Cloning and Expression Analysis of Retrotransposon Reverse Transcriptase in Introgression Lines from Dongxiang Wild Rice Genetic Dissection of Yield Potential in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using In-trogression Lines Locating QTLs for Plant Water Status under Drought Condition in Over-lapping Introgression Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Isolation of Zizania latifolia Species-specific DNA Sequences and Their Utility in Identification of Z. latifolia DNA Introgressed into Rice Mapping Heterotic Loci for Yield and Agronomic Traits Using Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines in Cotton Precise Identification of the Introgressed Segments in Powdery Mildew-resistant Introgression Lines of Triticum aestivum-T.timopheevi Meta-analysis and Validation of QTL for Resistance to Gray Leaf Spot in Maize Identification and Characterization of Introgression and Additional Lines
Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard
Identification and Characterization of Introgression and Additional Lines
Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard
Development, identification and utilization of introgression lines using Chinese endemic and synthetic wheat as donors Development of Introgression Lines and Identification of QTLs for Resistance to Sheath Blight Mapping QTLs for Lint Percentage and Seed Index by Using Gossypium barbadense Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines Genetic Background Effect on QTL Expression of Heading Date and Plant Height and Their Interaction with Environment in Reciprocal Introgression Lines of Rice  Genetic Overlap of Drought-Tolerance Loci between Germination Stage and Seedling Stage Analyzed Using Introgression Lines in Soybean Analyses of QTLs for Rice Panicle and Milling Quality Traits and Their Interaction with Environment Genetic Dissection of Photosynthetic Pigment Content in Cotton Interspecific Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines Influence of Canopy Temperature (CT)During Grain-Filling Period onYield and Effects of Several CT-Associated SSR Loci Rapid Development of Glu-1 Locus Near-isogenic Introgression Lines Using HMW-GS Deletion Mutant Principal Component and Cluster Analysis Based on Fruit Traits in ILs of Tomato Application of Chromosomal Segment Introgression Line (CSIL) in Crop Genetics and Breeding The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines (BILs) and GeneticAnalysis for Brassica campestris Development and Application of Single Segment Introgression Lines from Wild Species in Lycopersicon QTL Mining for Sheath Blight Resistance Using the Backcross Selected Introgression Lines for Grain Quality in Rice Effect of Selection for High Yield, Drought and Salinity Tolerances on Yield-Related Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genetic Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Contents of Mineral Nutrients in Rice Grain Development of Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa Introgression Lines and Assessment for Yield-related Quantitative Trait Loci DNA Methylation Level and Pattern Changes in Cold Tolerance Introgression Lines Derived from Oryza rufipogon Griff. Genotype Analysis and QTL Mapping for Tolerance to Low Temperature in Germination by Introgression Lines in Soybean QTL Mapping and QTL × Environment Interactions of Milling Quality and Percentage of Chalky Grain in Upland Rice Introgression Lines under Upland and Lowland Environments Mining Favorable Salt-tolerant QTL from Rice Germplasm Using a Backcrossing Introgression Line Population Factors Affected BC1F1 Size for Development of Genome-wide Introgression Lines The Development of Backcross Introgression Lines (BILs) and GeneticAnalysis for Brassica campestris