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Stocking rate
Patterns and drivers of vegetation degradation in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
Grazing rate effect on major plant population niches in artificially mixed-sown alpine grassland
The effects of different original state on grassland community restoration succession
Relationship between Soil Respiration and Plant Belowground Biomass under Different Stocking Rates in
Stipa breviflora
Desert Steppe
Estimation of diet composition and herbage intake of grazing sheep at different stocking rates in Inner Mongolia typical steppe by using n-alkanes technique
Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Plant Diversity of Artemisia frigida Community in Inner Mongolia Steppe
Effects of Stocking Rate on Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Spatial Variation
Responses of the Major Plant Populations of Inner Mongolia Typical Steppe to Grazing Rate Based on Niche Considerations
Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Belowground Biomass in Inner Mongolia Steppe
The Optimal Stocking Rate on Grazing System in Inner Mongolia SteppeⅡ.Based on Relationship Between Stocking Rate and Aboveground Net Primary Productivity
The Optimal Stocking Rates on Grazing System in Inner Mongolia SteppeⅠ.Based on Analysis of Liveweight Gain per Animal and Hectare and Benefit
Grazing Experiment for Sustainable Management of Grassland Ecosystem of Inner Mongolia Steppe:Experimental Design and the Effects of Stocking Rates on Grassland Production and Animal Liveweight
The Succession of
Artemisia frigida
Rangeland and Multivariation Analysis Under Different Stocking Rates in Inner Mongolia
Influences of Stocking Rates on C,N,P Contents in Plant-Soil System
Study on Utilization Pattern of Sown Pasture-based Sheep Grazing and Cutting
Vegetation Responses to A Long-term Grazing Intensity Experiment in Alpine Shrub Grassland on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Effects of Different Stocking Rates on the Structures and Functional Group Productivity of the Communities in Desert Steppe
Degradation mechanism of typical grassland in Inner Mongolia
A study on optimal grazing rates in
Stipa purpurea
alpine grassland in Northern Tibet
Plant Compensatory Growth in the Grazing System of
Stipa breviflora
Desert Steppe──Ⅰ. Plant Net Productivity
Element Composition of
Nostoc commune
Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis
under Grazing Pasture and Their Relations with Stocking Rates
Effect of Stocking Rates on Soil Microbial Number and Biomass in Steppe
herders‘ desirable stocking rates and methods for implementing a sustainable grass-animal balance in the rangeland regions of northern China
Responses of the anatomical characteristics of plant leaf to long-term grazing under different stocking rates in Inner Mongolia steppe
Impacts of Stocking Rate on the Spatial Patterns of Species in Temperate Typic Steppe, Inner Mongolia
The Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Herbage Regrowth and Aboveground Net Primary Production
Distribution of lichens biomass and its affecting factors during restoration process of Inner Mongolia steppe
Research on grazing management optimal model of typical steppe: a case study in Taipusi Banner, Inner Mongolia
Effects of Stocking Rates for Yak on Community Composition and Plant Diversity in Kobresia parva Alpine Meadow Warm-season Pasture
Responses of contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates for yaks in Kobresia parva alpine meadow Ⅰresponses to contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates in summer pasture
Evaluation of Forage-livestock Balance Mechanisms under the Perspective of Integrated Grazing System
Principles for design of rotational grazing systems