Nutrient Characteristics in Incident Rainfall, Throughfall, and Stemflow in the Monsoon Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest at Dinghushan Acclimation in Leaf Morphological and Eco-physiological Characteristics of Different Canopy-dwelling Epiphytes in a Lower Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest Carbon accumulation and allocation of lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in a MAB reserve of China Seasonal variation of fine root tissue N concentration of nine common tree species in Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Spatial and temporal differentiation of mountainous soil organic matter δ 13C in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve. The Caloric Value of Main Plant Species at Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil acid phosphomonoesterase activity and soil available phosphorus content in subtropical forests in Dinghushan Mountain. STUDIES ON THE DYNAMIC OF DOMINANT POPULATIONSOF DINGHUSHAN FOREST DURING SUCCESSIONS Ⅲ.CRYPTOCARYA CRYPTOCARYACONCINNA POPULATIONS Ecoanatomical Study on Leaf Characteristics of Dominant Species in Different Succession Stages of Forest Communities in Dinghushan Effects of nitrogen deposition on forest biodiversity: a review Below-canopy CO2 flux and its environmental response characteristics in a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Dinghushan, China Ecosystem respiration and its controlling factors in a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Dinghushan, China Study on the relationship between α diversity of plant community and environment on Dinghushan Study on the concentration of total organic carbon in the forest hydrological processes of three main forest types in Dinghushan during a rain season Spatial and temporal variations of some hydrological factors in a climax forest ecosystem in the Dinghushan region The CH4 uptake flux by soils of main forest ecosystems in Dinghushan The litter-fall of representative forests of successional series in Dinghushan Nutrient distribution and cycling of a Masson‘s pine planted forest in Dinghushan CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FOREST FLOOR LITTER IN DINGHUSHAN MONSOON EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST THE ENERGY FLOW AND ITS UTILIZATION EFFICI ENCY OF THE THREE FOREST COMMUNITIES IN DING HUSHAN NATURAL RESERVE STUDY ON CANOPY STRUCTURE AND CANOPY RADIATION OF MONSOON EVERGREEN BROAD LEAF FOREST IN DINGHUSHAN BIOSPHERE RESERVE, GUANGDONG BIOMASS AND EFFICIENCY OF RADIATION UTILIZATION IN MONSOON EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN DINGHUSHAN BIOSPHERE RESERVE STUDIES ON THE BIO-MIASS,PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY AND ENERGY USE EFFICIENCY OF THE MIXED FOREST COMMUNITY IN MT. DINGHUSHAN,CUANGDONG COARSE WOODY DEBRIS BIOMASS AND ITS POTENTIAL CONTRI-BUTION TO THE CARBON CYCLE IN SUCCESSIONAL SUBTROPICAL FORESTS OF SOUTHERN CHINA ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON LEAF LIFESPAN AND ASSOCIATED LEAF TRAITS ENVIRONMENT OF MICROCLIMATE OF MONSOON EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVES FOREST IN DINGHUSHAN Photosynthetic characteristics of canopy-dwelling vines in lower subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest and response to environmental factors 13C and 15N isotopic signatures of plant-soil continuum along a successional gradient in Ding-hushan Biosphere Reserve Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in Dinghushan, Guangdong, China. Characteristics of dominant tree species stem sap flow and their relationships with environmental factors in a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Dinghushan, Guangdong Province of South China. Role of Understory Plants on Nutrient Cycling of a Restoring Degraded Pine Forests in a MAB Reserve of Subtropical China Analysis on Runoff Water Quality in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Storage and distribution of soil organic carbon in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Succession of the original Castanopsis chinensis-Cryptocarya chinensis-Schima superba community of monsoom evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan Nature Reserve Changes in interspecific association of the climatic climax vegetation from 1984 to 2006 in Dinhushan, Guangdong, China Species Abundance in a Forest Community in South China: A Case of Poisson Lognormal Distribution Different Patterns of Changes in the Dry Season Diameter at Breast Height of Dominant and Evergreen Tree Species in a Mature Subtropical Forest in South China Beta diversity of forest community on Dinghushan Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil phosphatase activity in different forest types Forest microclimate change along with the succession and response to climate change in south subtropical region NUTRIENT DYNAMICS OF LITTERFALL IN LOWER SUBTROPICAL MONS0ON EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST OF DINGHUSHAN Spatial Patterns and Interspecific Associations of Three Canopy Species at Different Life Stages in a Subtropical Forest, China Root Biomass and its Nitrogen Dynamic of Some Communities in Dinghushan The Dynamics on Organization in the Successional Process of Dinghushan Cryptocarya Community Application of a Century Model to Management Effects in the Productivity of Forests in Dinghushan Production and Turnover Rate of Fine Roots in Two Lower Subtropical Forest Sites at Dinghushan The Element content of Plants in Crytocarya concinna community in Dinghushan Evergreen Monsoon Broad-leaf Forest The Dynamics of Soil Nh4+-N and NO3--N in a Pine Forest of Dinghushan, as Assessed by Ion Exchange Resin Bag Method Litter Decomposition and its Nutrient Dynamics of a Pine Forest in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Mineralization of Soil Microbial C, N, P and K in Different Vegetations Types at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve The Application of the Sampling Method to the Plant Population Pattern in the Lower Subtropical Forest Diurnal variations of fluxes of the greenhouse gases from a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest soil in Dinghushan The short-term responses of soil available nitrogen of Dinghushan forests to simulated N deposition in subtropical China South China Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou; China A preliminary study on the dynamics of bio-available nitrogen in soils of pine-broadleaf mixed forest in Dinghuashan Biosphere Reserve Studies on dynamics of Castanopsis chinenses and Schima superba Population in Forest Succession of Dinghushan Mountain Studies on Biomass of Three Lower Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests in a Mab Reserve of South China COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF A 20 HM2 LOWER SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST PLOT IN DINGHUSHAN, CHINA Studies on the Changes in Interspecific Association of Zonal Vegetation in Dinhushan Studies on the community biomass and its allocations of five forest types in Dinghushan Nature Reserve THE SOIL ACIDITY AND NUTRIENT CONTENTS, AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS OF SEASONAL DYNAMIC CHANGES UNDER 3 DIFFERENT FORESTS OF DINGHUSHAN NATURE RESERVE DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS ALONG THE LENGTH OF DIFFERENT_AGED NEEDLES OF PINUS MASSONIANA AT DINGHUSHAN Dynamics and causes of woody plant death in the monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan Response of biomass production to human impacts in a pine forest in subtropical China Effect of simulated acid deposition on chemistry of surface runoff in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan Building a Subtropical Forest Community Phylogeny Based on Plant DNA Barcodes from Dinghushan Plot ASSESSING SOIL NITROGEN AVAILABILITY IN DINGHUSHAN MONSOON EVERGREEN BROADLEAF FOREST BY ION EXCHANGE RESIN BAG METHOD CHANGES OF TREE SPECIES IN THE SUCCESSION PROCESS OF PINUS MASSONIANA COMMUNITY IN DINGHUSHAN, GUANGDONG,P.R.CHINA Water-Holding Characteristics of Litters in Three Forests at Different Successional Stages in Dinghushan Dependence of Soil Respiration on Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture in Successional Forests in Southern China Historical Changes in Heavy Metals in Tree-rings of Masson Pine (Pinus mossoniana) in the Pearl River Delta, South China Acidity and Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations in Soil Solution in Short-term Response to N Addition in Subtropical Forests Dry Season Energy Balance of a Coniferous and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest at Dinghushan Mountain, Southern China Response of Diameter at Breast Height Increment to N Additions in Forests of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Short-term Dynamics of Community Composition and Structure during Succession of Coniferous and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in Dinghushan Distribution and Biological Cycle of Nutrients in Cryptocarya concinna/Lindera chunii Community in Dinghushan DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF NUTRIENT ELEMENTS IN PLANTS OF DINGHUSHAN LOWER SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST SPECIES COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURAL FEATURE IN ERYTHROPHLEUM FORDII COMMUNITY IN DINGHUSHAN FOREST SUCCESSION AT DINGHUSHAN, GUANGDONG, CHINA

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