Quantitative relationships between satellite channels-based spectral parameters and wheat canopy leaf nitrogen status. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and straw amendment on  soil microbial biomass and soil functions after heat stress.  Effects of exogenous proline on the growth of wheat seedlings under cadmium stress. Accumulative nitrogen deficit models of wheat aboveground part based on critical nitrogen concentration. Ecological effects of wheat-oilseed rape intercropping combined with methyl salicylate release on Sitobion avenae and its main natural enemies. Sequence polymorphism and mapping of wheat Ca2+binding proteinTaCRT-A gene Applicability of traditional landscape metrics in evaluating urban heat island effect. Male Caenorhabditis elegans could enhance the population’s resistance against heat stress. Effects of elevated atmospheric ozone concentration on flag leaf photosynthetic pigment contents of wheat. Genetic characteristics associated with drought tolerance of plant height and thousand-grain mass of recombinant inbred lines of wheat. Multi-gradients of land surface temperature in mountainous cities with rapid urbanization: A case study in central area of Chongqing City. Impacts of elevated atmospheric ozone concentration on flag leaf microscopic structure of wheat: A field study with FACE system. Responses of wheat seedlings root growth and leaf photosynthesis to drought stress. Estimation of winter wheat leaf nitrogen accumulation based on coupling ground- and space- remotely sensed information. Differences in phosphorus utilization efficiency among wheat cultivars. Climatic potential productivity of winter wheat and summer maize in Huanghuaihai Plain in 2011-2050. Effects of different planting modes on soil nitrogen transformation and related enzyme activities. Responses of rice-wheat rotation system in south Jiangsu to organic-inorganic compound fertilizers. Effects of shading at different phases of grain-filling on wheat grain protein components contents and processing quality. Effects of supplemental irrigation based on measuring soil water content on wheat photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation and allocation. Freeze resistance analysis of different wheat cultivars based on the relationships between physiological indices and grain yield. Effects of different mulching measures on winter wheat field soil respiration in Loess Plateau dry land region. Effects of planting density and spraying PP333 on winter wheat lodging-resistance and grain yield. Effects of reduced solar radiation on winter wheat flag leaf net photosynthetic rate. Effects of sulfur plus resin-coated controlled release urea fertilizer on winter wheat dry matter accumulation and allocation and grain yield. Relationships between urban green belt structure and |temperature-humidity effect. Effects of organic manure on wheat growth under lead stress. Effects of coated controlled release urea combined with conventional urea on winter wheat growth and soil NO3--N. Effects of asymmetric warming on the growth characteristics and yield components of winter wheat under free air temperature increased. Effects of nitrogen application and elevated atmospheric CO2 on electron transport and energy partitioning in flag leaf photosynthesis of wheat. Cropping patterns of Bupleurum chinense in semi-arid region of Loess Plateau. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on winter wheat dry matter accumulation after anthesis and flag leaf senescence. Genotype difference in nitrogen utilization efficiency of wheat. Effects of irrigation amount and nitrogen fertilization rate on wheat yield and soil nitrate content. Three-dimensional morphological modeling and visualization of wheat root system. Estimation of optimum normalized difference spectral index for nitrogen accumulation in wheat leaf based on reduced precise sampling method. Variation analysis on the grain yield and main agronomic traits of spring wheat in rainfed regions of China. LAI-based regional winter wheat yield estimation by remote sensing. Effects of elevated ozone concentration on wheat grain protein components with FACE system. Effects of combined application of nitrogen and phosphorus on diurnal variation of photosynthesis at grain-filling stage and grain yield of super high-yielding wheat.