Effect of Thidiazuron on Fruit Growth and Development of Lilium Oriental
Effect of Exogenous Hormones on Endogenous ABA Level with Its Relation to Assimilate Accumulation in Soybean Seeds Effects of Weak Light on Rice Sucrose Content and Sucrose Degradation Enzyme Activities at Grain-Filling Stage Cloning of a cDNA Fragment of Acid lnvertase Gene from Cucumis melo L.Fruit Sugar Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities in the Litchi Fruit of ‘Nuomici’and‘Feizixiao’ Analysis of Genomic Structure and Introns of SoNIN1 Gene from Sugarcane Advanced in Plant Invertase and Regulation of Gene Expression Advanced in Plant Invertase and Regulation of Gene Expression Antisense Ac id Inverta se ( anti-MA I1) Gene Alters Soluble Sugar Composition and Size in Transgenic Muskmelon Fruit Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Neutral/alkaline Invertase Gene (CsINV10) in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze) Advances in Research on Invertase in Plant Development and Response to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses Physiological Characters of Latex from Three Hevea Clones (Reyan 8-79, Reyan7-33-97 and PR107) Changes in Cell Wall Components and Related Hydrolytic Enzymes in Fruit Softening Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sugarcane Alkaline/Neutral Invertase (SoNIN1) Gene A Comparative Study on the Role of Cytokinins in Caryopsis Development in the Maize miniature1 Seed Mutant and its Wild Type Effects of 1,3-dichloropropene on soil microbial population and enzyme activities Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato Antisense Ac id Inverta se ( anti-MA I1) Gene Alters Soluble Sugar Composition and Size in Transgenic Muskmelon Fruit Effects of Root Restriction on Soluble Sugar Contents and Related Enzyme Activities in‘Jumeigui’Grape Berries Effect of Thidiazuron on Fruit Growth and Development of Lilium Oriental
Response of soil saccharidase activities to free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) under rice-wheat rotation Dynamics of Soluble Sugar and ABA Contents in Leaves and Roots of Catharanthus roseus Seedlings Subjected to Natural Drought Condition Effects of Root Restriction on Soluble Sugar Contents and Related Enzyme Activities in‘Jumeigui’Grape Berries Acceleration of Grain Growth and Development Process by FACE during Early Grain Filling Stage of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Study on Invertase Activity in Seedlings of Chinese Fir Soil invertase and urease activities at different periods in subalpine forest gap in western Sichuan Changes in Softening-related Enzymes in Melting- and Nonmelting-flesh Nectarines after Harvest Cloning and Functional Analysis of GhVacInc2a Encoding Vacuolar Invertase in Cotton Dynamics of invertase activity of black soil treated by a long-term located fertilization and its influence Relationship between Activities of Sucrose-metabolizing Enzymes and Sugar Accumulation in Fruit during Chinese Olive Development Molecular Cloning and Sequence of Acid Invertase Gene Fragments(CMCW1) from Clivia miniata Changes of Sugar Content and Sugar Metabolizing Enzyme Activities in the Flesh of Developing Walnut Fruit Soil basal respiration and enzyme activities in the root-layer soil of tea bushes in a red soil Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato Purification, Biochemical and Immunological Characterization of Acid Invertases from Apple Fruit A Study on the Relationships between Acid Invertase , Sucrose Synthase andSucrose Metabolism in ‘Red Fuji’Apple Fruit Effects of different nitrogen forms on microbial quantity and  enzymes activities in soybean field Relationship between Leaf Sucrose and Starch Content and Their Degradative Enzymes Activities in Crop Plants Study on Effects of DPC on Endogenous Hormone Levels and the Development of Cotton Bolls Effects of Tree Shape on the Sugar Accumulation and Activity of Sorbitol-Invertase of Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Sunhwang’ Activity, but not Expression, of Soluble and Cell Wall-Bound Acid Invertases Is Induced by Abscisic Acid in Developing Apple Fruit Cell-wall Invertases from Rice are Differentially Expressed in Caryopsis during the Grain Filling Stage Isolation and Activity Analysis of Cell Wall Invertase Gene Promoter (EhcwINVP) from Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun Isolation, Purification and Some Properties of Invertase from Leaves of Mandarin Orange Effects of long-term fertilization on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and enzyme activities during maize growing season A Study on the Relationships between Acid Invertase , Sucrose Synthase andSucrose Metabolism in ‘Red Fuji’Apple Fruit Impact of Water Stress on Invertase Expression and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Leaves of Tomato Seedling Impact of Water Stress on Invertase Expression and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Leaves of Tomato Seedling Changes of Sugar Content and Sugar Metabolizing Enzyme Activities in the Flesh of Developing Walnut Fruit Cloning of a cDNA Fragment of Acid lnvertase Gene from Cucumis melo L.Fruit Isolation and Characterization of Citrus sinensis Vacuolar Invertase Gene (CSVI) Analysis of Sugar Metabolism During Florescence and Flower Senescence ofTree Peony Petal Diurnal Variation of Invertase Activities and Sugar Content in Tomato Leaves Leaf litter invertase activity in the early stage of litter decomposition in alpine timberline ecotone of western Sichuan, China Tomato Cell-wall Invertase cDNA Cloning and Antisense Silencing Cloning and Characterization of Members of Acid Invertase Gene Family in Citrus Analysis of Sugar Metabolism During Florescence and Flower Senescence ofTree Peony Petal Molecular Cloning and Sequence of Acid Invertase Gene Fragments(CMCW1) from Clivia miniata Sugar Accumulation and Changes of Sucrose-metabolizing Enzyme Activitiesin Peach under Protected Culture Sugar Accumulation and Changes of Sucrose-metabolizing Enzyme Activitiesin Peach under Protected Culture Establishment of Detection System for Soluble Acid Invertase Activity in Lilium davidii var. unicolor Bulb Establishment of Detection System for Soluble Acid Invertase Activity in Lilium davidii var. unicolor Bulb Modified Method for PCR Cloning of Soluble Acid Invertase Gene in Sorghum bicolor Effects of ethephon sprayed at early tillering stage on the activities of peroxidase, IAA oxidase and acid invertase in sugarcane in correlation to tillering

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