Study on C02 emimion from soil of typical farmland in North China Plain Effects of effective microorganisms (EM) compost on summer maize growth and development Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Characteristics of Leaf Senescence at Different Plant Positionsafter Anthesis under Different Planting Densities FATE OF FERTILIZER N IN WINTER WHEAT/SUMMER MAIZE ROTATION SYSTEM ON HIGH-ERTILITY SOIL Effect of long-term shallow tillage and straw returning on soil potassium content and stratification ratio in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system in Guanzhong Plain, Northwest China. Effects of strong wind lodging at pre and posttasseling stages on growth and yield of summer maize. Effects of sowing depth on seedling traits and root characteristics of summer maize. Effects of tillage at pre-planting of winter wheat and summer maize on leaf senescence of summer maize. Effect of light from flowering to maturity stage on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Effects of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer application on dry matter accumulation and nitrogen balance of summer maize. Effects of shading on endogenous hormones regulation in kernel development of summer maize in the field. In Situ Determination of Ammonia Volatilization from Wheat Maize Rotation System Field in North China Feasible study on water-saving effect of wheat-maize rotation pattern The effect of wheat stubble treatment on the activities of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of summer maize(Zea mays L.) Effects of different fertilizers on soil enzyme activities and CO2 emission in dry- land of maize Ecoeconomic viewpoint on controlling weeds in the field of summer maize in the North China Study on fertilizer placement style for zero tillage summer maize Effects of shading on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Soil nitrogen mineralization and its prediction in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system Influence of density correction on latent heat, CO2 flux and energy balance closure in winter wheat/summer maize rotation fields Effect of long-term fertilization on photosynthetic property and yield of summer maize (Zea mays L.) Effects of seed dressing with imidacloprid on the seedlings growth and protective enzyme activities of high-yielding summer maize. Effects of Different Mixing Rates of Controlled-release Urea and Common Urea on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency of Summer Maize Dry Matter Production and Photosynthesis Characteristics of Three Hybrids of Maize (Zea mays L.) with Super-High-Yielding Potential Effect of Postponing N Application on Yield, Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization in Super-High-Yield Summer Maize Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Yield and Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution in Summer Maize Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation on grain yield, water and nitrogen utilizations of summer maize Nutrients utilization of integrative ridge planting system of winter wheat and summer maize Effects of long-term fertilization on growth and photosynthesis of summer maize in fluvoaquic soil Effects of reducing and postponing nitrogen application on soil N supply, plant N uptake and utilization of summer maize Effects of Tillage Managements in Wheat and Maize Rotation Crop System on Leaf Senescence Biological Characteristics During Grain Filling in Maize In situ study on influence of different fertilization strategies for summer maize on soil nitrogen leaching and volatilization Effects of different cultivation methods on soil residual nitrate under winter wheatsummer maize cropping system Effects of application of N and K fertilizers on nitrogen metabolism of two genetype varieties of maize under water-stressed condition Effect of coated compound fertilizer on yield,nitrogen use efficiency and soil available nitrogen in summer maize Soil nitrogen balance in winter wheat and summer maize rotation system on dryland of Loess Plateau Effects of different N rates on nutrients accumulation,transformation and yield of summer maize Genotypic variation in nitrogen use efficiency in summer maize Effects of nitrogen nutrition on summer maize water use efficiency under different status of soil moisture Effect of manganese fertilizer on maize photosynthetic performance under soil drought condition Effects of planting densities and modes on activities of some enzymes and yield in summer maize Effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and translocation in summer maize Characteristics and effects of climate warming on winter wheat/summer maize cropping system in recent 50 years in the piedmont of Mount Taihang Path analysis of summer maize agronomic traits and yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Effect of sowing date and density on sink/source relationship and canopy light transmission of summer maize (Zea mays L.) Effects of planting density and nitrogen fertilization on population physiological indexes of summer maize(Zea mays L.) in Guanzhong irrigated zone Application of coated urea in summer maize in North China Plain Photosynthetic characteristics of Summer Maize(Zea mays L.)with different treatments of winter wheat residues Vertical distribution and its change of root quantity and activity of inter-cropped summer maize Study on balance of phosphorus and potassium in winter wheat and summer maize rotation system Continuous nitrogen supplying capacity of the fertile soil in the winter wheat/summer maize rotation system Biological effect of maize stalk return to field directly under different accretion decay conditions Climatic potential productivity of winter wheat and summer maize in Huanghuaihai Plain in 2011-2050. Effects of DA-6 on leaf photosynthetic carboxylase and protective enzyme activities and grain yield of high-yielding summer maize. Effects of planting density on the grain yield and source-sink characteristics of summer maize. Effects of cropping patterns on photosynthesis characteristics of summer maize and its utilization of solar and heat resources. Effects of Shading in Field on Key Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis of Summer Maize Responses of Photosynthesis Characteristics to Nitrogen Application Rates in Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) Effects of nitrogen application stages on photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize in high yield conditions Use of integrated climatic index to determine high temperature damage to summer maize at florescence in the Huaibei Plain Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress Ammonia volatilization in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system of purple soil in hilly area of Central Sichuan Basin Effects of application of organic fertilizer under different planting densities on dry matter production and yield formation of summer maize Cause and mechanism of winter wheat yield reduction under straw mulch in the North China Plain Critical period of weed control in no-tillage summer maize fields A summer maize dressing decision-making model based on effective accumulated temperature Studies on recommended fertilization methods of summer maize in different fluvo-aquic soil texture Effect of nitrogen application patterns on yield and grain-filling of summer maize The grey water footprint of the winter wheat-summer maize crop rotation system of the North China Plain Simulation of summer maize yield influenced by potential drought in China during 1961-2010 EFFECT OF PLANT DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION ON HIGH YIELD OF MAIZE( Zea mays L.) Preliminary Study on the Carbon Efficiency of Main Crops Production in North China Plain Characteristics of Accumulation, Transition and Distribution of Assimilate in Summer Maize Varieties with Different Plant Height Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve and Nitrogen Nutrition Index for Summer Maize in North China Plain Effects of Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Xanthophyll Cycle of Summer Maize in the Field Effect of Plant Density on Microstructure of Stalk Vascular Bundle of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) and Its Characteristics of Sap Flow Effects of Different Row Spaces on Canopy Structure and Resistance of Summer Maize Effects of Nitrogen Treatments on Dry Matter Production and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) under Super-high Yield Conditions Effects of Nitreogen Patterns on Nitrogen Use and Yield Benefit of Summer Maize Effects of different uncovering plastic film periods and nitrogen rates on physiology, growth, yield and water use efficiency of summer maize in Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Provice