Natural hybridization and introgression in sympatric Ligularia species (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) Plastid genome sequencing, comparative genomics and phylogenomics: Current status and prospects Biogeographic diversification in Nolana (Solanaceae), a ubiquitous member of the Atacama and Peruvian Deserts along the western coast of South America Geographic variation of chloroplast DNA in Platycarya strobilacea (Juglandaceae) Infrageneric relationships of Korean Viola based on eight chloroplast markers Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Emission Fluorescence Spectrum Characteristics for Stems of Phyllostachys pubescens Comparison of chlorophyll content and fluorescence parameters of six pasture species in two habitats in China Effects of UV-B exclusion on photosynthetic physiology in alpine plant Saussurea superba Effects of mechanical damage of leaves on volatile organic compounds and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in seedlings of Cinnamomum camphora Research on the photoprotection and photosynthesis characteristics of young cotton leaves under field conditions Changes of photosynthetic pigment and photosynthetic enzyme activity in stems of Phyllostachys pubescens during rapid growth stage after shooting Effects of short-term phloem girdling on physiology in two desert plants in the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert Effects of maize-peanut intercropping and phosphate fertilizer on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of intercropped peanut plants Effects of nitrogen regulation on photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of functional leaves in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) under salt environment Effects of low light stress on rubisco activity and the ultrastructure of chloroplast in functional leaves of peanut Mechanisms of photoinhibition induced by high light in Hosta grown outdoors Assessment of photosynthetic photo-inhibition and recovery of PSII photochemical efficiency in leaves of wheat varieties in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Effects of methyl viologen on the antioxidant system in cultured Salvia miltiorrhiza cells Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling Eco-physiological responses of Polytrichum commune to soil contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls Effects of endophyte transmission on ecophysiological characteristics of Achnatherum sibiricum Behaviour of chlorion from ammonium chloride application in irrigated-desert soil in Hexi Corridor Effects of drought stress on chlorophyll fluorescence of winter wheat Effect of Pseudomonas solanacearum infection on H202 metabolism and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and their relations to disease resistance Changing laws of chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate in winter wheat leaves Effects of salt stress on photosynthesis and ion accumulation patterns of Suaeda salsa under different habitats Differences in leaf mass per area, photosynthetic pigments and δ13C by orientation and crown position in five greening tree species Effects of solar UV-B radiation on the efficiency of PSII photochemistry in the alpine plant Saussurea superba under different weather conditions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Effects of extracellular ATP on the characteristics of photochemical reaction in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves under different light intensities Photosynthesis Inhibition of Two Varieties of Quercus aliena in Salt Stress Effects of Water-stress on Osmoregulation Substances and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameter for Forage Grass Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in a Chlorophyll b-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Cr3529 HPLC specific chromatogram of Lamiophlomis Herba and its counterfeit and determination of four effective components The Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Lotus Embryo Is Light-dependent The Influence of Surfactants on Chlorophyll Binding Status and Excitation Energy Transfer in Photosystem ¢? of Wheat (in English) Kinetic Fluorescence Spectral Analysis of Core Antennas CP43 and CP47 of Photosystem Ⅱ with Ultrafast Time-resolved Technology Chloroplast Composition and Structural Differences in a Chlorophyll-reduced Mutant of Oilseed Rape Seedlings P61 Protein from a Male Sterile Mutant of Rice is an Isoform of the Chloroplast ATPase β Subunit Effects of Dehydration and Rehydration on Photosynthesis of Detached Leaves of the Resurrective Plant Boea hygrometrica Effects of High Nocturnal Temperature on Photosynthetic Organization in Rice Leaves The Relation Between C4 Pathway Enzymes and PSII Photochemical Function in Soybean Characteristics and Comparative Study of Chlorophyll-protein Complexes from Siphonous Green Algae Comparison of Some Characteristics Between Phragmites communis and Its Salt Tolerant Variant A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON HEAT AND DROUGHT TOLERANCE BETWEEN SALIX GORDEJEVII AND SALIX BABYLONICA PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE IN LEAVES OF COTTON PLANTS GROWN IN FULL LIGHT AND 40% SUNLIGHT EFFECTS OF SAND BURIAL AND SEED SIZE ON SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING EMERGENCE OF PSAMMOCHLOA VILLOSA DIURNAL CHANGES OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE IN CANOPY LEAVES OF FOUR DIPTOCARP SPECIES UNDER EX_SITU CONSERVATION Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis in Leaves of two Developing Stages of a Tropical Rainforest Canopy Tree, Pometia Tomentosa Photosynthetic Responses of Plants to Supplementary UV-B Radiation and Sulfite and Their Resistances Photosynthetic Responses of a Subtropical Forest Shrub£¨Pachysandra terminalis£?to Simulated Lightflecks Effects of Simulated Acid Rain Stress on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters in Leaves of Longan Effects of High Co2 Concentration on Physiological and Biochemical Processes in Lily Lilium dauricum Response of reactive oxygen metabolism in melon chloroplasts to shortterm salinityalkalinity stress regulated by exogenous γ-aminobutyric acid. Application of stationary wavelet transformation to winter wheat SPAD hyperspectral monitoring. Effects of low magnesium on photosynthesis characteristics and antioxidant system in cucumber seedlings under low temperature. Leaf morphology and photosynthetic characteristics of wild Ussurian pear in China. Effects of drought stress on performance of photosystem Ⅱ in maize seedling stage. Effects of soil progressive drought during the flowering and boll-forming stage on gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of the subtending leaf to cotton boll. Effects of chlorophylliniron on osmotic adjustment and activities of antioxidantive enzymes in cucumber seedlings under suboptimal temperature. Experimental study on cytochrome P450 enzymes after receiving ferment powder caterpillar fungus Concentration of biyankang extracts using multi-stagemembranes separation Anatomy, Histochemistry and Phytochemistry of Aloe arborescens Leaves According to Leaf-age Effects of Fertilization, Variety and Seed Size on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Winter Wheat Effects of Exogenous Chlorine on the Growth and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings Effects of Sodium and Calcium Salt Stresses on Strawberry Photosynthesis The Response of Cultivated Nostoc flagelliforme to Salt Stress Photosynthetic Rates and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Nitraria tangutorum at Different Leaf Water Potentials Study on the polypeptide composition and content of LHCⅡ and the cab gene transcription in chlorophyll-reduced mutant of oilseed rape seedlings Adaptation strategies of seed dormancy and germination of Psammochloa villosa , a sand dune grass inhabiting Ordos Plateau, China Studies on heterosis of vernal hybrid F_1 of male sterile lines of Ven & K Typeal wheat and their relationship with chlorophyll content and zymogram of isoenzyme THE EFFECTS OF ELERATED CO_2 ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLAST OF THREE GRAMINOID PLANTS Different B-Type Methionine Sulfoxide Reductases in Chlamydomonas May Protect the Alga against High-Light, Sulfur-Depletion, or Oxidative Stress A Supplement to the Chloranthaceae of China Pollen Morphology of the Subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae) Pollen Morphology of the Subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae) Effect of elevated CO2 concentration on photosynthetic characteristics of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under cadmium stress Phylogeny in Chloranthus Swartz (Chloranthaceae) Inferred from Sequence Analysis of nrDNA ITS Region Compaitive Study on Liposoluble Compoands in Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides Effects of Water Stress on Energy Transduction in Chloroplasts Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Two Species of Freshwater Green Algae