Predicting the growth of Phaeocystis globosa under phosphorus-replete conditions based on chlorophyll fluorescence determination Detection of DNA Damages in Hemocytesof A. woodiana woodiana Induced by Cadmium with single Cell Gel electrophoresis Assay The effects of IAA on the growth, chlorophyll and protein content of Ulva pertusa Responses of marine microalgae Tetraselmis tetrathele to the changes of photoperiods Pilot study about effects of Copper nanoparticle on phytoplankton growth Chlorophyll fluorescence of seven species of gardens plants and their responses to atmospheric SO2 concentration in Shenzhen Effect of acetanilide herbicides butachlor on Phsiological and Biochemical of Microalgae Dunaliella salina Enhancement of the Mehler-peroxidase Reaction in Salt-stressed Rumex K-1 Leaves Effects of sea salt stress on reflectance spectrum and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Bambusa oldhamii leaves Effects of clipping on the growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of invasive plant, Flaveria bidentis Effect of the combined pollution of perchlorate and hexavalent chromium on physiological characteristics of rice The comparation on seedling emergence and salt tolerance of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats The relationship between light energy utilization and dissipation of PS Ⅱof Puccinellia tenuiflora seedlings and osmotic potential of culture solution under Na2CO3 stress A Comparative Study on Function and Membrane Proteins of Chloroplasts of Three Species of Cephalotaxus in Late Winter A New Species of Cochlearia from Anhui Setiacis—A New Genus of Grasses Study on the C5-Pathway of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Euglena gracilis Klebs The Ultrastructure of Chloroplasts of Virusinfected Barley Leaves The Chemical Constituents of Pyrrosialingua Photomorphogenesis of Plant Roots in Vitro Active Oxygen Damage Effect of Chlorophyll Degradation in Rice Seedlings Under Osmotic Stress Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes of Blue-Green Algae Isolated by a New Gel Electrophoresis System with High Resolving Power Studies on Photoperiod-sensitive Genic Malesterile Rice in Terms of Developmental Biology Three-stage Transformation of Chlorophyll Transient Fluorescence Pattern Under Sustained Dehydration and the Discovery of Critical Water Content in Seaweeds (in English) Relation of Wind-induced Sand Displacement to Plant Biomass and Plant Sand-binding Capacity Effects of NaCl stress on photosynthesis characteristics and fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction dynamics of Pistacia chinensis  leaves. Impacts of drought stress on leaf osmotic adjustment and chloroplast ultrastructure of stay-green sorghum. Effects of drought stress on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics, and active oxygen metabolism of poplar seedlings. Effects of tillage patterns on photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of maize in rainfed area of Northeast China. Effects of low temperature stress on photosynthetic performance of different genotypes wheat cultivars. Inversion of vegetation canopy’s chlorophyll content based on airborne hyperspectral image. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and root separation on the plant growth and grain yield of maize and its rhizosphere microorganisms. High-spectral responses of Myrica rubra seedlings to UV-B radiation stress. Photosynthetic characteristics of Bothriochloa ischaemum under drought stress and elevated CO2 concentration. Effects of nitrogen deposition on  leaf physiological and ecological characteristics of Lindera aggregata seedlings. Effects of high temperature stress on photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Xinjiang hybrid hazels. Effects of acetochlor on the photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics and chloroplast structure of grape leaves. Effects of  chlorimuronethyl and urea on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and soil inorganic nitrogen. Photosynthetic functions and chlorophyll fast fluorescence characteristics of five Pinus species. A comparative study on effects of three freshwater algae species on rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus cultivation A protein extraction method suitable for two_dimensional electrophoresis analysis of halophytes Leaf gas exchange characteristics of Cajanus cajan and Mahonia fortunei in the limestone area in Chongqing, China Effects of CO2 enrichment on growth, photosynthesis and activities of antioxidant enzymes of two marine micro-green-algae Effect of plastic film mulching on photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics of corn leaf under different fertilization schemes at jointing stage Effects of the main ecological factors on gallnut yield Electron microscopic observation on electron dense structure in cytoplasm of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Effect of Cold-Hardening on Thylakoid Membrane Lipids and Proteins of Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat The Keratin-Like Intermediate Filament Network Exists in the Chlamydomonas sp.Pyrenoid Influences of Ce on the Formation of Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes in Chloroplasts of Cucumber Leaves Effects of Different Light Qualities on Structure of Chloroplasts and Photosynthetic Physiological Properties in Panax ginseng A Preliminary Studies on the Biomass of Bothriochloa isohaemum Community of Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi Province Changes of Thylakoid Membrane Stacks and Chl a/b Ratio of Chloroplast from Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Seeds During Their Germination Under Light Ultrastructural Development of Chloroplasts in Sacred Lotus Embryo Bud under Invisible Light Isolation and Purification of Cytokinin-Binding Protein from Wheat Chloroplasts Effect of BA upon the Amount of Pchlide and NPR protein and the Activity of NPR in Cucumber Cotyledons Chlorophyll Accumulation in Leaves of Rice Pollen Albinos The Effect of Light and Hormones on Leaf Senescence Construction of Chloroplast Genomic Library of Amaranthus cruentus R104 and Cloning of the Gene for the Large Subunit of Ribulose-1, 5-disphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase The Effect of Cadmium on Photosystem II in Spinach Chloroplasts Cloning and Sequencing of rpoA Gene from Rice Chloroplast Genume Photosynthetic Functions of Rice Improved by 2,3-eroxypropionate Ultrastructure of Chloroplast and Photosynthetic Properties of the Leaves at Different Position in Maize Damage of PSII by Sulfite Effect of pp333 on Stem Elongation and Leaf Anatomy of Peanut Plant Effects of Light intensity on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Wheat Seedling A New Species of Lepidodendroid Fructification -Achlamydocacpon sinensis The Regulation and Distribution of LHC-I and LHCP2 between the Photosystem I and Photosystem II Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in water spinach after applying quinhydrone in soil Effect of high temperature on the physiological characteristics of casaba Effects of 60Co-r ray radiation on the growth Speed and chlorophyll content of Begonia tuberhybrida Voss ,Ph.viotlacea Rchb.,Cyclamen persicum Mil1.,Dahlia pinnata Chlav Effects of high concentration ozone on soybean growth and grain yield. Toxicity and interference effects of dibutyl phthalate on Pavlova viridis Acute toxic effects of environmental hormones on marine microalgae Effects of trichlorfon on the growth of marine microalga Skeletanema costatum Comparative of the photosynthetic characteristics of winter wheat grown inside and outside open-top chambers Effects of low temperature stress on photosynthesis in sikRbcs2 transgenic tobacco Leaf morphology and PSⅡchlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of Sinosenecio jishouensis in Different Habitats Growth and photosynthetic activity of Microcystis colonies after gut passage through silver carp and bighead carp Influence of magnesium deficiency and excess on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Newhall navel orange leaves Effects of shading treatments on photosynthetic characteristics of Juniperus sabina Ant. seedlings