The Simulation of Leaf Conductance Responses to Changes in Environmental Water Status Simulation of maize production under climate change scenario in Northeast China Impact simulation of drought disaster at different developmentalstages on winter wheat grain-filling and yield coupling geographical simulation and spatial optimization for harmonious pattern analysis by considering urban sprawling and ecological conservation Impact evaluation of low temperature to yields of maize in Northeast China based on crop growth model A model to predict dry matter accumulation dynamics in wheat based on the normalized method Modeled impact of irrigation on regional climate in India Spatial Structure and Distribution Simulation of Weed Population in Alfalfa Field Based on GIS A Simulation Model of Above-ground Organ Formation in Wheat Simulation on Marginal Effect of Rice Experimental Plot EVALUATION OF THE DAMAGE OF BROMN PLANTHOPPER TO PADDY RICE A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF COTTON COMPENSATION FOR COTTON BOLLWORM DAMAGE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION OF BIRD CHERRY APHID ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND APPLICATION OF A SIMULATION MODEL FOR INSECT POPULATION DEVELOPMENT Molecular dynamic simulation on membrane permeability of flavonoid aglycones substituted with different hydroxyl positions on B ring Quantitative approach for calculation of pharmacodynamic interactions and simulation of combined response RADIOACTIVE ANALYSIS OF COAL ASH SAMPLED FROM THE EAST CHINA AREA AND SIMULATIVE EXPERIMENT FOR USING COAL ASH IN FARMLAND Ecological compensation schemes and their effects based on ecological land rent Simulating the changing oxygen production of terrestrial vegetation and its influencing factors in China Grass canopy interception of Hulun watershed under different grazing systems Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of Nitraria tangutorum in the artificially simulated precipitation Impacts of land use/cover change in China on mean temperature Dynamic simulation of maize main organ morphogenesis Progress on ecological security evaluation of cultivated land Research advance in yield potential and yield gap of three major cereal crops Prediction on the population of Taiwan Prince Dynamic model construction and simulation study of town landuse for Longhua area,Shenzhen City The quantittive classfication and spatial distribution patttern of life form spectra of the plants in major chinese forest communities A STUDY ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS:MODELING AND SCALING UP FROM A LEAF TO CANOPY IN A CHINESE FIR PLANTATION THE OBSERVATION AND SIMULATION OF DEW FORMATION OVER MAIZE CANOPY A STUDY ON THE OPTIMAL VEGETATION COVERAGE FOR SANDY GRASSLAND IN NORTHERN CHINA BASED ON SOIL WATER BUDGET DYNAMIC SIMULATION AND SUSTAINABLE ECOLOGICAL MEASURES OF OASES ECOSYSTEM IN HEXIZOULANG EFFECTS OF CHLORINATED BENZENES ON AQUATIC BIOCOMMUNITY IN SIMULATION STABILIZATION POND SYSTEM NUMERICAL STUDY ON A LAND HYDROLOGY MODEL IN THE TARIN BASIN USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL WATER AND NITROGEN RESOURCES Ⅱ-The simulation of use, loss and annual use efficiency of soil water and nitrogen resources THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS METHODS IN INTERCROPPING RESEARCHES Growth Simulation for Thinned Larix plantation A New Algorithm for Conformity and Its Application Simulating Wheat Yield and Soil Moisture under Alternative No-tillage and Subsoil Tillage in Response to Fertilization Levels in Weibei Highlands Modeling of Biomass-Based Leaf Morphological Parameters on Main Stem for Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Re-assessment of the probabilities of invasion of the fire blight disease via imported apple fruits using Monte-Carlo simulation Predicting the plant exposure to soil arsenic under varying soil factors Dynamic simulation of Shanghai urban expansion based on multi-agent system and cellular automata models Dynamic ecological footprint simulation and prediction based on ARIMA Model: a case study of Gansu Province, China Numerical simulation of flow fields through porous windbreak in shrubby zone Simulation alfalfa growth in Wulanbuhe sandy region Quantification of dry matter accumulation and distribution among different organs of winter wheat Dynamic characteristics of nutrient elements in Castanea henryi plantation at beginning of fructification and its simulation Dynamic simulation on growth and development of spring corn in different cropping patterns in northern Zhejiang Province Characteristics and quantitative simulation of stomatal conductance of Aneurolepidium chinense Growing degree-days requirements for plant and leaf development of summer maize(Zea mays)-An experimental and simulation study Sensitivity of local weather to different vegetation schemes using meso-scale model (MM5) Dynamic macroeconomic modeling and analysis of CO2 abatement Development rate of Plutella xylostella L.(Lepidoptera: Plutelli dae) under constant and variable temperatures A Land-Atmosphere Coupling Model and Mechanism of the Crust Layer and the Evolution of Canopy in Artificial Vegetation Area of Shapotou Successional Features and Dynamic Simulation of Sub-alpine Forest in the Gongga Mountain,China Isoprene Emission of Bamboo and its Implication to Ozone Level in Region Advances in Dynamic Simulation Research of Rice Growth Simulation Model of Cottonseed Protein and  Oil Formation Effects of Ridge and Furrow Planting for Rainfall Harvesting on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield in Corn in Semi-Arid Regions A Simulation Model on Leaf Color Dynamic Changes in Rice Construction and Validation of Spatial-temporal Distribution Models on Cotton Fiber Quality Indexes Establishment and Test of LAI Dynamic Simulation Model for High Yield Population Advances in studies on active constituents from truffle and its artificial cultivation Numerical Simulation on Characteristics of Water Consumption in Agroforestry: Model Establishment and Verification Advances in Researches on Ornamental Plant Growth Simulation Model Review of research advances in soil respiration of grassland in China Simulation and analysis of water balance and nitrogen leaching using Hydrus-1D under winter wheat crop Design and Implementation of Sympodial Branching Tree Visualization System Simulation model of barley leaf area index. Design of dynamic simulation system for carbon cycle in forest ecosystem Analyses of the influence of wetland on local meteorological environment around Jiaozhou Bay of Qingdao Simulation study on impacts of clmate change on the production of wheat 3-D Tree Model and Its Visualization in Guozigou Forest Farm THE SIMULATION AND MODEL OF RAINFALL PROCESS DISTRIBUTION IN FOREST CANOPY Ⅰ.The Models of Throughfall,Stemflow and Canopy Interception Under Constant Rainfall Intensity Numerical simulation of water quality based on environmental fluid dynamics code for grass-algae lake in Inner Mongolia DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND ITS SD MODEL OF THE FOREST RESOURCES IN DAQINGSHAN EXPERIMENTAL BUREAU STUDY ON THE GROWTH DYNAMICS OF UNEVEN-AGED STANDS A STUDY ON THE POPULATION DYNAMICS SIMULATION OF DENDROLIUS PUNCTATUS A STUDY ON A BAMBOO-CATTLE-GRASS AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM USING SYSTEMS DYNAMICS

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