Relationship between land surface temperature and land cover types based on GWR model: A case of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan urban agglomeration, China. Analysis on phytogeographical elements of Quercus mongolica community in northeast China Multivariate and SDA analyses of Gordonia acuminata climatic ecotype A Conspectus of the Genus Bergenia Moench Distribution of Willows (Salix) in China The Genus Peristylus Blume (Orchidaceae) in China A Study on the Genus Cephalotaxus Sieb. et Zucc. A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Family Magnoliaceae A Study on the Genus Cephalotaxus Sieb. et Zucc. Geographic pattern of asymmetric specialization in plant-pollinator interaction network Geographical distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the grassland ecosystems of the Tibetan Plateau The correlation of geographic distribution and ecological environment of endemic species Floccularia luteovirens on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Assessment of ecological suitability of winter wheat in Jiangsu Province based on the niche-fitness theory and fuzzy mathematics Spatial non-stationarity characteristics of the impacts of precipitation and temperature on vegetation coverage index: a case study in Yili River Valley, Xinjiang Changes in distribution and productivity of steppe vegetation in Inner Mongolia during 1961 to 2010: Analysis based on MaxEnt model and synthetic model Potential distributions of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum based on fuzzy matter element model RUSLE-based quantitative study on the soil erosion of the Hetian basin area in County Changting, Fujian Province, China The comparision of ecological geographica regionlization in China based on Holdridge and CCA analysis Assessing the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance flux observation stations of terrestrial ecosystems in China SYSTEMATIC POSITION AND GEOGRAPHICALDISTRIBUTION OF STYRACACEAE The Morphological Comparison of Abaxial Epidermis of Leaf in Three Oryza Species Geographical Distribution of Avena L. (Poaceae) Bryoflora of Duoyihe Scenic Spot in Luoping County, Yunnan Province Notes on the Geographical Range of Anemone davidii (Ranunculaceae) with Special Reference to Pollen Morphology Diversity of Bamboo in Brazil Geographic Variation of Morphological Characters among Cultivated Neem (Azadirachta indica) Populations in Yunnan, China A TRENDFACE ANALYSIS OF GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATIONS IN NEW BAMBOO GROWTH OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS FROM DIFFERENT PROVENANCES A STUDY ON THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS IN CHINA THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLOKA FEATURE OF THE MEDICINAL PTERIDOPHYTES IN JIANGXI,CHINA Studies on the Floristic Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of the Genus Clematis Linnaeus from Hubei, China Geographic Distribution and Resource Status of Three Important Medicinal Epimedium Species Distribution Pattern of Ploidy Variation of Actinidia chinensis and A.deliciosa Study on the Flora of Tung Ping Chau Island,Hong Kong Study on Compositions and Geographical Elements of Vascular Plants in Castanopsis fabri Community,Daiyun Mountain Comparison of the Geographical Distribution of Racomitrium and Grimmia in China Using ArcGis and MaxEnt Software Relationships between Geographical Distribution of Endangered Pinus kwangtungensis and Climate in China Spatial Structure of Pasture Resources Utilization and Livestock Development Potential of Zhifanggou Watershed of Ansai STUDIES ON AQUATIC VASCULAR PLANTS IN HUAMA LAKE IN EAST HUBEI I. THE AQUATIC FLORA The Distribution of Japonica Rice Cultivars in the Lower Region of the Yangtze River Valley is Determined by Its Photoperiod-sensitivity and Heading Date Genotypes The relationship between geography and climate in the generic-level patterns of Chinese seed plants

Resolving place names in Amdo and Kham: A gazetteer for the Hengduan Mountains region of Southwest China Geographical distribution of Kengyilia Yen et J. L. Yang (Poaceae) The phytogeographical studies of Thermopsis (Fabaceae) The Genus Neottianthe Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in China A Study on Karyotypes and Geographical Distribution of Ostericum (Umbelliferae) in China On Geographical Distribution of Achnatherum Beauv. (Gramineae) Floristic Features of Sand Vegetation in the Middle Reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo, Xizang (Tibet) A Classificatory System and Geographical Distribution of the Genus Gynostemma BL. (Cucurbitaceae) A Study on the Tribe Astilbeae Miq. (Saxifragaceae) The Classification and Distribution of Genus Deutzia in China Systematics of the Genus Cyananthus Wall. ex Royle Spatial interpolation of soil organic matter using regression Kriging and geographically weighted regression Kriging. Interpolation of daily mean temperature by using geographically weighted regressionKriging. Ecologically critical areas of broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountains, China. Landscape classification system based on climate, landform, ecosystem:a case study of Xinjiang area From ecology landscape to construction of rural aesthetic spaces Effects of coastal geographical characteristics on the abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation The distribution of living coccolithophore in East China Sea in autumn, 2010 Dominant climatic factors of Quercus mongolica geographical distribution and their thresholds Geographic Genetic Variation and Preliminary Selection of Superior Provinance in Schima superba Geographic Distributions and Ecological Conditions of Betula alnoides in China Genetic Study and Pulpwood Selection of Loblolly Pine Provenances Ⅰ.Geographical Variation and Correlation Analyse of Economic Traits Geographic Distribution and Content of Available Silicon in Soils under Ph. Pubescens Stands in Zhejiang and Fujian Province An Analysis on Genetic Variation in Growth Characters of Geographical Provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis Geographic Distribution and Population Characteristics of Osmanthus fragrans THE NEW GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SPERMATOPHYTE IN DABIESHAN THE REGIONS BORDERING AMONG THE THREE PROVINCES OF ANHUI, HUBEI AND HENAN A FLORISTIC STUDY ON THE PTERIDOPHYTE IN SHANDONG PROVINCE OF CHINA ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE NYMPHAEALES THE REGULARITY OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE VEGETATION IN HUBEI PROVINCE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE RARE, ENDANGERED AND PROTECTED PLANTS IN ZHEJIANG AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS OF FLORA STUDIES ON THE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENUS SHIBATAEA MAKINO INVESTIGATION AND STUDY ON THE RESOURCES OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN HUBEI PROVINCE THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ALISMATACEAE IN SOUTHWESTERN HUBEI ON REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF E. SICHUAN-W. HUBEI AREA BASED ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SPERMATOPHYTE FLORA OF MULINZI NATURE CONSERVATION IN W. HUBEI SOME NEWLY RECORDED PLANTS FROM HAINAN ISLAND SOME NEW RECORDED PLANTS FROM ANHUI AND NEW GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLORISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BAMBUSOIDEAE IN HAINAN FLORISTIC ANALYSIS OF SEED PLANT FAMILIES IN XINJIANG STUDIES ON THE BIOSYSTEMATIC RELATIONSHIPS AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF TRIKERAIA BOR AND STEPHANACHNE KENG Geographic Variation of DBH Growth of Chinese Fir Provenances

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