Effects of simulating acid rain on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Quercus glauca. Effects of different LED light qualities on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and nutritional quality of savoy. Effects of shade on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Ardisia violacea. Effects of photoperiod on photosynthesis and PSⅡ performance in peach during dormancy induction. Photosynthetic activity of Gloiopeltis furcata (intertidal red macroalga) in response to desiccation. Antioxidative system and chlorophyll fluorescence of Zizania latifolia Turcz. plants are affected by Ustilago esculenta infection Associations between weather factors and the spring migration of the horned gall aphid, Schlechtendalia chinensis Effects of water and nitrogen under root restriction on photosynthetic characters of cotton plants grown with under-mulch drip irrigation Effects of precipitation and nitrogen addition on photosynthetically ecophysiological characteristics and biomass of four tree seedlings in Gutian Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China Physiological responses of Salicornia bigelovii to salt stress during the flowering stage Effects of dietary chlorogenic acid supplementation on antioxidant system and anti-low salinity of Litopenaeus vannamei Nitrogen deposition and Leymus chinensis leaf chlorophyll content in Inner Mongolian grassland Comprehensive evaluation on photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics in seedlings of 4 drought resistance species Effects of alginate cerium complexes on ascorbate-glutathione cycle in spinach leaves under chlorpyrifos stress THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLASTS IN Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni LEAVES AT DIFFERENT LAYERS AND CHANGES OF STEVIOSIDE CONTENT DYNAMICS OF CHLORHEXIDINUM-EFFECTIVE COMPONENT FROM ANIMAL MEDICINE "8405" IN RAT 应用~(59)Fe示踪法研究苹果树对铁盐的吸收和运转 始穗期施氮钾肥对水稻~(14)C-同化物运转、分配及产量的影响 控释剂型~(14)C标记除草剂向水中释放的动力学研究 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NONVACUUM PULSE ELECTRONIC BEAM APPARATUS AND ITS MUTAGENIC EFFECTS ON PEA SEEDS BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SYNCHRONOUS IRRADIATION (SOFT X RAYS AND ULTRA VIOLET RAYS)ON WHEAT RELEASE OF BOUND ~(14)C-CHLORSULFURON AND/OR ITS DEGRADED PRODUCTS AND THE COMPONENTS OF RELEASED PRODUCTS EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON LEAF COLOR AND CHLOROPHYLL BIOSYNTHESIS OF RICE MUTANT W1 Effect of Irradiation on Physiological and Biochemical Property of Mat Rush Seedlings Effects of Cd2+ Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaves of Zoysia japonica Biological Effects on Tissue Culture Plants of Pseudosasa japonica Induced by 137Cs-γ rays Irradiation THE PRESENT SITUATION OF RESISTANCE OF THE BARNYARDGRASS TO BUTACHLOR IN THE RICE PLANTING AREAS IN CHINA CHANGES OF FLUORESCENCE SPECTRA IN THE TOBACCO LEAF INFECTED BY TMV THE EFFECT OF DICHLORBENZURON ON THE EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF CABBAGE BUTTERFLY Phylogeographical Study on Taxus wallichiana var.mairei (Lemée & Léveillé) L.K.Fu & Nan Li Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Portulaca oleracea with NaCl Stress Ultraweak Biophoton Emission and Chlorophyll Contents in Leaves of Mung Bean Seedlings under Different Spectrum Lights Spectral absorption coefficients of particulate matter and chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu Responses of phytoplankton growth on nutrient enrichments in the northern South China Sea EFFECTS OF N‘-(2,4-DIMETHYLPHENYL)-N-METHYLFORMAMIDINE HYROCHLORIDE ON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN POND MESOCOSMS Study on the Effects of Cesium on Photosynthesis of Spinach Effect of Nitrogen on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Blade of Sugar Beet Effects of Nitrogen Supplement on Chlorophyll Synthesis and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Poplar Plants Under Cadmium Stress The Preliminary Study of Xantha Mutants in Oncidium Effects of Acid Rain Stress on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Leaves of Gazania Hybrids Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Amur Grape (Vitis Amurensis Rupr) Leaves under Salt Stress THE PRELIMINARY STUDY OF A NOVEL YELLOW-GREEN LEAF MUTANT IN MAIZE MICROWAVE EXTRACTION AND HSCCC ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLOROGENIC ACID IN Eucommia ulmoides LEAVES Effects of light quality on the growth and chloroplast ultrastructure of tomato and lettuce seedlings. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on photosynthetic characteristics of maize under low temperature stress. Effects of low temperature- and weak light stress and its recovery on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of cut flower chrysanthemum. Effects of chemical ripeners on chlorophyll content and antioxidant enzyme activities of rapeseed pod. Response of photosynthetic characteristics of peanut seedlings leaves to low light. Alleviation effects of LaCl3 on photosynthetic characteristics of cucumber seedlings under nitrate stress Chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size-fractionated composition in Jiaozhou Bay Effects of simulated acid rain on Quercus glauca seedlings photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Photosynthetic characters of Quercus acutissima from different provenances under effects of salt stress. cDNA Cloning and Yeast Expression of Acyl-CoA Synthetase of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii An Analysis of Environmental and Biological Effects of Chlorpyrifos Construction and Application of the RNAi Vector for BBS1 Gene in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fesod Gene from Chlorella pyrenoidosa Cultivation of Chlorella protothecoides Using Pichia pastoris Fermentation Waste Liquor Effects of Fe3+ on the Growth and Oil Content of Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel Production The Study of the Structure of Perchlorate(ClO4-)-degrading Bacterial Communities Under Autotrophic Conditions Chemical Mutagenesis Breeding of Protoplast of Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria Establishment of a Novel Prokaryotic Inducible Expression System The Dispute About CHLH Being an ABA Receptor Effects of fulvic acid on bioactivity and persistence of acetochlor Comparison of the bioactivity of cyantraniliprole and chlorantraniliprole against three important lepidopterous pests Physiological mechanisms of strong competition of weedy rice at seedling stage Effects of low nitrogen stress on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of maize cultivars tolerant to low nitrogen stress at the seedling stage Physiolog ica l and Biochem ica l Changes of PoplarInfected by Ice Nuclea tion Active Bacter ia l Canker D isea se ( Ⅱ) Hyperspectral Approaches for Detecting the Roadside Tree Chlorophyll Content Changes at Branches Scale Study on the susceptibility tests of antibiotics and obtain axenic culture of Nannochloropsis ocutala Effect of SO2 on leave’s sulfer content and chlorophyll fluorescence of gardens plants in Shenzhen The primary study of tissue culture of Enteromorpha prolifera The study of using TD-700 Fluorometer to determine the biomass of microalgal Photoacclimation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa:changes in rapid light curves In situ monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence using PAM fluorometer Studies on ecological management of a caddisfly (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) The advance in environmental eco-toxicology of polychlorinated biphenyls Effects of different intensity of UV-B irradiation enhancement on photosynthetic pigments and polysaccharide content in two algae The responses of Spirulina maxima and Chlorella minutissima to enchanced UV-B radiation Differences in pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters between stems and leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum under different temperature treatments Seasonal changes of photosynthetic characteristics and pigment composition of Sabina vulgaris Ant. under water stress