Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Arabidopsis Mature Pollen and Germinated Pollen Screening for High-Temperature Tolerant Cotton Cultivars by Testing In Vitro Pollen Germination, Pollen Tube Growth and Boll Retention Subcellular Localization of the S Locus F-box Protein AhSLF-S2 in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Self-Incompatible Antirrhinum DISTRIBUTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA IN UPLAND COTTON BY POLLEN TUBE PATHWAY The Differences of Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth between Chinese Cherry and Sweet Cherry Process of Pollen Sprouting and Pollen Tube Growth on the Lily Distant Hybridization Pollen Germination and Growth of Epimedium brevicornum Effects of Storage Conditions and Plant Growth Substances on the Activity of Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok. Pollen Micro Dynamic Pollination and Fertilization of the Pear Variety Banndainiitaka(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Banndainiitaka Characteristics of Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Prunus mume in Vitro In Situ Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Distant Pollens in Pear Effects of Medium Components and pH on Pollen Germination and Tube Growth in Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) Studies on Gene Transformation via Pollen Tube Pathway in Walnut Regulation of Actin Dynamics in Pollen Tubes: Control of Actin Polymer Level Pollen Tube Growth: a Delicate Equilibrium Between Secretory and Endocytic Pathways Transformation of Cry5Aa BT in Cotton and Identification of its Insect-resistant Pollen germination in vitro and pollen tube growth of Scutellaria baicalensis Effects of Culture Medium Composition and Culture Conditions on Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Chimonanthus praecox The Observation of Pollination ,Fertilization and Seed Abortion of ‘Century Seedless Pear’ Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Actinidia diliciosa‘Xuxiang’and A. longicarpa by Anatomy IMMUNOGOLD ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONSON DISTRIBUTION OF SEVERAL PHYTOHORMONES IN POLLEN TUBE GROWTH TRACK THROUGH PISTIL IN TOBACCO Microtubule Organization in Germinated Pollen of Pinus thunbergii An Image Skeletonization-Based Tool for Pollen Tube Morphology Analysis and Phenotyping Effects of Cytochalasin B and Phalloidin on [Ca2+]i Concentration and Ca2+ Channels in the Plasma Membrane of Pyrus pyrifolia Pollen Tube Cutting edge The Isolation and Collection of Sperm Cells in Phalaenopsis Developmental Morphology of Obturator and Micropyle and Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth in Ovary in Phellodendron amurense (Rutaceae) Observation of Pollination and Fertilization Process in Forsythia suspensas Relationship of pear pollen and stigma development with temperature MICROFILAMENTS AND MICROTUBULES IN POLLEN TUBE Studies of pollination experiment and the growth of pollen tube under fluorescent microscope on almond The Isolation and Collection of Sperm Cells in Phalaenopsis Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Actinidia diliciosa‘Xuxiang’and A. longicarpa by Anatomy A Study on the Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Inhibiting Pollen Tube Growth of Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)Under Low-temperature A Study on the Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Inhibiting Pollen Tube Growth of Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)Under Low-temperature A STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF EXOGENOUS DNA AND VARIATION OF WHEAT Effect of AVG Application on Ovule and Seed Development of‘Kyoho’ Grapevine Pollen Germination and Growth of Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.)A.DC The effects of plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube gowth in Fengshui pear (Pyrus serotina) Thechanges of the HMW glutenin subunits of introducingsorghum DNA into spring wheat RAPD VERIFICATION OF RUST RESISTANT WHEAT VARIANTS EFFECTS OF THREE IRRADIATION METHODS ON POLLEN GERMINATION AND POLLEN TUBE GROWTH OF Pinus thunbegii Study on the Pollination Methods and Embryo Rescue Techniques of the Crosses among Lilium Oriental Hybrids Effect of Pear Stylar S-RNa se on Self-pollen Tube Ultrastructure in Vitro Research on the Difference in the Pollen Tube Growth of a Low Seediness Line of Loquat Stigma Receptivity and Characteristics of Pollen Tube Growth of Corylus kweichowensis Prelim inary Report on in V itro Pollen Germ ina tion of B etu la a lnoides Immunoblots of Integrin-like Proteins in Pollen Tube Membrane of Hemerocallis citrina Distribution of F-actin and Microtubules in Pollen and Pollen Tube of Lilium davidii Effects of Nifedipine on Pollen Germination, Pollen Tube Growth and Division of Generative Nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum Positional Shift Between the Vegetative Nucleus and the Generative Cell in Amaryllis Pollen Tube Signal Transduction in Pollen Germination and Tube Growth Effects of Cytochalasin B and Phalloidin on Pyrus pyrifolia Self-incompatible Pollen Germination and Tube Growth Application of Fluorescent Indicator in the Study on the Structure and Growth Characteristics of Pollen Tubes Observation on Structural Changes of Self-pollinated Pollen Tube and Localization of S-RNase in Apple in vitro Pollen Germination and Tube Growth Characteristics in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) Research Advances in Inositol Phosphate Signaling in Regulating Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth Isolation and Cultural Behavior of Pollen Tube Subprotoplasts in ,Antirrhinum majus L. REGULATION OF GENERATIVE NUCLEUS DIVISION BY CALCIUM IONOPHORE A23187 IN NICOTIANA TABACUM POLLEN TUBES Effects of Arabinogalactan Proteins on Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Torenia fourieri and Nicotiana tabacum L. Changes of Microtubular Skeleton in the Generative Cell in Pollen Tube During Mitosis of Lilium davidii Observation of Pollen Tube Behaviour and Early Embryogenesis Following Interspecies Pollination Between Actinidia deliciosa and A. arguta Ultrastructure of Microfilaments in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Hosta Ventricosa (=H. voerulea) The Contractile Proteins and Calcium Mediated Gelation and Contraction of Pollen Tube Extracts Structure of Micropyle in Gossypium hirsutum and the Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth Ultrastructural Changes of the Microtubule in the Generative Cell of Amaryllis vittata Ait. During Mitosis Confocal Microscopic Observations of Microfilaments in germinating Pollen of Hedychium coronarium Quantitative Measurement ed Pollen Tube Growth and Particle Movement Visualization of Actin Filament Patterns in Pollen Tubes of Hosta caerulea Tratt. with a Non-Fixation and TRITC-Phalloidin Method A Fluorescence Staining-Methyl Salicylate Clearing Technique for Demonstrating Pollen Nuclei STUDY ON SAUR-IPT GENE TRANSFORMED TRIGONELLA. FOONELLA. FOENUM. GRAECUM In Vitro Effects of Stylar S-RNase of Pear on the Ultra-structure of Its Pollen Tubes Composition of Microfilament Skeleton and Its Regulatory Effects on Polar Growth of Pollen Tubes Transforming Anti-TrxS gene into wheat by means of pollen tube pathway and ovary injection A review on regulatory effect of G protein on pollen tube growth Bionomics of Pollen and Stigma of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Expression of Styl ar S-Gl ycoprotein in Nicotiana g1 auca and Its Effect on Pollen Tube Growth In vitro Pollen Germination of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Studies on Introduction of Leaf Senescence-inhibition Gene PSAG12-IPT into Common Wheat through Pollen-tube Pathway Observation on Structural Changes of Self-pollinated Pollen Tube and Localization of S-RNase in Apple Pollen Tube Behav ior Following Pollina tion between Ca rdioc rinum gigan teumand Lilium

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