Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Simulated SO2 Pollution in Eight Liana Species in South China Inflorescence Development of Chloris barbata (Chloridoideae, Poaceae) Purification and Characteristics of Antimicrobial Protein from Chlorella pacifica Effects of Lanthanum (Ⅲ) on Net Photosynthetic Rate and Ultrastructure in Armoracia rusticana Leaves Responses of Vegetative Growth and Photosynthesis to Temperature in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and Its Indigenous Congener A. sessilis Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Contents of Chlorophyll a, Proteins and DNA in Phaeocystis globosa The Characters of Pollen Grains and Stomatal Apparatus in Hibiscus L. in Relation to the Ploidy The Sensitivity of Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Two Duckweed Species to Simulated Acid Rain Effects of Chlorpromazine and Lanthanum Chloride on Proline Accumulation in Rice Seedlings under Cold Stress Effects of UV-B Radiation on Seedling Growth and Chloroplast Ultrastructure Changes in Some Woody Plants ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLASTS AND PHOTOSYN-THESIS IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF YOUNG AND MATURE LEAVES OF CYMBIDIUM SINENSE (ANDR.) WILLD. GAS EXCHANGE, CHLOROPHYLL AND NITROGEN CONTENTS IN LEAVES OF THREE COMMON TREES IN MIDDLE EUROPE UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT REGIMES NUCLEAR GENOMIC HOMOLOGOUS SEQUENCE OF CHLOROPLAST psbA GENE IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.) Effects of soil acidity on Pinus resinosa seedlings photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Effects of high- and low temperature stress on the leaf PSⅡ functions and physiological characteristics of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa cv. ‘Roufurong’).  CaCl2heat shock preparation of  competent cells of three Pseudomonas strains and related transformation conditions. Effects of light on carotenoid biosynthesis and color formation of citrus fruit peel Impact of automobile exhaust on membrane lipid peroxidation and protective enzyme activities in seedlings foliage of four northern broadleaved tree species Effects of exogenous Ca on some physiological characteristics of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) seedlings with different Ca sensitivity Combined effects of 24-epibrassinolide and salinity on the growth and physiological performance of Ulva prolifera. Effects of different accumulated temperature on photosynthetic performances of spring maize varieties during grain-filling period. Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of muskmelon seedlings under hypoxia stress. Role of clonal growth of the rehizomatous grass Psammochloa villosa in patch dynamics of Mu Us sandy land The effect of arid climate on the structure and above-ground growth of Bothrichloa ischaemum community EFFECTS OF CHLORINATED BENZENES ON AQUATIC BIOCOMMUNITY IN SIMULATION STABILIZATION POND SYSTEM Study on the Change and Judgment of Tobacco Seed Maturity Differentiation of Chlorophyll Content and Its Relationships with SPAD Value for the Main Greening Tree Species in Northwestern Liaoning Province Effects of Canopy Position on Leaf Structures in Golden-Leaf Privet(Ligustrum×vicaryi) Effects of Soil Microbes on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Elsholtzia splendens under Copper Stress Condition Comparison of Leaf Structures in the Green and Yellow Parts of Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Aureo marginatum’ Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Sinocalycanthus chinensis Ultrastructure of Mesophyllic Cells and Chloroplasts of Spirodela polyrrhiza under Different Light Intensities and Temperatures Allelopathy Effects of Oenanthe javanica Extracts on Scenedesmus obliquus Effects of Water Stress on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Red Pine Seedlings The Role of Light Intensity in the Recovery of Photosynthesis in Tomato Leaves after Chilling under Low Light Effect of Drought Stress on the Ultramicrostructures of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria of Five Plants Effects of Exogenous Glucose on Growth and Hydrogen Production of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Effects of He-Ne Laser and Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Chloroplast Pigments in Wheat Seedlings Effects of Pb2+ Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Two Wheat Seedlings Toxic Effects of Cr6+ on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters,Antioxidant Systems and Ultrastructure of Potamogeton crispus Effects of Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Hosta ventricosa Methodological Comparison of Chlorophyll and Carotenoids Contents of Plant Species Measured by DMSO and Acetone-extraction Methods Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. Seedlings under Drought Stress Effects of He-Ne Laser on Chloroplast of Wheat Seedling Exposed to Enhanced UV-B Radiation In Vitro Rapid Propagation System and in Vitro Germplasm Peservation of Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. Effects of the fungicide prochloraz on the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Studies of hemocytes DNA damage by two pesticides acetamiprid and chlorpyrifos in predaceous spiders of Pardosa astrigera Koch Manganese stress on morphological structures of leaf and ultrastructures of chloroplast of a manganese hyperaccumulator, Phytolacca americana Effects of high temperature and strong light on chlorophyll fluorescence, the D1 protein, and Deg1 protease in Satsuma mandarin, and the protective role of salicylic acid Effect of sulfur on chlorophyll fluorescence of flue-cured tobacco at maturation stage Comparison between physiological properties and cold tolerance under low temperature treatment during different growing stages of rice in northeast central region of China Comparative physiological responses of cadmium stress on Enteromorpha clathrata and Enteromorpha linza Effect of environmental factors on growth of Chlorella sp. and optimization of culture conditions for high oil production Response of anatomical structure and photosynthetic characteristics to low light stress in leaves of different maize genotypes Effect of high temperature on enzymic activity, pigment content and chlorophyll fluorescence of two Kappaphycus species Characterization of the responses of photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to water stress in seedlings of six provenances of Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) Photosynthetic physiological response of two Miscanthus floridulus populations to Cd stress Effects of manganese stress on photosythesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Phytolacca americana Response of reactive oxygen and its scavenging system in leaves of Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) engelm to water stress Advances in study on environmental behaviors of pentachlorophenol in the soil ecosystem EFFECT OF REGULATION FACTORS ON CHLORAM-PHENICOL DEGRADING BY ELECTRONIC BAEM STUDIES ON ~ (14 ) C-EXTRACTABLE RESIDUE, ~ (14 ) C-BOUND RESIDUE AND MINERALIZATION OF ~ 14 C-LABELED CHLORSULFURON IN SOILS BEHAVIORS OF ~(14)C-BUTACHLOR, ~(14)C-CHLORPYRIFOS AND ~(14)C-DDT IN Rana japonica japonica GUENTHER CHANGES OF CHLOROPLAST PIGMENTS OF MAIZE LEAVES AFTER SPACE FLIGHT IN RECOVERABLE SATELLITE KELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT OF Cl ̄-IN SOIL AND WATER CONTENT AS WELL AS ETMPERATURE A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INDUCTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLOROPHYLL MUTANTS OF Indica TYPE TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE NITROGENASE ACTIVITY AND NH_4~+-DEREPRESSION OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Anabaena 7120 UNDER INFLUENCE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE Effect of chlorine of ammonium chloride on restraining nitrification Interaction effects of light density and nitrogen on maize leaf pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and energy transition NITROGEN FIXATION OF PARA-NODULES OF ORGAN CULTURED CARROT ROOTS WITH 15N2 REDUCTION METHOD INFLUNENCE OF CHLORINE AND POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF FLUE-CURED TOBACCO EFFECT OF TI-CHELATOR ON THE EXPANSION, SYNTHESIS OF CHLOROPHYLLY AND CAROTENOID OF EXCISED CUCUMBER COTYLEDONS EFFECT OF COMBINED APPLICATION OF ZINC,MANGANESE AND CONTAIN CHLORINE NITROGEN FERTILIZER ON NUTRITION QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT GRAIN EFECTS OF CALCIUM SUPPLY ON SUBCELLULAR DISTRIBUTION OF CADMIUM, CHLOROPLAST ULTRASTRUCTURE,RuBPC AND PEPC ACTIVITY IN MAIZE UNDER CADMIUM STRESS EFFECT OF SULPHATE RATES SUPPLIED ON SULPHUR METABOLISM AND N, P AND Cl ABSORPTION IN TOBACCO Effect of light intensity and magnesium deficiency on chlorophyll fluorescence and active oxygen in cucumber leaves Identification and interaction analysis of QTL for chlorophyll content in wheat seedlings Effect of N and K nutrition on chlorophyll content and endogenous hormones in the process of tobacco senescence Effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid on photosynthetic characteristics of tomato seedlings under NaCl stress. Effects of shade and competition of Chenopodium album on photosynthesis, fluorescence and growth characteristics of Flaveria bidentis.