Effects of the Mixture of Bt and Chlorbenzuron on the Activity of Midgut Proteinase, Haemolymph Proteins on 4th Instar Larvae of Hyphantria cunea Photosynthetic Response Mechanism of a Desert Plant Species Nitraria tangutorum to Rain Addition Effects of Shading Treatments on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Sabina vulgaris Seedlings Grown in Iron Tailings Media Cloning and High Prokaryotic Expression of the Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/bBinding Protein Gene from Bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis) Changes of Physiology and Biochemistry during Leafcolor Transformation in Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Prokaryotic Expression of CP Gene of Yam Chlorotic Necrotic Mosaic Virus and Preparation of Its Antiserum The Effects of luxR_19 on the Synthesis of Phenzaine-1-carboxamide in Pseudomonas chlororaphis HT66 Construction of a System for the Stable Expression of Foreign Genes in Dunaliella salina Investigation on Physiological Status of Regional Vegetation Using Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager Data Effects of Drought Stress on the Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Leaves Characterization of Energy-Transduction in Thermal Pretreated Chloroplast from Spinach Comparison of Photosynthetic Adaptability Between Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum on Qinghai Plateau Combined acute toxicity of chloride Cd, malathion and acetochlor on Eisenia fetida earthworm Effects of four fumigants on soil nitrogen transformation Effect of low temperature stress and INA bacteria on parameters of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in loquat leaf Effect of acetochlor application on soil microorganism number and enzymes activities Effect of post-decapitation NAA-smearing on ABA and CTK content in the functional leaves of cotton plant Physiological effect of potassium chlorate on flower bud formation in Myrica rubra cv. Dongkui Effect of exogenous nitric oxide on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in tomato seedlings under NaCl stress Indication and response of soil microbe to acetochlor Phenylaprapanoid metabolism of sweet potato against Pseudomonas solanacearum Effect of dual-sunlight conversion film mulching on soil temperature, growth and physiological characteristics of tobacco Overcompensation in Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorococaceae) under light stress Analysis of growth factors of Nannochloropsis oculata The effect of cadmium on phosphate removal by immobilized Chlorella A method of determining microalgal biomass Spatial and temporal distribution of silicate and chlorophyll a in the coastal waters with picophytoplankton algal bloom Isolation and Characterization of the Chlorpyrifos-degrading Trichoderma Strains from the Vegetable Soil in Greenhouse Cloning and Function of Gene for Cytochrome P450 from a Chlorogenic Acid-producing Endophytic Bacterium Effects of organochlorine pesticides on soil microbial community functional diversity The co-operation of leaf orientation, photorespiration and thermal dissipation alleviate photoinhibition in young leaves of soybean plants Effects of growth light intensities on photosynthesis in seedlings of two tropical rain forest species Histological and Ultrastructural Observation Reveals Significant Cellular Differences between Agrobacterium Transformed Embryogenic and Non-embryogenic Calli of Cotton Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa) Exhibits a Lower Photosynthetic Plasticity than Antarctic Hairgrass (D. antarctica) Oil Body Biogenesis during Brassica napus Embryogenesis Glacial Refugia of Ginkgo biloba and Human Impact on Its Genetic Diversity: Evidence from Chloroplast DNA Perspectives in Biological Nitrogen Fixation Research Homologous Comparisons of Photosysthetic System Ⅰ Genes among Cyanobacteria and Chloroplasts Changes of Photosystem II Electron Transport in the Chlorophyll-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Thermoluminescence Proteomic Alterations of Antarctic Ice Microalga Chlamydomonas sp. Under Low-Temperature Stress Antisense-Mediated Depletion of Tomato Chloroplast Omega-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase Enhances Thermal Tolerance Degradation of the Large Subunit of Ribulose-1, 5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase in Wheat Leaves Impacts of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Biochemical Composition, Carbonic Anhydrase, and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Freshwater Green Algae Life History of Monostroma latissimum A Circular Dichroism Spectroscopic Study Revealing the Cause of the Changes of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Induction of Photosystem Ⅱ During Heat Treatment Photosynthetic Pathway of Three Rattan Species in South China A Limited Photosynthetic C4-Microcycle and Its Physiological Function in Transgenic Rice Plant Expressing the Maize PEPC Gene A Cytological Study on Acanthochlamys bracteata P. C. Kao (Acanthochlamyaceae) Inference of phylogenetic relationships among key angiosperm lineages using a compatibility method on a molecular data set Phylogenetic placement of Cynomorium New Taxa of Paspalinae and Paspalidiinae New Material of Volvocales from Wuhan, China Effects of controlled release of N fertilizer on cotton yield Effect of nitrogen on vertical distribution of canopy nitrogen and chlorophyll relative value (SPAD value) of summer maize in sub-humid areas Effects of planting density and mode on summer maize chloroplastD1 protein and photo-system II Relational analysis of leaf characteristics and photosynthetic capacities of plants Effects of plant polysaccharide compound agents on winter wheat photosynthetic characteristics and grain filling processes Exogenous EBR mediated the plant growth and absorption and accumulation of Cu, Fe and Zn in tomato seedlings under Cu stress Effects of sub-lethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos and isoprocarb on experimental population of Rhopalosiphum padi Response of chlorophyll in tobacco leaves on Hg,Cd,Pb stress in soil-tobacco system Flag leaf photosynthetic characteristics, change in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and their relationships with yield of winter wheat sowed in spring. Physiological responses of five deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings in the Northeast Area of China to burning Residues and spatial distribution of OCPs in the sediments of Gan River Basin A study on the hyperspectral inversion for estimating leaf chlorophyll content of clover based on factor analysis Hyperspectral characteristics of typical subtopical trees at different levels of simulated acid rain Effects of drought on fluorescence characteristics of photosystem Ⅱ in leaves of Ginkgo biloba Effects of simulated acid rain stress on the PSⅡ reaction center and free radical metabolism in leaves of longan Effects of groundwater depth on the gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of Populus euphratica in the lower reaches of Tarim River Photosynthetical responses of Gracilaria lemaneiformis to two antibiotics Effect of chlorothalonil on soil microbial communities of Larix artificial shelter-forest Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic traits and protective enzyme activity in maize seeding Genetic Interactions Reveal that Specific Defects of Chloroplast Translation are Associated with the Suppression of var2-Mediated Leaf Variegation 1-Methylcyclopropene and CaCl2 Treatments Affect Lipolytic Enzymes in Fresh-cut Watermelon Fruit Effects of Light Quality and Norflurazon on the Formation of Plastid Pigments in Cotyledons of Pinus sylvestris Changes of Photosystem Ⅱ and Respiratory Enzyme Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Enriched BADH Gene Distribution of Rare Earth Elements and Structure Characterization of Chlorophyll-Lanthanum in a Natural Plant Fern Dicranopteris dichotoma Effects of Strong Light and Active Oxygen on Photosynthesis in Soybean Effect of Different Light Quality on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber Leaves A Study on the Leaf Structure of Four Reed Ecotypes Effects of Rewatering on Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Protein Complex of Photosystem Ⅱ in Zea mays