Gsvat for transfer among land/atmosphere interface STUDIED ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGY OF DROUGHT-RESISTANCE IN CARAGANA KORSHINSKII AND SOIL WATER Comparative Effects of Two Super Absorbent on Soil Physical Properties of Dryland and Potato Yield Effects of Soil Se Levels and Se Application on Se Content, Antioxidative Responses and Biomass Accumulation of Rice Effects of Different Tillages on the Soil Water of Spring Wheat Analysis on Morphology Characteristic of Heavy Metals in the Different Soil Types and Cultivation Modes Construction of Yeast Two-hybrid cDNA Expression Library of Stellaria apetala Ucria and Acquirement of Interaction Partner of PG, a Virulence Factor From Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Analysis of Fatty Acid Compositions in Zanthoxylum armatum DC. Oil With Different Extraction Methods Effects of Tobacco Garlic Crop Rotation and Tobacco Garlic Crop Intercropping on Soil Agrochemical Characters and Tobacco Yield Simulation of Oilseed Flax Development Duration Based on APSIM Effect of Different Potassium Supply Levels on Transportation, Distribution of Dry Matter and K-fertilizer Utilization Efficiency After Anthesis in Oil Flax Application Effect of Piggery Biogas Slurry on the Soilless Culture of Swamp Cabbage Research Progress of Remediation Contaminated Soil by Radioactive Cs Study on the Water Content Dynamics of Different Winter Wheat Organs under Bunch Planting and Plastic Film Mulching with Soil on Flat Field during the Whole Crop Seasons Effects of Mulching Time and Methods on Soil Hydrothermal Status and Potato Yield on Rain-fed Field Effect of Different Organic Manures on Yield and Quality of Oil Flax Effects of Different Treatments on Controlled Biological Freezing Point Storage of Sweet Cherry Microstructure of Peanut Seeds at Different Developmental Stages DEVELOPMENT OF NEW HIGH OIL YIELD CANOLA HYBRID HUYOU 039 DETERMINATION OF 137Cs AND 210Pb USING HPGeγ SPECTROMETRY AS INFLUENCED BY DIFFERENT SIEVE DIAMETERS EFFECTS OF RETURNING FIELD OF MUSHROOM RESIDUE ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND FRUIT QUALITY IN PEAR ORCHARD MERCURY AND ARSENIC ADSORPTION-DESORPTION BEHAVIORS IN THE DIFFERENT SOILS THE VARIATIONS OF SOIL RESPIRATION AT THE ERODED AND DEPOSITED SITES OF THE CULTIVATED SLOPES DURING EARLY SPRING TIME EFFECT OF LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION, STUBBLE MULCH AND IRRIGATION UNDER DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION ON SOIL ENZYME AND SOIL NUTRIENTS THE DISTRIBUTION REGULARITY OF SOIL HUMUS CONTENTS IN TYPICAL GRASSLAND SOIL IN XINJIANG EXPRESSION OF BT INSECTICIDAL PROTEIN IN BT RICE AND ITS RESIDUES IN SOIL AFTER RETURNING RICE STRAW TO FIELD EFFECTS OF SUPER ABSORBENT POLYMERS WITH DIFFERENT GRANULARITIES ON
EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION ON SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITY AND NUTRIENTS THE WAVELET ANALYSIS ON THE SOIL EROSION INTENSITY IN THE BLACK SOIL STRAIGHT CULTIVATED SLOPE LEACHING AND MOVEMENT OF [A ring-U-~(14)C] PYRIBAMBENZ-PROPYL IN SOIL ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF Zn BY SPRING WHEAT IN HIGH ZINC SOIL AND EFFECT OF RHIZOSPHERE SOIL VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SOIL EROSION IN SLOPE WITH THE BELT DISCHARGE METHOD OF REE TRACER ANALYSIS ATRAZINE RESIDUES IN SOILS USING RADIOIMMUNOASSAY THE MOVING FEATURE OF 15 N IN COTTON FIELD WITH DIFFERENT SOIL TEXTURE Status of heavy metals in vegetable soils under different patterns of land use Effects of soil moisture on wheat grain yield and zinc utilization in zinc-deficient dryland soil Motivating effect of different dairy manure addition on soil initial fertility formation and ryegrass growth in coastal mudflat soil Biogas slurry use amount for suitable soil nutrition and biodiversity in paddy soil Influence of rice cultivation on the distribution and movement of acids in profiles of the acid sulfate soil Response of Olsen-P to P balance in cinnamon soil under long-term fertilization Variation of soil phosphorus under long-term fertilization in red paddy soil Dynamics of phosphorus in Fluvo-aquic soil under long-term fertilization Change of nitrogen use efficiency of maize affected by long-term manure fertilization in the typical black soil Changes of soil nitrogen supply in black loessial in Loess Plateau under long-term fertilization EC50 of soil S2- inhibiting rice growth and soil microbial activities Effects of calcium chloride on winter wheat yield and uptake of Ca and Zn in calcareous soil Physical degradation characteristics and mechanism of orchard soil in Weibei Region Remediation effect of the combination of ditching drainage and agronomic managements on gleyed paddy field in Poyang Lake Region, China Component characteristics of soil labile and recalcitrant carbon underlong\|term different fertilization systems in eastern China Effects of different soil surface management on distribution characteristics of pear roots Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on N2O emissions in a highly acid tea orchard soils Effects of different cultivation patterns on microorganism of soil rhizosphere in sugarcane fields Soil enzyme activities in different re-vegetation stages on sloping-land with purple soils in Hengyang of Hunan Province,  China Effects of long-term fertilization on soil black carbon accumulation in Lou soils Response of ACCase, DGAT2 and PEPC genes in developing seeds of Brassica napus L. to different nitrogen levels Potassium balance and pool as influenced by long-term fertilization under continuous winter wheat–summer maize cropping system in a manural loess soil Impacts of biological soil crust on availability of phosphorus and phosphatase activity in hilly regions of the Loess Plateau, China Effects of organic fertilization on soil nutrient availability and enzyme activity in arid areas Characteristics of soil CO2 emission and carbon balance under long-term fertilization in red soil Responses of yield and quality to nitrogen fertilization for oilseed rape cultivars with different nitrogen efficiencies Effects of microorganism agent on soil salination and alfalfa growth under different salt stress Effects of organic-inorganic compound phosphorus fertilizer on transformation of inorganic phosphorus pool in lime soils Investigation and analysis of soil molybdenum in the Tieguanyin tea plantations of Fujian Province Dynamics of concentration of Allantoin of different manures in soil and mechanism investigation Effects of rotation and intercropping systems on yield, quality of flue-cured tobacco and soil nutrients Effects of long-term fertilization on growth and photosynthesis of summer maize in fluvoaquic soil Effects of reducing N application on crop N uptake, utilization, and soil N balance in ricewheat rotation system Use of silicone tubes as a simple method to measure in situ soil gas N2O concentrations and fluxes Spatial variability analysis of soil particle compositions and soil profile horizon in field Study on long-term experiment of crop rotation and fertilization in the loess plateau Ⅱ. Relationship between soil enzyme activities and soil fertility Study on the dynamic of soil phosphorus in the transitional areas of grasslands and crop fields Effect of Exogenous NaHS on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings under NO3- Stress Effect of different mulching materials and methods on soil moisture and temperature and grain yield of dryland spring wheat in northwestern China The effect of compound bio-fertilizers on soil physical and chemical properties and soil enzyme activity in Leymus chinensis steppe The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus applications on soil enzyme activities in Qinghai-Tibetan alpine meadows Relationships between plant diversity, soil property and productivity in an alpine meadow Effects of fencing and grazing on vegetation and soil physical and chemical properties in an alpine meadow in the Qinghai Lake Basin The important role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in carbon storage in grassland ecosystems