of copper on earthworm in body weight and its copper accumulating characteristics Seasonal dynamics of litter accumulation in major forest communities on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China Applications of species indicator for analyzing plant community types and their biodiversity at Kunyushan National Forest Reserve Interactive effects of nitrogen and sulfur on the reproduction, biomass accumulation and allocation of the clonal plant Spartina alterniflora Accumulation and translocation of dry matter and nutrients of wheat rotated with legumes and its relation to grain yield in a dryland area Dynamic accumulation of soil organic carbon of terrace changed from slope cropland in the hilly loess plateau of eastern Gansu Province Estimation of biomass and C and N accumulation at the maturity stage of corn using synchronous SPOT-5 spectral parameters Absorption, accumulation and distribution of nitrogen in super-highly yielding winter wheat Effects of subsoiling and N fertilizer application on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen use efficiency and yield of summer maize Study on nitrate leaching characteristics in arable soils in subtropical region Characteristics of dry matter and nutrients accumulation and transformation of super-high yield spring maize Effects of sulphur application on accumulations of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur and grain yield of winter wheat under different irrigation conditions The characteristic of dry matter and nutrient accumulation and transportation in leaves in winter oilseedrape (Brassica napus L.) Study on NPK absorption and accumulation in Zizvphus jujube tree Carbon accumulation and allocation of lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in a MAB reserve of China Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and genotypes on the nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation of winter wheat grain during grain-filling period in a sub-humid farmland eco-system GROWTH AND ELEMENT ACCUMULATION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS SEEDLINGS INFLUENCED BY INOCULATION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN Cu AND Cd CONTAMINATED SOIL GROWTH RESPONSE AND UPTAKE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TWO ECOTYPES OF SEDUM ALFREDII TO SOILS Cd MERCURY TOLERANCE AND ACCUMULATION IN THE HALOPHYTE SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM HEAVY METAL ACCUMULATION AND HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT IN THE ROADSIDE SOIL-WHEAT SYSTEM ALONG ZHENGZHOU-KAIFENG HIGHWAY, CHINA Drought stress reduces the carbon accumulation of the Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Runoff and sediment yielding processes on red soil engineering accumulation containing gravels by a simulated rainfall experiment. Effects of maize plant types on dry matter accumulation characteristics and yield of soybean in maizesoybean intercropping systems. Effects of long-term different fertilizations on biomass and nutrient content of maize root. Ecological adaptability evaluation of peanut cultivars based on biomass and nutrient accumulation. Effects of fertilization on the P accumulation and leaching in vegetable greenhouse soil. Effect of long-term fertilization on lignin accumulation in typical subtropical upland soil. Enhancement of GA3 and EDTA on Lolium perenne to remediate Pb contaminated soil and its detoxification mechanism. Chemical characteristics of the rhizosphere soil of water spinach cultivars differing in Cd accumulation. Characteristics of dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation in barley genotypes with high nitrogen utilization efficiency. Accumulation of lead in Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and its impact on the population. The impact of salt marsh change on sediment accumulation and wave attenuation at the East Chongming Island The accumulation, decomposition and ecological effects of above-ground litter in terrestrial ecosystem Effect of calcium-magnesia phosphate fertilizer on maize yield and its cadmium accumulation in upland red soil in Guangxi Absorption, accumulation and distribution of boron in high-yielding winter wheat Effect of soil surface mulching and N rate on dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and translocation of winter wheat Studies of phosphorus uptake and accumulation of cold type wheat Characteristics of nutrient absorption and distribution of maize under different soil textures